High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1175: 2

Rebirth as a priest in Japan Chapter 1175 Chapter 2 "Ahhhhh!"

   However, among the screams of this hollow hole, there are more screams of living people!

For example, at the moment, Qin Heqing clearly saw an ordinary person moving around here appearing in a huge circle, as if his whole body was pierced with a needle, he fell to the ground with his arms, and his face was painful. Wailed.

And this is just the appearance that he can present. Deeper, in the special vision that ordinary people can't see, there is a large plume of misty smoke that looks like **** steam floating from his body, like cooking smoke. , Went straight to the sky...

   And that screaming young man? The breath of life on the body and the appearance of his skin were decayed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. It was as if he had been through a night for more than ten days, and he looked very haggard. It seemed that a gust of wind could bring him down and blow. Same as death.

   From this, we can see what happened to all the ordinary people who were enveloped by the huge magic circle. If we basically do not stop immediately, the population of more than one million people in Adachi, Arakawa, and Kita-ku will completely step into the adult ceremony young people who were sacrificed. They will go crazy and die directly on the spot. A member who was sacrificed innocently in a huge event that shook the world.

   "You're looking for death!" Qin Heqing shouted angrily, who had forcibly blocked the magic circle from absorbing his own energy and power by sealing his pores.

   "As long as you can get rid of you and usher in the coming of my god, what a mere death will count." The Cthulhu apostle said freely and without taking his own life seriously.

   "Then I will fulfill you!"

After all, Qin Heqing shot his figure and directly appeared in front of the Cthulhu Apostle using the technique of water escape. With a big hand, the space where the Cthulhu Apostle stood was twisted, and the invisible whirlpool swept across, and the Cthulhu Apostle’s eyes were shocked and shocked. One hand grabbed him into the world of the pot.

   "Refining!" Qin Heqing shouted without hesitation.

   The most important thing now is to find a way to prevent the circle from running, so all other messy things can be put down first, and then we can think about it after solving the problem of the circle.

   Then what method can find the fastest way to stop the circle from running?

   is naturally the most convenient and effective way to dig directly from the brain of the initiator.

   That's why he didn't hesitate to directly use big moves to take people down, and use the demon pot to refine the memory information in the opponent's mind at the first time.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Even though this process may not be smooth.

   But other than that, Qin Heqing really couldn't think of a better way.

   Then Qin Heqing did not wait for the feedback from the refining of the demon pot, and once again used the water escape technique, and moved to the vicinity of the adult ceremony hall on the side of Xixinjing by the heavy rain, and looked at this modern building as the center of the magic circle.

   "I don't know if we can stop the operation of the magic circle if we ruin this place." Qin Heqing whispered as if the modern guild hall in a foreign land was shrouded in weird red light.

What he fears most now is that it’s useless to ruin this place, or he needs to completely destroy all the guild halls including Nishi-Arai Hall, Takenozuka, Ayase, Akabane, and Shimura at the same time to truly interrupt the circle. run. If that were the case, it would be a more test of the player's strength and the tacit understanding of cooperation. Basically, apart from him and his subordinates, no one in the world should be able to do this kind of thing anymore.

   and faster. Otherwise, the number of deaths in this period will be an alarming number! In that case, the ghost knows what moths will come out of the circle that has absorbed a lot of human life essence.

   Anyway, Qin Heqing absolutely didn't believe that the ritual that could be made so hard by the Cthulhu Apostle could be easily ended as long as the formation was destroyed.

   And it is true. Because in the latest feedback from the Demon Pot, the information extracted from the minds of the Cthulhu Apostle clearly stated that not only does it require five characters similar to Qin Heqing’s strength to prevent the operation of the magic circle, they can easily break the city level at the same moment. It is possible to completely destroy the building at the same moment. After the formation, that is, the guild hall, is destroyed, the resentment, life, and spirit released by the people inside it will also be destroyed by the huge law in the sky at the same time. The formation is extracted, and then combined with the life essence absorbed during the operation of the formation, various concepts and emotions are combined into a certain kind of material and sacrificed to the unknown existence——

   Yes, unknown existence, not the so-called evil god. Then it becomes an ‘invitation letter’, inviting unknown existences to come to this world...

So the degree of danger can be imagined. Even if it is a pig, it is probably a monster of the level of Monster. It has the terrifying force that easily shakes the earth and shakes the mountains. If it is not handled properly, it is estimated that it is not just as simple as a dead person. It is light to be destroyed directly, and what is more frightening is that it may directly become a new source of disaster, raging on the island country, and let the entire island country follow the footsteps of European countries.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   That scene is not what Qin Heqing wants to see.

   "What's so special..."

   Qin He Qing cursed bitterly, flicked his arm directly, and threw a big ball of light toward the hall in front of him.


   The red light is rippling, the clubhouse still maintains its current posture, but it doesn’t even fall off the wall...

"Sure enough, the guild halls that became the base of the formation are also protected by the power of the magic circle~ www.ltnovel.com~ If the attack does not reach a certain level, let alone destroy the building, even the defensive barrier established by the magic circle cannot be broken. Gan!" Qin Heqing said irritably.

   "There are also those gods of the dog day, where are they all dead? If they don't appear at this time, they are really not afraid of the destruction of the world and sever their faith?"

   Then Qin Heqing moved his heart to release the five members of Ayukawa, Yueer, Cuizi, Kikyo, and Fengshi Kagura.

   "Yunnu, please explain the current situation to them." Qin Heqing, who has other things to deal with, decisively split the rain and explained.


   Then Qin Heqing walked aside, took out the phone, and called Director Tanaka of the Countermeasures Bureau.

   "I am Qin Heqing." Qin Heqing said straightforwardly.

   "It just so happens that I'm looking for you too. What's going on in Adachi, why is there such a big change, is it the back hand made by the Cthulhu Apostle?" Director Tanaka was not polite, and asked quickly.

"I don't have time to explain so much to you. Now I say you listen..." Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, and quickly told Director Tanaka the information he had received and what he planned to do in simple and clear words. "Okay, that's all I want to say. Now you immediately inform your people to evacuate from the hall, or if they haven't left after my people arrive, then stop blaming my people for being impolite."

   After finishing speaking, he stopped waiting for Director Tanaka who was shocked to say anything, he just hung up the phone and threw it into the demon refining pot.

   "Everything is clear," said Qin He Qing Surong, who walked back to the women again.


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