High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1171: Can't sit still

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   "What?!" Mr. Tanaka stood up from the seat with a shocked expression on his face, looked at the secretary who came to report and asked, "You say it again!"

"I just received a report from front-line personnel that Takenozuka and Ayase in Adachi District, Akabane in Kita District, and Shimura in Itabashi District have all been attacked by apostles at the adult ceremony venues in the entire venue and the venue. The staff, family members, and the participants of the coming-of-age ceremony were all detained within the scope of the ceremony. The scene was very **** and terrifying, and the front-line personnel could not handle it, so I asked the headquarters to immediately organize support." The secretary spoke very fast, but he spoke very clearly, as if being Announcers who broadcast urgent news generally report.

   "There really was an attack..." the female affairs officer who had guessed whether the attack might happen before murmured.

   "It turned out to be a multi-line attack." Another male affairs officer smiled wryly.

   "Is there any trace of the apostle confirmed?" Another clerical officer who was slightly more rational in emotion and thought asked aloud.

   "There is no witness report." The secretary replied.

   "Director." Then the others silently turned their heads to look at Mr. Tanaka, who is the most official in the field and who is the most able to take charge, waiting for his instructions.

   "Shimamoto and Furukawa, you will each lead two countermeasure teams to Akabane and Shimura to support you. Use a helicopter to pass." Tanaka did not hesitate, and immediately ordered the two clerks in the field after he recovered.

   "Yes!" a man and a woman should shout when they got up.

   "Miyajima and Honma, the same goes for you, each leading two countermeasure teams to the venues in Adachi Ward to support." Then Tanaka kept talking, and then explained to the other two.


   Then the two got up and left the combat meeting room behind Shimamoto and Furukawa.

   "By the way, what is Tsunomiya Kagura doing now?" At this moment, Mr. Tanaka asked his secretary again.

   "Should still be on standby in the countermeasure room." The secretary replied after thinking about it.

   "Is that Huang Quan also there?"


   "Then all the members of the countermeasure room will be dispatched and set off immediately as an emergency maneuver to suppress the evil **** apostle that may appear." Mr. Tanaka said soundly.


   Then the secretary left, Mr. Tanaka also sat weakly in his seat.

   "Director Tanaka, are you okay?" one of the only three clerical officers left in the field asked with a slightly worried expression.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "I'm fine." Mr. Tanaka waved his hand and smiled bitterly. "I am really afraid of what will come. I am afraid that after this incident, I will Sit in this position now without the face."


   "Okay, let's go down the three of you, and deal with the issue of equipment and personnel deployment, so as to avoid loopholes in Tokyo's defense system, and let the evil **** apostle seize the opportunity."


   Then the three of them didn't stay much, got up and left the meeting room.


   "What's the situation?" Because of the relationship between Tsuguiya Kagura, I was accepted by the Countermeasures Bureau again, or ignored, and then I was at ease in the Countermeasures Bureau, and the playful Huangquan Kanyama looked at the prepared countermeasures room members.

   Of course, the countermeasure room at this time is no longer what she knew at the time!

   Except for the core of the three old acquaintances, Tsuguya Kagura, Nimura Jianpu and Iwabata Koji, the only thing Huang Quan knew was Emperor Kyoko from the Emperor's family in Kansai. As for the others, either died in other tasks or died under the knife when she ran away, replaced by a group of newly trained so-called elites and joined the team.

   So the atmosphere of the whole team can be imagined, anyway, it is impossible to describe harmony.

"According to the information given by the war room, two minutes ago, two minutes ago, Adachi's Takenosuka, Ayase, Akabane in Kita, and Shimura in Itabashi Ward were attacked by the Cthulhu Apostle. The ceremony is trapped and needs urgent support." Tugong Kagura explained by looking at the combat report in his hand.

   "Is it you?" Huang Quan asked in astonishment.

   Four places, a team of people, is this kind of combat command only given when there is a shortage of manpower?

   Still, I was too kind, so I made the senior officials of the countermeasure bureau think that they were a good talker. As long as you hold Tsuguiya Kagura, can she be used by the countermeasure bureau?

   Thinking of this, Jianshan Huangquan's eyes fell cold, and Sen Han's murderous aura was released from her.

"It's not just us." Di Jingzi, who sensed the changes in Huangquan, quickly explained, "There will be eight other support teams from the squad that will also pass. And the main tasks will be handed over to them. We will act as Emergency maneuvers participated in this encirclement and suppression."

   "Have you locked the whereabouts of the Cthulhu Apostle?" Huang Quan looked a little better when he heard the words, and curbed his murderous spirit, and asked quietly.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Not yet, but people from the Intelligence Department are already tracking it down." Emperor Jingzi sighed secretly and replied.

"The case has been completed, but the murderer has not been found. I have to say that the current personnel quality of the Countermeasures Bureau is really bad enough. It's no wonder that half of the country will be snatched away by the people who curse the road. It really is not without reason. "Huang Quan sneered.

   When I changed to her...

   Uh, it doesn’t seem to be much better. Otherwise, she would not be parasitized by the killing stone, and then she would be transformed into a black and yellow spring.

   "But the Cthulhu Apostle..."

  Thinking about it~www.ltnovel.com~ Jianshan Huangquan still took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Qin Heqing.


   "Hiss, really cruel!" Qin Heqing smiled bitterly as he watched the message sent on the phone.

   and can only helplessly smile.

After all, things have happened. Even if he has some ideas, it is of no avail. Not to mention that the other party is still doing it so secretly and the scope is so wide. It is really necessary to choose not to destroy the building as he thought. There is no other way to continue staying in the ward resident's hall.

   But it doesn’t mean he can’t do more.

  Qin Heqing then stood up, "Report, I want to ask for leave."

   "Grant." The teacher looked at him, and not only did not hesitate, but he gave permission without even asking for a reason.

   "Thank you." Qin Heqing packed his schoolbags, got up and left the classroom.

   "Rain Girl, turn on the deification mode, we are together." While walking quickly to the roof of the teaching building, he released the rain girl who had not been seen for a long time, and ordered.

   "Wait a minute." Then Yu Nui exuded a dim glow, her body was empty, she turned into a stream of water and plunged into Qin Heqing's body.

"Rain!" The clothes on his body changed, from the original Japanese-style high school uniform to Qin Heqing, who was dressed in aqua-blue Confucian Han clothes, stepped into the void, flew into the air like an arrow, and then took a shot. , The thick dark clouds in the sky became more and more condensed, faintly flickering, and a trace of rain fell silently from the dark clouds and fell to the vast ground below. chaptere

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