High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1159: Augustine

After a while, the mysterious Augustine was in Mohuluo, that is, led by the ghost to the residence of Oda Nobunaga, a single room transformed from the original principal's office, and opened the door and walked in.

   "Master Oda."

"You are the messenger sent by the Evil Ghost King?" Oda Nobunaga closed the screen of the laptop he didn't know where he got from, his expression was neither salty nor light, and he looked at the man named Augustine indistinctly. Said.

   "Yes." Augustine affirmed.

   "He has sent you to explain something." Oda Nobunaga nodded nonchalantly and asked again.

   "The Evil Ghost King asked you to assist me in fulfilling my sacrifice to the Lord of Darkness." Augustine frowned when he heard that, and then declared with a feverish expression.

   "Help you to complete the ritual?" Oda Nobunaga said by mistake.

   It seems that the evil ghost king is really confused about the situation, so he can send someone over and ask himself to cooperate, who is he? Can the little soldiers under his hand come and go as soon as they are not needed?

   He is not his dog leg!

   And even if it is, you should send a more important person, or the Evil Ghost King himself to explain it?

   After all, in essence, everyone was a ghost in **** at the beginning. Apart from different backgrounds, who is more noble than whom?

   "Yes." Augustine confessed without understanding the situation.

   "Heh, I really treat myself as a human being." Oda Nobunaga sneered.

Again, if you want to come here in person, Oda Nobunaga will be a little scrupulous, and even ask for the whole thing. After all, the difference in strength is there. It is not too shameful to obey the fist or something, but you can replace it with this inexplicable guy in front of you ...

   "What are you waiting for? Don't hurry up and grab this idiot for me!" Oda Nobunaga glared at the Mohura who stood by and shouted.

After that, the ghost named Mohuluo didn't hesitate. With a flash, he appeared behind Augustine, kicked his knee, stretched his left hand forward, and grabbed Augustine's The collar, to prevent him from completely falling over because of the previous foot, and then stepped forward and strangled Augustine's neck with his hand.

   "Oda Nobunaga, what do you mean!" Augustine, who did not expect that he would be treated this way, flushed, and his eyes were full of angry questioning loudly.

"What do you mean? Can't you understand it? I really doubt whether things like idiots can spread from person to person. Otherwise, how could the Evil Ghost King and you be such idiots, and they can't even get their own identity. Understand." Oda Nobunaga was speechless.

   "You betrayed the Evil Ghost King?!" Augustine finally understood, shocked.

   "I wasn't his subordinate, so why should I betray you?" Oda Nobunaga asked amusedly.

   It can be said that since the evil ghost king was cut off by Qin Heqing in front of him, Oda Nobunaga has nothing to do with the evil ghost king!

In addition to this, coupled with the long-term lack of information from the Evil Ghost King, as well as the presence of Qin Heqing’s backhands in his body, the Evil Ghost King does not appear to him whether it is for his own safety or deterrence. Given the existence of deterrence, I would not take it seriously, and show restraint.

   Not to mention, he himself has no interest in participating in the evil ghost king.

   Alone at ease, Wuthering mountains and wilds, becoming the king of ghosts, isn't he fragrant?

   Although it is for now, he is only a ghost lord who is slowly developing his power...

   "Don't regret it!" Augustine stared at Oda Nobunaga, and said coldly.

   "In Oda Nobunaga's dictionary, there has never been the word regret!" Oda Nobunaga said proudly. After a while, he said again, "Take him down and hand it to Sandiro to keep her under strict supervision."

   "Yes." Mo Huluo responded, and was about to take Augustine to other rooms...

Just as soon as he acted, Augustine’s eyes suddenly turned dark, just like the full eyes in a ghost movie. There was no white white in his eyes. At the same time, the strange sound of khaka sounded from Augustin’s body, and Augustine’s whole People are really like ghosts and weird creatures, with their limbs and head turned back together, like a weird person whose hands, feet and head are turned upside down, with strange black air attached to his hands, and he fiercely blasted between Mohuluo's ribs.


   Then Mohuluo’s body exploded, turning into a cloud and flying back quickly...

   But then, with the emergence of a powerful suction force that suddenly appeared, the Mohuluo turned into a cloud again and flew uncontrollably to the weird Augustine, and rushed into his mouth!

   is like being swallowed by Augustine.

   Oda Nobunaga couldn't help but his expression changed. Without hesitation, he immediately pulled out the knife from his waist, stepped on the stool with one foot and jumped onto the table, and then held the knife high in both hands, slashing towards Augustine as if he was slashing Huashan.


The back of Augustine's head split, and a huge eyeball emerged from it again. At the same time, his hands were flipped back to return to a normal human state, and his arm punched, like a rubber rope, which blasted Oda Nobunaga in midair. In front of ~www.ltnovel.com~, ignoring the unique transformation ability of ghosts and monsters, directly blasted on his body.


   Suddenly, Oda Nobunaga flew out for a while.

   "Bang, wow..."

   "Master Oda?!" Jindalo, who heard the movement of the office, barked into the house with another ghost he had only recently overcome.

   "Hurry up, save people!" Oda Nobunaga cried out in pain, clutching his chest.

It was also at this time that Jindaluo and another powerful ghost discovered that they had been caught by the devourer, and seeing the condition of Mohuluo that was about to be devoured, he did not dare to hesitate. Jindaluo directly conjured a few. The shuriken was thrown towards Augustine.

However, Augustine, who was being attacked, did not hide, and flipped his other hand back again. With five fingers, he turned into five small fleshy whiskers, like the tentacles of a squid. It quickly grew into a terrifying foot like a giant squid in the deep sea. While drawing away the shuriken, the reverse True Daro and the unknown ghost drew past.

   Jindaluo was taken aback, his figure flashed, and he quickly quit the office.

   "What's the matter?" Sandello asked immediately afterwards.

"Be careful!" Jindaluo reminded, it was only a step slower after all, so the next moment, accompanied by a fierce roar, five huge fleshy whiskers exploded the walls of the office in a devastating way, towards Jindaluo and Shandi. Luo, and the unknown ghost chased after him.

   and bear the brunt, Sandiro, who was not prepared for anything, was taken away and disappeared directly into the corridor of the school...

   didn't know whether it was life or death.

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