High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1176: distribution

"What do we need to do now?" Kikyo asked without talking nonsense, rushing directly into the subject. https://

"I need you to go to the civic venues in the four major districts of Takenotsuka, Ayase, Akabane, and Shimura to help me destroy the operation of the ceremony." Qin Heqing also replied simply.

"Yes." Kikyo agreed without hesitation.

This is a matter of course. As a legendary maiden with a great reputation during her lifetime, she may not be great enough in other aspects, but she is still very responsible for the well-being of the people, otherwise she would not be loved by so many low-level people in that era.

"That's good." After saying that, Qin Heqing stepped forward and grabbed Kikyo's arm.

Kikyo regressed and said "what are you going to do?"

"Bless you with divine power." Qin He calmly said.

"I don't need it." Kikyo frowned, knowing what Qin Heqing's divine power blessing was about.

"This matter can't allow you to hesitate." Qin He said lightly, "We have only one chance, and we must succeed once, so I must ensure that your strength can be maximized, so whether you like it or not, You need to accept my gift this time."

"..." Kikyo stood there in silence, tangled.

Fortunately, it didn't last long. Soon, he calmly closed his eyes and said, "Come on."

Immediately Qin Heqing stopped being wordy, stepped forward and hugged Kikyo's waist, lowered his head and kissed her lips...

Until after a while.

"You can let me go." Kikyo said with a calm expression.

"If it wasn't for the wrong timing, I really want to see if you can keep calm like this all the time." Qin Heqing lowered his head and looked at the face close at hand, with a light smile and retracted his arm.

Then he turned his head and looked at Cuizi.

Naturally, Cuizi did not reject Qin Heqing's proposal, and was prepared to obediently let Qin Heqing focus his divine power into her body.

Then there are Rain Girl, Ayukawa, Yue'er, and Kagura.

After everyone received the latest blessings, they said, "Now I'll talk about the arrangement. Cuizi and Platycodon, two of you, are in charge of the hall node of the Takenozuka."

"Okay." Cuizi nodded and agreed.

"Tsuki goes to Ayase. Kagura will be responsible for Akabane. Ayukawa goes to Shimura. As for Yume, we will continue to maintain the current rainfall status and monitor changes in the situation throughout Tokyo to keep in touch."

"Now everyone uses their mobile phones to check the time, and then open the group video chat."

Kikyo, Cuizi and others did not hesitate, and took out their own mobile phones and entered the group chat channel created by Qin Heqing.

"Okay, I'll take everyone there now." Qin Heqing said, confirming that there is no problem with the communication.

Then he walked to the side of Kikyo and Cuizi, grabbed the arms of the two with left and right sides respectively, and disappeared from where they were when they thought about it—

Water escape technique.

"I'll leave it to you here." The next moment, Qin Heqing, who appeared directly outside the Takenotsuka Omachi Resident Hall, said to Kikyo and Tsuiko, "Besides, you can use your own power to test the magic circle before starting the attack. The defensive strength of the barrier is so well-known, and it saves the opportunity to destroy the formation because the data is unknown when the real attack begins."

"Okay, we know what to do." Cuizi nodded in agreement.

"Then I'm going back."

Then Qin Heqing flashed again, and returned to the outside of the Nishi-Arai Adult Ceremony Hall in the form of water escape, and began to send Yueer, Ayukawa, and Kagura to the corresponding district Omachi Hall according to the previous distribution method.

"By the way, this is for you." When Ayukawa was sent to the designated location, Qin Heqing took out the eight-handed sword in his hand and handed it to her. "Your mind and deification state are strong, but you are In terms of instantaneous destruction, it is still slightly worse than others, so if you hold this, if you have it, there is absolutely no problem even if you directly destroy the building."

"Then what about you?" Ayukawa took the eight swords without pretense, surprised.

"Don't worry about me. When do you think I lacked specific attack methods?" Qin Heqing asked with a smile.

Ayukawa shook his head, saying that in addition to the time when he faced the eight-foot girl, Qin Heqing behind did not miss a variety of targeted spells and combat methods.

Especially after the Warring States Period and his party, he absorbed the entire Yin-Yang 寮, or the essence of the island country's magic of that era, and after awakening to become a pot immortal, Qin Heqing's methods are countless! Even if he didn't calculate it specifically, Qin Heqing himself wouldn't know how many weird spells he had mastered.

In short, it is not a skill.

"Okay, I'm going back."

Then Qin Heqing flashed and returned to the guild hall in Xixinjing.

"Are everyone ready?" Qin Heqing asked with his mobile phone.

"Wait, I can measure the defense strength of the barrier immediately." Yue'er said.

"We are the same." The others replied immediately.

"Then I will give you five minutes. After five minutes, no matter what the result is, you will be fully powerful. Take out your strongest attack means and attack the building in front of you to destroy the magic circle." Qin Heqing thought about it, and said with tolerance.

After all, if he really wants to talk about it, he still doesn't know the defensive strength of the magic circle barrier in front of him.


"no problem."

"So be it."

Immediately, the few people were not talking nonsense, and once again concentrated on using various techniques to attack the building in front of them, testing the strength of the barrier that enveloped the building when the magic circle was in operation, until the last five minutes ended.

"Everyone, the time is up, let's start preparing spells." Qin Heqing reminded.

At the same time, Qin Heqing was also full of supernatural power~www.ltnovel.com~ step by step, directly hitting a supernatural power to the sky.

Suddenly, a faint roar sounded, and one after another bright thunder resembling a wandering dragon, climbed up in the thick dark clouds gathered by the rain girl, fought each other, and gathered into a stronger and terrifying thunder hidden in the dark clouds , Only after Qin Heqing gave an order, it would descend from the sky like a giant sword of the sky.

A similar situation also appeared in Yue'er. Yue'er, with full power, grew up directly from the appearance of an eleven or twelve-year-old girl to a mature woman in her twenties. His eyes were cold, like the goddess of the high and high in the moon palace. Brilliant and pure light bloomed around her like special effects, and her lips were lightly opened. Some ancient and mysterious spells were confided from the mature version of Yue'er's mouth, forming a bright character, directly in the moon. The top of Er's head was combined into a brilliant giant sword formed by countless golden seal scripts. It was awe-inspiring, as if it was about to cut through space and penetrate everything, giving people a terrible sense of deterrence.

As far as power is concerned, it is not much better than that of the eight-handed sword that Ayukawa activates with divine power.

Compared with that, Kagura has gathered a hundred and eighty tornado mad dragons and ionized electric lights, as well as the explosion of the spirit power of Platycodon grandiflorum and Tsuiko, which seems to be insignificant...

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