Then, without waiting for the man to think more or think about a way to get rid of the current predicament, with the tightness of his body muscles, the body of the man who was originally stiff and couldn't even speak his body began to move beyond his will. Take a step forward and walk along the street like the pedestrians around you.

After crossing the street, crossing the alley, and finally stopped in front of an apartment, opened the door, and entered the apartment like a returning guest.

Then the man felt his body loose, and his body returned to its original state, becoming able to be controlled by him.

"Who are you and why did you bring me here?" The man didn't choose to escape, but he asked carefully while carefully observing the environment in the house, searching for the whereabouts of the so-called Lord Black.

In terms of mental quality and stress response, it is indeed far superior to my peers and deserves attention.

"Your quality is better than I expected." A strange voice sounded in the room.

At the same time, the man was shocked, and instantly looked at the place where the sound came from——

Sure enough, the next moment, with the emergence of a shadow, a figure shrouded in black robes, who looked like a member of the hidden society in some 3A masterpiece games, appeared on his. In his eyes, standing there seemed to be looking at him, and it seemed to be looking at him observingly, which made the man feel very uncomfortable.

"Master Black?" the man hesitated.

"Yes." The mysterious figure confirmed.

"Then Lord Black, can you explain why you forced me to be here? I don't think there is anything in my body that is worth coveting by an extraordinary person like you." The man exhaled and relaxed slightly. 'S shrugged and asked.

After all, the Lord had already appeared, and he didn't have a clue about everything like just now, and his heart was dominated by mystery and terror. After he had reason, he would naturally be able to deal with the situation more calmly.

Especially from the current situation, it seems that the other party has no intention of killing people for the time being...

"No, on the contrary, you are very suitable to be a believer of my god, and provide the power within your capacity for the glory of my **** to shine on the world." The mysterious man Blake shook his head.

"God? Are you talking about God?" the man frowned.

Although he is also a cross believer, it is only because of the influence of the environment. It is nothing to pray or do small things with the crowd, but if you really guide him to mad believers, you still need him to come out. If you work, contribute, and pay, you would say nothing.

His money was not brought by the wind, so why should it be given to the so-called God?

He did not give the so-called gospel when he needed God’s help...

"God? It's not worth mentioning in front of my god." Black retorted fanatically. Then, without waiting for the inexplicable man to question again, he continued to declare incomparably across Angers, "My God is the only one in the world, an all-knowing and omnipotent existence, the lord of darkness, the source of chaos, and the blood moon is a symbol of my god. The blood is the sweat of my god...Whenever the world ends, my **** will appear and guide his followers into the eternal ruins."

After a while, he stared at the man in front of him fiercely and said, "And you are a believer of my god! My fellow man."

"Except for God, the existence I believe in has no dark ruler, the source of chaos, don't talk nonsense." The man quickly shook his head and waved his hand and refused.

The symbol of this **** is not a good god, and it may even be a demon in the legend. As an ordinary human, he doesn't want to get involved with this dangerous existence.

"No, you will be there soon." Black responded in a low voice.

Then the man's figure suddenly stiffened, and Blake's figure suddenly appeared in front of him, reaching out a little on his forehead, and a frantic and tyrannical stream of information exploded in his mind, covering His spirit, will, the prayers of the evil god, pictures, and various methods of sacrifice were presented in his mind.

"Call my god, believe in my god, we will surely get eternal life under the gift of God." Black whispered in his voice.

"Yes, I will surely gain eternal life under the gift of God." After a long time, a strange light flashed in the pupils of the man whose eyes had become agile again, echoing with fanaticism and evil charm.


And what happened to this man is just a small part of the incidents of many believers who have sneaked into other European countries, and not all the methods of the believers are as gentle as Black, and some have been brainwashed. I completely forgot what the normal social rules are. After entering other European countries, I quickly forgot about it and launched an indiscriminate attack on ordinary people!

Create chaos and bloodshed to win the favor and reward of the gods.

For example, the few believers who entered the territory of Idali, do not know whether it is because of the environment or the influence of the churches and clergy that exist all over the territory of Idali. The believers in this country are very crazy and often just arrived. It didn't take long for a place to start creating chaos and killings, until the most orthodox clergy came to crusade, then the target was transferred to escape the pursuit...

But in the end it didn't end well.

Only one or two brains are good enough to know how to use the local population to flee in disguise, and barely save their lives, but they are not good at carrying out large-scale attacks. They can only become a mouse hiding in the dark, learning In this way, Black guides certain types of people to become believers, expand their power, and wait for the time.

However, more people still know how to use their brains. They didn't kill them when they came up. Instead, they developed believers from another aspect.

"Want to rival the power of a superhero?"

"Want to get money from a wealthy country?"

"Want to be favored by beauties, do the harem be in groups?"

"Want to make your fantasy the wife in the game become reality?"

"Believe in my god, sacrifice to my god, your wishes, the gods will satisfy you!"

"Come on, worship my god."

Therefore, over time, the borders of countries in Western Europe and Northern Europe that have not been covered by abnormal magnetic fields have also become chaotic. Various murders and bloodshed incidents have occurred frequently, making the police of various countries exhausted and the leaders of all countries. I had a headache, and I had to start mobilizing contacts to find more and better solutions——

For example, find dad and so on.


"Master Judy, Europe is not safe anymore, you see..." In a century-old castle in Spain, Lisa the Witch looked at Judy who was watching the Crimson Girl and King Solomon and asked.

"Get ready, let's go to Canada." Judy was silent for a while and replied.


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