High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1158:

"Yes, but it's not good news." The real householder who knew the significance of Qin Heqing's existence for the countermeasures bureau did not hesitate, and said happily, "The entire Europe can be said to have almost all fallen, except for some. Apart from Eagle Country, Sweden, and Norway, which are separated by the sea, the mainland of Europe, including Spain and Portugal, and Finland, which are relatively far away, have not been affected. However, the domestic security situation and the situation are also very worrying. It is said that A large number of wealthy people and nationals are rushing to buy air tickets or cruise ship tickets, wanting to take refuge in North America or Hawaii away from Europe."

   "Then other countries just watched that, didn't they think of other ways to change the status quo?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

  As a national organization, no matter how lazy and bad Europeans are, they won’t even be able to do this kind of thing, right?

   After all, Europe is their home.

   "Why didn't you think about it? It just didn't work." Akatsuki sighed.

   Just like Qin Heqing thought, how can Europeans who have seen Syrian refugees live in other countries and how they are treated want to follow in the footsteps of those people? Therefore, when the situation was extremely serious, the national level finally did not hesitate, and began to deal with various experimental methods-

   Such as shell and missile bombing.

  Naturally, the target is not inhabited urban areas-this is not only because people do not take their lives seriously, but also because weapons such as missiles want precise guidance can not do without the help of satellites!

   But those countries that are enveloped by abnormal magnetic fields? Their biggest feature is to shield all kinds of electronic signals, so that the satellite monitoring and communication systems are completely paralyzed, and they can no longer be connected to the outside world normally. Therefore, if they want to directly drop weapons into important places in the controlled area, they must be able to shoot Go in.

   So the only thing they can do right now is to detonate or bomb the edge.

   For example, using artillery to shoot nearby.

   But the results are disappointing, and even desperate——

Thermal weapons are not unusable, but they have great restrictions. Only the munitions that rely on primitive means or mechanical skills to create explosions can function normally in the disturbed area. Once it involves electronic detonation or chip processing, enter After the interference area, they all turned into large "shots". After entering the interference area, even a movement could not be transmitted. It was completely eliminated. These high-level people wanted to use missiles to wash the ground. They could only return to the original. The origin is to use people and basic thermal weapons-that is, weapons of World War II level to advance!

  Moreover, you still have to organize secretly, with the assistance of the cross priest...

   The results that can be exchanged back are almost the same. The team loses contact as soon as they enter the disturbed area, and can't wait for a team to deliver a letter or escape, which makes people very doubt whether they are still alive.

So after trying several times and losing nearly a thousand people, European countries also had to temporarily stop, seek help from the outside world, and see other countries-of course, is there any way to change this. status quo.

  I just didn't expect it. This time, I waited again for the expansion of the abnormal area, which caused more countries to fall into a state of being obscured.

So until now, except for the countries mentioned above, it has barely survived, that is, Italy has barely been completely annexed. Relying on the convenience and background of the existence of the headquarters of the Cross and a large number of clergy, it is guaranteed. In Rome, it became the only light zone in the occupied area.

   "The situation is really bad enough." Qin Heqing sighed after listening to the story of Mado.

   "Yes. Now the shadow of the Cthulhu Apostle is beginning to appear even in the country, and I don't know how long this peaceful and stable life can last..." Mato Akatsuki also echoed helplessly.

   "Then it depends on your actions." Qin Heqing replied.

"Just look at what we have. You don't know the situation of the countermeasures. Just us ordinary people equipped with special items are difficult enough to deal with ghosts and monsters. Now there is another inexplicable evil god!? If something really happens, even if all the people from our countermeasures are caught up, it may not be enough." After a pause, he squinted at Qin Heqing with a gaze that didn't know whether he was complaining or angry. "It's you instead. , It is obvious that the strength and influence are super strong, but it is because of various inexplicable reasons. Why, is our strategy bureau so unpopular and offensive to you? If this is the case, why are you still contacting us for?"

   I really want to be that thing and want to set up a torii, which is disgusting.

Of course, the last sentence is from the bottom of his heart. Real householders know that no matter how stupid they are, they will not say this kind of thing at this time. Not only will it not make Qin Heqing change, but it will make it more and more countermeasures. Keep the distance away, that's really bad!

   She doesn't want to be such a sinner.

   "Then you will treat me as if I am too idle." Qin Heqing looked at Mato Akatsuki seriously for a moment, and said quietly, "I have to go to class, so I won't entertain you. Remember to be safe."

   After finishing speaking, Qin Heqing gave a small gift from Xiaomao ~www.ltnovel.com~ and turned back to school blankly, and returned to the class to start a day of study...

  "..." Madoto Akira silently put away his things, turned and sat back in the car, started the car, and hurried back to the headquarters of the Countermeasures Bureau.


   "Found it." On the Kyushu and Kagoshima sides, a figure dressed in a black hooded robe stood at the top of a building and whispered while looking at the place where the clouds gathered not far away.

   Then he didn’t say much. As soon as he moved his body, he jumped from the top of the four-story building, ignoring the confusion and panic that might cause, and fell straight to the ground——


   The floating dust lifted up, and the mysterious man's body also straightened up.

   Then without pausing, he walked forward step by step.

   has been walking for a long time. He stopped again when he walked to an abandoned elementary school campus, curled up his mouth, and shouted, "Is Duke Oda Shinna living inside? I am Augustine Kirk, by the order of Lord Evil Ghost King. To convey the latest order."

"Who are you talking about? The Evil Ghost King?" The next moment, the cold breath rolled, and a figure covered in the dark ghost mist suddenly rose from the ground, standing in front of the mysterious man who claimed to be Augustine, and asked in a deep voice. Tao.

   "Yes." Augustine unfolded his hood, revealing the white skin that is unique to white people and the wide face and blond hair that are unique to Germans, and answered indifferently.

   "Come with me, I'll take you to see Lord Nobunaga." The ghost man looked at each other up and down for a while, then turned to greet him.

   Then Augustine followed and walked into the school building with the ghost man...

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