High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1162: God's difference

As mentioned earlier, there are two types of gods. One is the innate gods. Of course, it does not refer to the existence of the chaotic demon gods that were born in the original novels, but refers to the existence of the world itself, in terms of nature. Equal to the gods in the corner of the world. This kind of **** may not be powerful, but the specifications and essence of existence are extremely high. It is the incarnation of the world in a certain aspect, the human being, and the representative or spokesperson of the rules.

The other is the acquired gods, which are generally the gods that humans themselves have been upgraded to through death, such as the domestic city gods, judges, and underworld ghosts, as well as those in the island countries who were made gods after death. General heroes and so on.

   In addition, it is a strange **** born out of human fear and belief in a certain matter. Although the strength is generally low and the scope of jurisdiction is messy, it is not much different from the innate gods in terms of nature!

   At most, it means that it cannot be born like the innate gods to have sufficient power to apply the power of the rules it represents, and has no access to the rules at all, and can only rely on the so-called divine power to show miracles.

   So if this kind of **** falls, it will fall, because it does not involve rules, even if there is a problem, the impact will not be great, at most, it will be the fall of an area.

   But if it is replaced by innate gods, such as the aforementioned Tartags, Erkes, and Nyx, the super-high innate ancient gods that directly represent the essential existence of the world have fallen...

   That world, but there is really no saving.

   At least when the saint doesn't know where the waves are, Qin Heqing doesn't think that only his small body with the demon refining pot in his hand can afford to save the world.

What is worrying is that based on the information currently obtained, this so-called evil **** seems to have the ability to influence the rules-such as the wild ghosts that Qin Heqing and the Countermeasures Bureau have recently come into contact with. There are also human events that have become weird sources for inexplicable reasons, but they are always explaining that a certain rule of the world has changed.

   I don’t know if this is the direct addition of a rule program to the existing rules after his arrival, or whether his corresponding rule itself exists in this world, but it is now activated again, which has caused so many things.

   But no matter what it is, for the current Qin Heqing, it is a trouble that cannot be handled——

   Because he has not reached the height of the contact rules!

Even if he is a pot fairy, with the support of the lake world, he can easily mobilize the power of the pot world to observe the rules of the pot world itself, but that is only because he is the pot fairy, the pot in the pot. The master of the world is nothing but innate convenience, but if it is changed to reality here...

   Although working hard, using the rules of the world in the pot as a medium is not incapable of touching the rules of the real world, but it can only be touched and manipulated to exert a certain ability and effect. Modify it? It is not a **** level, and the rules have been controlled to a certain level, such as the so-called main **** level gods such as Zeus, Athena, and Apollo, it is simply wishful thinking.

   So Qin Heqing never expected that he could fight the evil **** in this regard!

And more importantly, judging from the current situation and influence, the rules that the other party is good at are still idealistic rules such as undead, soul, and soul that Qin Heqing is not familiar with, let alone he does not understand these things at all. , Even if he understands, where is he, an underachiever, who has become a god, the opponent of the old antique **** who has no idea how many years?

   I'm afraid that the opponent will be killed by the rules just after launching a challenge?

With that leisurely mind, he might as well think of a way to find the whereabouts of the other ten artifacts and see if there is a way to repair them. On top of it, it may be possible to save this ordinary world that seems to be the collapse of the real society... …


   "How many people do you have now?" Qin Heqing temporarily put the chaos in his heart aside, looked at Sandiro before him and asked.

   "Only I and Jindaluo, and the newly joined Dato Hiratsuka three people." Sandiro raised his hand and wiped the tears from his face, and replied.

   "There are only three people? Are there no soldiers?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

   He doesn't remember that the soldiers of Oda Nobunaga's forces were completely eliminated.

   "Yes, but there are not many left." Sandello said.

It turned out that not long after Qin Heqing released Oda Nobunaga and returned to Tokyo from Okinawa, Oda Nobunaga, who felt that the feng shui on Okinawa did not seem to be friendly to him, also decisively gave birth to the idea of ​​wanting to transfer, so he revised it a bit. After that, they crossed the sea collectively and entered the boundaries of Kagoshima, Kyushu, and chose a place as a base for the operation.

   It just didn't happen, there was already a great guy nearby!

This is their current companion, Hiratsuka. There was a fierce battle between the two sides. The soldiers of the Oda force, who had been greatly damaged, once again experienced a large-scale attrition, from the original mighty thousands of people into Augustine had less than a hundred mouths before the battle.

In addition to this, Augustine searched for Oda Nobunaga's whereabouts, captured, eliminated, swallowed, and the minions killed by the aftermath of the battle, and waited until Sandiro, Jindalo and Dato Hiratsuka escaped to heaven~www.mtlnovel .com~ When the team regrouped, it was discovered that the number of ghosts in the entire team had dropped to less than 20!

   It's okay to make a small fight, and it's impossible to want to whistle like a party just running out of hell.

  Unless, they are willing to take the risk of being besieged by the countermeasure bureau again to make mass killings, and increase their number of soldiers by spawning the undead.

   "What are your plans?" Qin Heqing nodded and asked again.

   "Vengeance!" Sandiro replied without any hesitation.

   "Is it up to you?" Qin Heqing said very ugly.

"So I beg your lord to take action, help us catch that Augustine, and hand it over to us! As long as you agree, I'm willing to pay any price." Sandiro did not hesitate, and immediately dismissed his seat after hearing the words. Bowing to the ground, he asked sincerely and resolutely.

   "You are loyal," Qin Heqing said quietly, looking at Sandiro, who was kneeling on the ground, "but to be honest, I don't think there is any place in you that deserves the trouble of asking Augustine for you."

   Even if he did not intend to let Augustine continue to be at ease.

   She Sandiro is not a powerful combat force, at least not much comparable to Sadako who is also a ghost, that is, it can melt the scales of all things, but Qin Heqing doesn't realize it is useful.

In addition, personal appearance is the same. Although it can be regarded as cute and beautiful, for Qin Heqing, who has slept all over the Warring States beauties and also has no shortage of women in modern society, the attraction is really not great, and it is not worth him Just take risks because of this.

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