High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1160: The end of Nobunaga

And taking advantage of this opportunity of offense and defense, the dark smoke that Mohuluo turned into finally failed to escape Augustine's swallowing, and flooded into Augustine's mouth as food.


   Then Augustine's dark eyes brightened, like two clusters of ghostly stars, shining brightly.

   "Motora..." Oda Nobubuki gritted his teeth with angrily.

Now it's different. He is no longer the hero of the Warring States period when he first ran out of hell, **** demon, but an old ghost who is carefully planning to restore his power, let alone a huge ghost soldier. The army has grown, and even his subordinates have changed from the original ten or so to the current four.

   And one of them was newly recruited in his later period. As far as the relationship is concerned, it is far inferior to the three old teams of Mohuluo, Zhendaluo, and Sandiro that accompanied him from the **** to make him trust and rely on.

But now that's good, I thought that a normal combat action would evolve into what it is now. All the members were beaten, only one round, and Mohuluo, who existed like his eyes and ears, was the first to die in battle. Augustine’s mouth.

   For Oda Nobunaga, it must be said that it was a blow. It gave him the illusion that he was going to die in his heart, and his expression became more and more crazy.

   "Damn bastard, go down and be buried with Mohu Luo!" After shouting, Oda Nobunaga stood up on the wall again, put his foot in a position, and slashed towards Augustine in a distance.


   The dark crescent blade light appeared, and in a blink of an eye it flew in front of Augustine's strange eye.

   Augustine didn't move, a red light flashed on his weird single eye, and a bright scarlet ray suddenly blasted above the slash that was speeding up to him, then exploded, and the starfire that exploded into the sky drifted away.

   Then Oda Nobunaga's figure rushed out from the spark, waved the black light package, and slashed towards Augustine with a huge sword like a super Nagano sword.


Augustine also turned into a giant octopus and waved the other arm that touched the foot. When blocking the attacking colleague, Oda Nobunaga was flew out again like a cannonball, and hit the office wall before he stopped. Slid to the ground.

   The figure flickers, like an illusory dummy with unstable energy supply, it seems that the figure is shattered at any time, and it may disappear.

   feels very dangerous.

   was obviously badly hit.

   Then Augustine's tentacles stretched, grabbing Oda Nobunaga who seemed to have little resistance, and dragged him towards him...


"Dato Hiratsuka, you hold this guy, I'll go in and save Oda-sama!" Jindalo, who saw that Augustine made his own side with only a casual blow, and even disappeared, knew that Augustine in front of him was definitely not them. A group of ghosts can overcome, so without hesitation, he immediately shouted at the newcomer over there.

"Okay!" Dato Hiratsuka did not refute, and Su Rong promised, he realized his weapon-a spear that resembled an eight snake spear, with a solemn expression, and greeted him with wide open moves. A huge tentacles that can be compared to his whole person on a single one.

   "Monster, eat me and penetrate the dragon flash!"

   As he said, the ghost named Hiratsuka Oto flashed, and the spear plunged deeply into Augustine's feet.


   But then, Hiratsuka Dato's face suddenly changed. It was not the joy brought by the attack, but a solemn expression of fear.


The reason is very simple. I saw that the huge touch foot pierced by the spear in his hand shook, and a huge force followed the spear to act on his body, making his feet unstable and involuntary. Follow along...

And this is only the most basic trouble. What's more terrifying is that with the dancing and twitching of the huge feet, an evil and terrible deep magic power also emerges from the wounds of the feet, like the most greedy bacterial monster in the world. It swallowed towards the spear and Hiratsuka behind the spear.

   And the most important thing is that he can't stop it!

   Just like Baomi encounters an ant, no matter how hard he struggles, the final result cannot escape being brought back to the nest by the ant and swallowed up.

   Suddenly, Dato Hiratsuka's heart sank, and he thought about his position——

   Do you continue to stay here to fight, delaying time and wait for Jindaluo to rescue the people and run together, or do you just pick up the people and find a new home to cast the effect?

   For a time, Dato Hiratsuka's heart struggled violently.

   But what about Zhendaluo? He only thought about Oda Nobunaga. He didn't have time to notice the change of mind of Dato Hiratsuka. As soon as his figure flashed, he got in from the wall on the side of the corridor and appeared in another room near the office. Then for another flash, he appeared in Oda Nobunaga's office, and saw a scene that made his eyes distraught——

   Oda Nobunaga is like a cake, swallowed into the body by the sharp big mouth that Augustine's strange eyes turned into...

   "Master Oda!?" Jindalo exclaimed.

   "So you are here." After saying that, while the strange eyes turned into a mouth while still chewing, he freed up his free feet and grabbed Jindalo again.

   Suddenly, Zhen Daluo's expression changed, without hesitation, he dived into the ground again in a way of transforming virtual reality...


   At the same time, Sandiro, who had been swept away by a tentacle before, finally removed the inertial force from his body, and reappeared in a stable form.

   "What a terrible monster!" Sandiro clutched her chest~www.ltnovel.com~ and said with a solemn, solemn voice, "No, I have to go back quickly, otherwise Lord Nobunaga will be in danger!"

   After finishing speaking, Sandiro didn't hesitate anymore, stepping on his feet, the whole person rushed back towards the school at a speed far surpassing the world champion, even the instant acceleration of the supercar.

And it is the kind that ignores obstacles and walls, just like a black smoke reappears in the corridor of the floor where the principal's office is located in an instant, without stopping, once again stepping on the ground, it rushes towards reluctance and stalemate, unable to advance or retreat. Next to Hiratsuka.

   "Get out of the way!" Sandiro reminded loudly.

   Dato Hiratsuka did not hesitate, regardless, even if he suffered a semi-hard support for this, he quickly retreated from the tentacle.

  Because he understands how terrible Sandiro is in the runaway state!

  Even among them, the only thing that is likely to fight with the monsters in front of them without being too windy!

   So the next moment, I saw a faint mist like a pollen floating from the body of Sandello who had returned, and it instantly touched Augustine's feet.


  As if pouring in sulfuric acid, Augustine's feet were corroded to a large part in a visible way--

   And this is Sandiro's ability to melt the special scales of all things. It can be said that everything that is touched by these scales, whether you are reinforced concrete, flesh and blood, or other messy things and energy, until now, there is no existence that Sandiro can't melt.

   is worthy of the name of the **** general, and it is really amazing.

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