High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1149: Campus life is fun

"I heard people say that you went back to school. I thought it was a lie. I didn't expect that you really came back. Why, are you not going to continue to study at home?" During class, I didn't know who I got the news from. Xiang Shi Yuyi of his former classmate blocked Qin Heqing, and asked with a smile.

"Ah, I suddenly felt that studying at school was more interesting, so I came back. Why, there is a problem?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"No, it's just a little surprised." Kashii Yui touched the bun on her ear with a calm expression, exuding a strong feminine aura and said, "So, do you mind renewing the front together?"

"Front edge? Is there a front edge between us?" Qin He Qing said in amazement.

"The cultural festival in the second grade, at the side corner of the B teaching building." Kashii Yui reminded.

The kiss that hit a boy who pursued her that time...

Is that also a leading edge?

"Are you not afraid of being known by other girls and becoming the public enemy of girls?" Qin Heqing asked speechlessly.

"If you can get you, it would be worth it to be a girl's public enemy." Kashii Yui licked her lips charmingly and said playfully.

"...Are you still doing that?" Qin He Qing silently looked at her for a while, then looked around, and asked again when no one noticed this.

"Which one? Oh, I think of it, I haven't done it anymore." Kashii Yui was shocked when he heard the words, and then suddenly said, "Basically, I haven't done anything like that since I was hit by you. After all. It was discovered by someone, and the impact was not very good."

"I've always been curious about why you did that kind of thing in the first place. You are not short of money, and your academic performance is not for those who fail to enter the university. There is really no need to do that kind of work for money or stimulation." Qin Heqing blinked. I lowered my eyes and asked the doubts that had been buried in my heart.

"Probably, it was because of curiosity. In addition, there was a lot of pressure during that time, so I just got up to that kind of thing." After the meal, he continued with some self-deprecating, "I don't even lie to you. The day you ran into it happened to be the seventh day when I officially started to do that kind of thing. At that time, I felt a little bit boring, and it happened that I met you again, so I just took this opportunity to completely break away from that industry. come out."

After a while, he returned to the usual smile and said with a gentle and gentle smile, "Well, it's almost time for class. Tell me if you want to continue with me."

"Even if it continues, I will only use you as my vent tool at best, and will not put any feelings in you. Even so, you have to continue with me?" Qin Heqing asked speechlessly.

"Why not? Just like I said before, as long as I can get you as a person, even if I don't have the heart, I will feel full of accomplishment. Why should I force so much? After all, I am not a good woman myself." In the end, Kashii Yui smiled bitterly, who seemed to think of it again.

"...Your phone number is still the same." Qin Heqing asked in silence for a while.


"Then if I think about it, I'll call you again." Qin Heqing replied.

"Then remember that you have to fight, otherwise even if it becomes known to the whole school, I will pester you." Kashii Yui said with a smile.

Then he stood on tiptoe abruptly and stepped forward, and kissed Qin Heqing's lips in surprise but did not object or stop him.

"I'll wait for your call."

Then Houxiang Shii Yui turned around and walked back to her class.

Then it was Qin Heqing. It just didn’t take two steps before it stopped again--

There was no reason for him, just because he met another person.


The girl who was originally chased by Qin Heqing, Ryoko Wuwei!

The two met face-to-face at the corner of the stairs, with an awkward expression, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

"Long time no see." Qin Heqing greeted him after a while.

"It's been a long time." Ryoko Gomi seemed to hide his panic, and replied as if he was tidying his hair down.

"Have you seen what happened just now?" Qin Heqing was silent for a while before asking again.

"Yeah." Ryoko Wuwei blushed, and his eyes turned softly in response.

"How many did you see?" Qin Heqing continued to ask.

"Not much. Just when I heard that girl said that she was not a good woman, then you kissed each other..." Ryoko Wuwei whispered.

It didn't have the coldness and strength that Qin Heqing had when meeting with her at all, and she looked almost like an ordinary girl in spring.

"What about you, do you want to kiss me again?" Qin Heqing was silent again for a while, then looked directly into Wuwei Ryoko's eyes, and asked boldly and scumbag.

"Huh?" Wuwei Ryoko, who didn't expect Qin Heqing to say such unreasonable words, was stunned, and turned to Qin Heqing incredibly.

Probably never thought that Qin He Qing could be shameless to such an extent.

"If you don't object, then I'll start." After speaking, Qin Heqing stretched out his arms and hugged Wuwei Liangzi's waist.

"No!" Ryoko Wuwei returned to his senses, and quickly exclaimed, "Um, it's going to go to class, I'm going back to class first, it's rude."

After finishing speaking, before Qin Heqing could move, he ran out as if to escape, far away from the dangerous element Qin Heqing.

"Sure enough, campus life is more interesting." Qin Heqing, who watched Wuwei Ryoko run away, muttered very interestingly.


In the afternoon, after school, in a cafe near the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

"This is the information you asked me to investigate for you. It's all here." Jiutiao Lingzi in a dark professional suit pushed a document to Qin Heqing.

"So fast?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise after receiving the file.

"Please ask my friend from the network supervision department a little bit." Kujo Suzuko replied.

"That really troubles Sister Lingzi, and it makes you useless." Qin Heqing thanked.

"That's not enough. When you have time, you might as well treat my friend as well, and there will be no problems." Jiujiou Lingzi smiled and said ~www.ltnovel.com~ This is easy to say. You can set the time, as long as it is not during school, other times as long as I have nothing to do, I can make an appointment. "Qin Heqing replied.

"Then I will thank you for my friend here first."

"As long as she is not afraid of being taken advantage of by me." Qin Heqing replied indifferently.

Suddenly, Kujo Lingzi's expression stagnated, and he cast a blank look at him.

After all, Qin Heqing’s physiotherapy method is there, saying it’s massage, but because of gender differences, it is not much different from taking advantage of women when performing certain services. It’s just that no one has complained about it. Otherwise, even if it’s Qin He Qing's relationship with her, afterwards, had to take some trouble to settle completely.

Of course, among them, she must be beaten up by Qin Heqing.

"Look at your information." Kujo Suzuko said in an angry voice.

"Okay." Qin Heqing stopped joking immediately, took out the information, and checked it carefully...

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