High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1161: Cthulhu 1 corner

Augustine felt pain, but the madness in his heart became more and more vigorous, like a wounded beast, instead of retreating, the tentacles danced more violently and swiftly.

   A wave of evil and fierce power permeated, against the corrosive scales released by Sandiro...

It’s just that the final result of the battle is not going to talk about it. The school building itself was finally invulnerable under Augustine’s violent beating. The walls of the entire four-story building collapsed, and the debris in the classrooms and offices was flying. Broken tables, chairs and benches were all whipped up like garbage.

But the most important thing is the ground where a few people are located. Although it has been reinforced, it is an abandoned old teaching building, not to mention that it has been in disrepair. There are also some hidden dangers in its use, so it also failed to support Augustine. The tentacles furiously beat, the ground cracked, and several people had to land to the next level under the influence of gravity.

   "Boom, boom, boom..."

   The smoke and dust are full, and the sights on both sides are all blocked by the splashing cement dust.

   "Who!?" Then at this moment, Sandello felt his arm tighten and shouted sharply.

   "Let's go." Zhendaluo frowned, his cheeks full of pain and low voice.

   As mentioned in the previous article, Sandiro’s scales have the ability to corrode and melt everything. Naturally, this includes Jindaluo and others who are also ghosts! Therefore, it is conceivable that Jindaluo suffered at this time. It was no worse than Augustine, who was also suffering from the same kind of pain, and it might even be stronger.


Naturally, because Augustine is an apostle of the evil god, his brain is fundamentally abnormal, and he will go crazy. Pain is not only a catalyst for him, but also a kind of welfare. It is far from maintaining a ghost, but temperament or something. All of them are still in the category of normal humans, and Zhendaluo can compare, so naturally he can feel the pain of his limbs being melted more clearly.

   "Master Oda is out?" Sandiro consciously controlled the spread of scales, reducing the damage of scales to Zhendaluo, and asked.

   "Master Oda...he is dead!" Jindalo hesitated for a moment, and finally told the truth about what he had seen.

   "What?! Lord Oda is dead?!" Sandiro said angrily. In addition, the scale powder she had tried so hard to control also broke out again, and it spread out and permeated even more violently than before. In a blink of an eye, Jindaluo was completely included in it, and then continued to spread and swallow. The dust, the ablated garbage, once again came into contact with Augustine's tentacles, whose limbs swelled more than a circle in a short time.


   "I found you!" Augustine's manic voice sounded, frantically.

   Then the tentacles struck, and indiscriminately launched a saturation-level covering blow to the positions of Zhendaluo and Sandiro...

   "Boom boom boom boom..."

   Then a huge roar sounded, and thick smoke once again filled the corridor on the third floor of the teaching building.


"Huh? What about people?" After a while, the smoke dissipated, and it evolved from dragging the two mopping arms and the fingers on the front part of the arm. Now the diameter has been reduced, but the length is still exaggerated, like vine-like slender tentacles. Augustine looked at the hallway of the teaching building that was empty in front of him, confused.

   "Did you run away?"

   As he said, Augustine retracted his tentacles, his arms returned to the appearance of ordinary people, and the pupils of his eyes returned to the blue and white appearance and frowned.

   "It's really a group of little mice that cherish their lives. But it doesn't matter, as long as you still live in this world, sooner or later you will understand how terrible it is to violate the grace of the Lord Cthulhu."

"I promise."

After speaking, Augustine looked like a mental patient, standing in place with a deep smile "hehehe". It was not until a long time before he reformed his expression and clothes again, turned into a strange and mysterious person who made it difficult to distinguish his appearance, and disappeared again. In an abandoned school building.


   Then that night, late at night, almost 12 o'clock, accompanied by the emergence of a gloomy expression, the face was gloomy, and the cute and lovely Sandiro appeared in Qin Heqing's apartment without the cute and lovely Sandiro he had seen before.

   "It's you?! What are you doing here? Is it possible that my mission to explain Oda Nobunaga is eye-catching?" Qin Heqing, who was prepared to suppress the weirdness because of the sense of yin, asked in surprise.

   "Master Oda...Master Oda, he is dead." After speaking, Sandiro's eyes flushed, and she cried silently directly in front of Qin Heqing.

   "Dead? How did you die?" Qin Heqing frowned, asking somewhat unexpectedly.

   "It was killed by a guy named Augustine." Sandiro replied with hatred.

   "Augustine? Who is that?" Qin Heqing asked more puzzledly.

"He said he was the messenger of the evil ghost king, and he was ordered to come to the island country to do something, so I asked Oda-sama to lead someone to assist him in performing a ceremony to worship a **** called the Lord of Darkness..." After that, Oda Nobunaga refused, and Although it was a bit inexplicable ~ www.ltnovel.com~ to let Mohuluo arrest people and the content that caused the battle, Qin Heqing still roughly understood what happened.

   "Darkness dominates? In the mythological system of various countries, is there a **** with this title?" Qin Heqing thought.

   Not to mention, there are indeed. For example, in the Greek mythology, Tartarus among the original five gods, although called the **** of the abyss of hell, is more often called the dark demon.

   There is also his brother, Erebus, the pure **** of darkness, but his reputation is not as great as Tartarus, so he is less famous.

   Then there is Nyx, as the goddess of the night, she also has the name of darkness.

   In addition, the name of the **** of darkness is the **** of darkness Holder in Norse mythology, and the dual existence of Zoroastrianism, the **** of darkness and destruction, Ahriman.

As for the Asian part, except that Shiva in ancient Indian mythology is sometimes called the name of darkness because of his identity as the **** of destruction, there are basically no so-called dark gods in the entire Pan-China civilization circle, only the moon **** and the **** of darkness. .

   But obviously, this so-called dark **** should not be the original gods in ancient Greek mythology!

   As for the reason, it is also very simple, the upper limit of the world still cannot hold them for the time being.

   In addition to the strange form that Augustine showed during the battle, it is far more reliable to say that he is the dark lord of the outer gods than the dark gods of other religions will fall into evil gods!

   is more in line with Qin Heqing's expectations.

  Because compared to the outer gods, if these native gods also fall, the degree of harm is no better than the invasion of the outer gods, and may even be worse.

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