High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1170: House thief

Rebirth of Japan as a priest, Chapter 1170, the changes in the northern coastline of the Pirate Island Country. After all, it is far from the main activity area of ​​Qin Heqing-Tokyo. Even if something goes wrong, it will not affect him for a while. , So the words return to the source, and then back to Qin Heqing's side.

On Sunday, there was nothing too much to say, except that Qin Heqing was invited to the club to help a certain friend of Jiutiao Lingzi who had helped him with physiotherapy. On Sunday, there was nothing to do, so he moved to the first place. Two days-January 13th, Monday, the day when the island country adult ceremony is held.

Although the laws of the island countries at this time have already reduced the age at which young people are fully entitled to full legal responsibility from the original 20 to 18, it is only for the legal aspect. For the traditional coming-of-age ceremony, it is still based on the age of 20. Forget it!

Just as the island country’s regulations still stipulate that young people under the age of 20 cannot drink alcohol, so although Qin and Qing have grown up in the legal sense, they still have to go to school like ordinary students, not those adults. Take a day off and go to the coming-of-age ceremony.

   So even if he was thinking about the coming-of-age ceremony held in various districts of Tokyo and even the whole island country at this time, he changed his school uniform honestly and went to Toyonosaki School with his schoolbag.

   Without him, if you say you want to go to school, naturally you have to honestly fulfill your promises and complete the last semester of school.

   What's more, there are so many places where adult ceremonies are held all over the country and Tokyo, which one can he care for?

   So instead of being struggling to deal with it, it is better to wait patiently at the school for news.

  He believes that if something goes wrong, Mr. Tanaka will definitely not forget his existence...


   "Why do you look a little upset?" Before morning class, Kato Hui, who noticed the solemnity between Qin and Qing's eyebrows, came over and asked.

   "Is it obvious?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

   "Hmm." Kato Megumi nodded.

   "I'm worried about the coming-of-age ceremony." Qin Heqing explained with a wry smile.

   "Coming-of-age ceremony?" Kato Ke was puzzled.

   As a minor, Kato Kee, who doesn’t need to take part in the coming-of-age ceremony, doesn’t know what to worry about.

   Qin and Qing do not have relatives of the same age who need to attend the coming-of-age ceremony.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Why, will the coming-of-age ceremony this year go wrong?" But I also know that things that Qin Heqing cares about are generally not trivial. Kato Megumi was surprised.

   "It is because I don't know if something will happen, and how big it will happen, I feel so upset."

   "What should I do?"

   "There is no way, I can only wait for the news." Qin Heqing Tan said.


   At the same time, the front-line officers of the Countermeasures Bureau headed by Tanaka in the Operations Office of the Countermeasures Bureau's headquarters also gathered together, waiting for the final result.

"Is there really going to be an attack?" At this time, a female affairs officer asked hesitantly. "After all, everyone has seen the following report, whether it is the 23 ward halls or municipal halls in charge of our Tokyo headquarters. No signs of abnormality were found. Even if the adult ceremonies are held in other prefectures, cities and towns outside Tokyo, there are no traces of surreal power nodes. If this can be launched, the power of the Cthulhu Apostle would be too exaggerated. Right?"

"It's better to believe it than to believe it. After all, the existence of the Cthulhu Apostle is a kind of mystery and unknown. Who knows how many weird abilities they have inherited from the so-called Cthulhu? So even if someone reports later, There is a meteorite falling from the sky outside the earth, and the goal is a certain adult ceremony venue. I won’t be surprised.” Another middle-aged man smiled bitterly.

   "Meteor...You are too exaggerated." The others said silently.

   "This is not necessarily an exaggeration. Think about it, the situation in Europe and the northern coastline."


"Well, no matter whether there will be an attack or not, we must implement this security work to the end. It is a matter of countless youths and the hopes of the island nation's future. I don't want to wait for tomorrow to stay here with everyone and apologize." Tanaka The gentleman tapped the table lightly and looked around at the clerks present.


   Then everyone was silent, again quietly waiting for the notice from the front.


   And ahead, where are the adult ceremony venues in various prefectures and cities?

   The many incarnations of the relatives of the young people who came to watch the ceremony, all the soldiers of the Countermeasures Bureau were all energized, carefully observing all the suspicious traces and suspicious persons around, and guarding against the coming of a possible attack.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   is just a thousand defenses, it can't stand the thief!

Just when the staff of the Countermeasures Bureau guarded everyone to protect everyone’s safety, as the host of the coming-of-age ceremony, an official of a certain district city office suddenly looked enthusiastically holding the microphone in his hand and shouted, "You are one and ten thousand. , Is the beginning and the end. Darkness is your coat, chaos is your essence, killing and blood are your hands, fear and cruelty are your gifts, and when the blood moon is concealed, I..."

At the same time, all kinds of weird prayers also sounded from the air near the venue, bringing a weird breath and immeasurable **** light~www.ltnovel.com~ a huge, with sheep's head, scorpion, poisonous snake, lizard and inexplicable complexity , Making people dizzy at first glance, the seven-pointed star array composed of runes with buzzing ears appeared above the stadium, like a sky cover, instantly covering the stadium!

   Then the terrible aura permeated, and the weird murmur rang in the ears of everyone in the venue.


   "No, no, I want to leave here."


   Chaos and killing, as well as the primitive desires and animality of human beings that were originally restrained by morality, were all released in inexplicable whispers, causing the whole scene to fall into a strange and **** state.

But these are not all. Then, I don’t know if it was caused by a weird force or some other reason. The body of some young people who resisted desperately deformed again, suddenly rising from an ordinary normal human to a height of three meters. The majestic monsters outside, or the whole body curled into a ball, a lot of flesh and blood splashed, making the whole scene more **** and terrifying.

   Then the deformed monsters roared, and they killed the other companions who still maintained a human posture.


"Headquarters, headquarters, this is the town hall in Takenozuka Ward, Adachi Ward. An apostle attack occurred here. The hall, all staff and their families, and the members who were participating in the coming-of-age ceremony in the hall were all down. The scene is extremely dangerous. Please support! Request! Support!" Outside the arena, a countermeasures officer who was still awake because of his clever position and was not affected by the power of the magic circle hurriedly took out his liaison tool and reported to the headquarters.


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