High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1174: 'gift'

The hand-to-hand combat took place very quickly. Almost the members of the support squad caught the attention of all the affected people as soon as they entered the circle. It was like fresh food being thrown in front of a beast that had been hungry for several days. I didn't know if it was really crazy or was infected by the power of the evil god. The affected people who were always ready to mutate all rushed towards the supporting soldiers with red eyes. https://

Naturally, the soldiers did not hesitate and launched an attack with their weapons.


Suddenly, a dull burst of air sounded, and a large fiber net with a diameter of three meters spread out between the fighters and the affected, like the big open hand of a giant, pounced on those who rushed directly. The ones ahead are affected.

Then, a total of nine fixed magnetic nails on the four sides of the big net were collected and merged into one place, and the captured infected persons were brought down to the ground.

"carry on!"

Then the first group of fighters who completed the attack stepped back and changed their bombs, and another group of fighters stepped forward and continued to use the capture nets to suppress these infected people who did not know if they were saved.

"Puff puff puff..."

In just a moment, most of the related personnel outside the hall were suppressed, and only a small amount of movement was sensitive, or the angle of rushing was special and the ones who escaped the trapping net were affected. They rushed in front of the fighters. It happened with them. The real hand-to-hand.

"Hey, what a strong power! Everyone, be careful, these guys are extremely powerful, don't be brave enough to fight them head-on!" A soldier who had to get out of his time and rushed in front of him to fight against an affected person shouted in the team channel Tao.

"You said it's too late!" A certain soldier who was caught off guard and was thrown down by the monster, and was saved from injury with the help of his companion, gasped and vomited.

"Don't fight alone, cooperate, cooperate!" The official Shimamoto outside the law formation shouted and reminded in the internal communication channel.

Then the situation improved. After all, among these affected mad people, except for a few or so, they are front-line staff in the headquarters of the Countermeasures Bureau. They are relatively good in terms of physical fitness and technical and tactical skills. The others are just ordinary social workers. Even if they are young, they are far away. Not as strong as the soldiers from the Countermeasures Bureau Support Team.

This coupled with their state of consciousness-only the instinct to attack is left. Even if they have really mastered some fighting skills when they are awake, they have already been left behind at this time, and they are not rational, know how to use their brains, and fight. Experienced support class fighter opponents.

Not to mention, the fighters in the support squad were all cooperating three to five times, so it didn’t take long for the remaining ones that were affected to follow in the footsteps of others, not captured by the big net. It was being suppressed by two or three people on the ground, both hands and feet were restrained, and they lost their ability to move and resist.

Only the few true mutants are still dealing and fighting with the soldiers.

"It's important to save people, open fire!" Shimamoto clenched his teeth and ordered.

"Fire!" After hearing this, the soldier squad leader of the support squad did not hesitate, and immediately gave an order to actively change the attack mode of the weapon, from the original non-killing capture mode to the kill mode, one by one with powerful The rune bullets shot out and penetrated into the mutants’ bodies and limbs, creating blood holes, until the comrades next to him again suppressed him in the same way...

Then, although there were some injuries, no one was killed in the battle, and the support squad soldiers who did not lose their strength no longer hesitated, and rushed into the hall...



"Found it!" At the same time, the sky has been expanding the coverage of the rain curtain, finally including Itabashi, Kita, Toshima, Arakawa, part of Adachi, part of Nerima, and part of Bunkyo. Qin Heqing's eyes lit up, and he whispered in excitement.

Then he didn't hesitate, his figure flashed and disappeared into the air.

And at the next moment, he appeared at the place where he found the Cthulhu Apostle-Nishi-Arai Omachi, Adachi District, which was destroyed by him before, and could only be transferred to the administrative Omachi where the public halls in other districts held adult ceremonies. Near the Cthulhu Apostle.

"Sure enough, you caused the ghost of today's rain." Seeing Qin Heqing's appearance of the evil **** apostle, his expression remained unchanged, but he showed an attitude like that, "Qin Heqing."

"Do you know me?" Qin Heqing was surprised that the Cthulhu Apostle could call his own name.

"Of course. As a special priest who undermined the Evil Ghost King's actions several times and demonstrated extremely strong personal strength, before I left Austria, the Evil Ghost King did not rarely mention you to me." The Cthulhu Apostle only exposed his mouth. Said with a chuckle.

"That's because he was worried about it." Qin Heqing sneered.

"So, in order to deal with your inevitable pursuit and obstruction, I also prepared a great gift for your Excellency." The Cthulhu apostle smiled, still calmly saying.

"Oh?" Qin Heqing raised his eyebrows and waited for his next words.

"Listen." The evil **** apostle said with a chuckle.

Qin Heqing didn't question it, raised his spirit and vigilance, and quietly listened to the surrounding voices——

Sure enough, something inexplicable, as if it could reach the heart and the depths of the soul, as if the sound from the misty clouds poured into his ears, chanting some kind of fantasy prayer that he could not distinguish, like The flies generally buzzed in his ears non-stop, even affecting his hearing, giving Qin Heqing an illusion that he was about to be taken away from the world, and a strange psychedelic feeling rose from his heart.

Suddenly, Qin Heqing's heart was shaken, and a magic spell burst out from the depths of his divine sea——

The Purifying Mind Curse of the Taoist Eight Magic Curses.

"Don't you think that mere chattering can confuse my soul and let me plunge into the embrace of the evil god." Qin Heqing asked with a sneer. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Of course not. That's just an appetizer. The real meeting ceremony is actually that..." The Cthulhu apostle laughed.

Following this, a terrifying breath erupted, as if a shock wave passed from a distance...

"There is..." Qin Heqing changed.

"The hall where the Nishi-Arai Coming-of-Age Ceremony is held. In order to attract you here, I deliberately let go of the Nishi-Arai Coming-of-Age Ceremony that you destroyed, and did not let those subordinates start the ceremony with people from other places, and waited until now. Now, The power of God has come." The Cthulhu apostle opened his arms, as if embracing the sun, and said loudly and fanatically.

Then, as if in response to his words, a **** light burst into the sky from Takenotsuka, Ayase, Akabane in the north district, and Shimura in Itabashi district, and a huge arc was clearly visible in the volley. It fell into the hall of Nishi Arai.

Then a louder explosion sounded, and a huge scarlet magic circle that seemed to cover the entire Adachi, Kita and Arakawa districts appeared in the sky, **** rays of light blooming, and miserable wailing sounds like **** evil. Ghostly resounded throughout the void.

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