High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1150: Independent investigation

The content on the information is nothing else, it is the information of the publisher of the short video that Yueer asked Qin Heqing to watch before, that is, the detailed information of the fat nerd——

Publisher, male, 28 years old, named Nakajima Okata, living in Dongcheng District of Osaka Prefecture, is a vagrant, so all the fancy of life depends on his parents to support, is a veritable gnawing old family, society Despising the people at the bottom of the chain is not much better than the so-called homeless.

After all, even if they are homeless, some of them simply live without a house. They can still work and support themselves by working part-time.

So in terms of survivability, Nakajima Okata really can't compare with the homeless who are struggling to live!

Even if it wasn't for his little money in his family and his father was the president of a small company, he might have been killed by Huo Huo by himself. No one might know that he was dead until his body stinks until he is reported by neighbors. ...

Below is his specific personal information——

For example, when was he born, which hospital was he born in, what kind of vaccinations he had when he was a child, or what kind of illness he had, where did he go to elementary school, what his grades were, and he did not make big mistakes until he graduated from college— —

Yes, don’t look at the appearance of this product now, but it is indeed a social talent with higher education, just because it was played by a girl during college——

According to the information, it was designed to join a club of a girl he liked. It was designed by the boys in the club of the girl and several sisters who were close friends, and was directly run naked in front of the school teachers and students.

So since then, Okata Nakajima has completely changed his temperament. Although he was not considered sunny and handsome, he was regarded as an ordinary enthusiastic boy and turned into a gloomy boy. After a long time, he couldn't stand the discussion and regret in his heart. Dominated by emotions, he took a break from school and went home to study on his own, which then evolved into the appearance of this obscene and fat house that people hate dogs.

After that, there are related information such as his online account, email address, and network activity trajectory. From various aspects, all the details of Nakajima Okata are presented in Qin Heqing’s eyes, and he has a good opinion of Nakajima Okata. Have a preliminary but not superficial understanding.

"Thanks, Sister Lingzi, this information is very useful to me, so I won’t say thank you too much. I will wait for your friend from the network supervision department to entertain you later. I will take a day to go to your house and give it to you. Great health care will make you feel well.” Qin Heqing closed the information in his hands and thanked.

"Apart from this, don't you have other ways of thanking you?" Nine Bells held a coffee cup in his hand and asked, looking at him speechlessly.

"Isn't the general health care bad?" Qin Heqing also asked pretendingly in doubt.

"..." Kujo Suzuko was silent, completely lost the thought of speaking.

"Then Sister Ling, sit down slowly. I still have some things to deal with, so I won't accompany you. We will be talking later." Qin Heqing smiled softly, turned his hands and put away the information in his hand and stood up. "The other sentence is still the same. Well, if your friend thinks about the time, he should call me and let me know. As long as there is nothing wrong, I will definitely come back to provide her service as soon as possible."

"Of course, there is also Sister Lingzi. I will be on call whenever you need to solve your problems, take care of your physical condition, so that Sister Lingzi can take the best condition to deal with those dangerous things. Criminals, bring them to justice."

"Just what you can say. Okay, let's go quickly, I don't have so many places that need your attention." Jiujiou Lingzi smiled and shook his head, and drove away impatiently.

"Come on, then I'm leaving."

After speaking, Qin Heqing didn't stop at the cafe any more. After helping Jiutiaolingzi settle the coffee money, he left the cafe, took the subway and hurried back to the apartment he rented.


"Here, the information you want." Qin Heqing let out Yue'er and Aychuan, as well as Miko Kikyo and Cuizi.

"What information?" Yue'er took the file bag in surprise, inexplicably.

"It's the profile of the guy who got Anna out." Qin Heqing cast a blank glance at her and explained.

"So fast?" Yue'er said in surprise.

She thought she would have to wait until the weekend of the week here at least to get it.

"Sister Ling Zi asked a friend of her who works in the network supervision department." Qin Heqing replied.

The key is here, because this can lock the IP, even if there is no way to get the exact information from the other party’s registration information, you can still use the IP to determine the location of the tracked person, and then ask the local police department to investigate, the relevant paper All the information can be found out!

It seems that it is not difficult, but without the relevant channels and relationships, the investigator can be tossed to death.

After a while, Qin Heqing asked again, "What are you going to do now?"

"Does that still need to be said? Of course, I went to the door to confirm the situation." Yue'er replied with a natural attitude.

"I know." Qin Heqing sighed. "Then do it according to your plan, but be careful not to make too much noise. After all, Osaka is not like Tokyo, although the countermeasures department over there and Tokyo countermeasures bureau are both a system. As far as the status is concerned, the Tokyo Countermeasures Headquarters is still the headquarters of the National Countermeasures Bureau, but after all, it is the forces from the Kansai side. If there is a real disturbance, it may not necessarily give me this one who is active in Tokyo. It is better to be more cautious about the priest's face."

"Why? Listen to what you mean, aren't you going to come with me?" Yue'er raised her head in surprise, and confirmed with some confusion.

"I want to go to school. So you will arrange this investigation, and the members are these few in the house." Qin Heqing looked at Ayukawa, Campanulaceae and Cuizi and said.

"It's just going to Osaka to investigate an otaku~www.ltnovel.com~Does it take such a big fight?"

Directly send three supernatural disaster level A or higher powers to exist in the past, I am afraid that it is not a problem to directly paralyze the Osaka countermeasure system, right?

"Just in case." Qin Heqing shook his head.

Is the power that can break the dimensional wall and fish the two-dimensional characters into the three-dimensional world?

Even if it is not a product of Cthulhu, it must be a very powerful behind-the-scenes supporter. If this is not prudent, Qin and Halal are afraid that Yue'er will become a dog-fighting meat bun, and it will be gone.

"Okay, don't waste time on my side. Let's set off now, and strive to investigate the matter tonight or early morning, and then rush back to eat the breakfast you made." Yue'er will hold the information Yihe, got up and said.

"Then I wish you a smooth journey."

Immediately, Yue'er, Ayukawa, Kikyo and Cuizi didn't bother to go. They changed into travel outfits, took the money, left the apartment and rushed to the nearest train station, and made the final preparations before travelling...

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