High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1181: Big move

Of course, if it is purely to attack the bull head monster, in fact, there is no need to use the Tianhe Dang World Curse to directly cleanse the world. It is entirely possible to use the more targeted Immovable King Fire Curse to grill the bull head giant. Strange, and the effect should be better not to mention, the scope of the impact will not be as wide as the Tianhe Dangshishu.

   Then why use Tianhe Dangshishu?

   Naturally because I want to purify the world!

  As a celestial spell that originated from the Tianhe Detergent Mantra, it is an advanced immortal spell. The Tianhe Dangshi Mantra is not only amazingly powerful, it has the power of destroying the world, and, like Tianhe Detergent Mantra, it has the ability to purify filth.

   No, as soon as the world-shattering curse came out, where the water of the Tianhe River flowed, most of the dirty air was directly washed away, the polluted aura was wiped out, and the space became clean again.


   Then, the giant bull monster that seemed to be swallowed up by the waterfall roared, and the water curtain that wrapped it suddenly burst open, exposing the giant bull monster that was covered in **** weird flames again.

   Then the Minotaur's head turned, and six scarlet energy beams broke through the space, lasing towards Qin Heqing.

Qin Heqing did not evade, or because the beam attack speed was too fast, he had no time to evade, so he had to turn his mind and integrate himself into the world of the pot, open his mouth, and give the scarlet beam that came flying like a pocket. Collected into the world in the pot.

   Then Qin Heqing waved his arm, and the eight-meter sword that was shot out by him before lased again at the big monster with an arc of light.

   "Huh. Pop!"

   just before flying in front of the giant monster, he was flew out by the dancing tentacles behind him...

  At the same time, the other tentacles linked together, twisting around the huge eight-grip sword like a lasso.

Suddenly, the sword body of the eight-handed sword lit up, and the pale Gengjin Taiyi sword aura shot out from the body of the sword, as if the breath that could penetrate all things in the world emerged, and the tentacles composed of flesh and blood were in the speeding rotation of the eight-handed sword. It was cut into several segments and fell to the ground.

   But the effect is not significant. The reason is also very simple, because immediately, with the squirming of the muscles behind the giant monster and the surging of filthy aura polluted by the magic circle around, the tentacles cut off by the eight-grip sword grew rapidly again, within a few seconds It regained the original strength and length, and continued to dance, entangled with the eight-handed sword in self-control.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Qin Heqing sees this, how can he let his weapon be entangled with a pile of rotten meat, so he thought about it and moved the eight-handed sword come back.

   But he didn’t hold it in his hand, but cast a spell again and sent it out——

   "Dawei Tianlong, Blessed Earth-Zang, Prajna Buddhas, Prajna Bamah!

   Following that, the eight-handed sword floating in the air was once again shrouded in a gleam of golden light, and then transformed into eight golden dragons, twisting their huge body and rushing towards the giant bull's head.


  The response method of the Tau Tau Monster is also very simple. With a flick of its long bone tail, it fought with the dragon that was transformed by the Excalibur.

   "It's a pity that Yue'er is not here, otherwise..."

   Otherwise, I can help him share some pressure and jointly fight against the Giant Monster...

   But that was just thinking about it. As for now, Qin Heqing still needs to face the Giant Monster by himself and figure out a way to win the battle.

"Homo Sabdantuo Nie Divi Medicine Sabmuqibiya Sabduodahdarazhazanna Maha Lusanaqianqiyachha method of Sabida Bound Tail Nangdalaha!" Qin He Qingsu soon regretted. Rong Nian Chua, using the method of distraction and dual use, while manipulating the bone-tails of the Giant Dragon and the Giant Monster, while inciting the Fudo King Fire World Curse to summon a sky full of flames, it also turns into a golden white The high temperature fire dragon rushed towards the other side of the giant monster.

  Naturally, the bull head monster couldn't sit idly by, and could only smash it with a fist, and fought with the fire dragon.

   But I didn't think that I could destroy the fire dragon with a fist, which seemed to have an immortal attribute spell, so the six horns on his head flashed, and one after another flashes of lightning hit the fire dragon like Thor's whip.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

   In just a moment, the fire dragon was blown into sparks in the sky.

   Then the electric light on the head of the giant bull's head kept blasting towards Qin Heqing at the source of the fire dragon.

Qin Heqing also does not use his body to accept the enemy's thunder lashes. As soon as he moves, he flashes to the side by the method of water escape, and turns his hands. The water that has filled the ground because of the Tianhe Dangling Curse riots again. When he got up, it turned into a spear of water and stabbed at the Giant Monster.

   The Bull Head Monster ignored it. After all, his bones were a tough existence that couldn't even cut through the divine weapon. How could he care about the attack of the mere water gun? With a cold smile on the ugly cow face, Chao Qin Heqing strode over.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   and it oscillates step by step, with one foot and one lightning bolt, just like the reappearance of the **** Lei Ze in the myth, directly forcing Qin Heqing to change strategy Think of a way to attack the Minotaur again.

"Eastern Blue Dragon-Horn, Kang, Di, Fang, Heart, Tail, Kei. Western White Tiger-Kui, Lou, Wei, Pleiades, Bi, Zang, Shen. Southern Suzaku-Well, Ghost, Willow, Xing, Zhang , Wing, Zhen. Northern Xuanwu-fighting, bull, female, virtual, dangerous, room, wall ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ the four spirits gather, the star fighting is true, the twenty-eight constellations appear together to help the world and the evil! !"

Suddenly, it was originally shrouded in dark clouds, but under the influence of the two spells of the Tianhe Dangshi Curse and the Fudoming King Fire Curse that Qin Heqing used in the later period, the bright light of all the stars in the sky that had already seen the sky suddenly flashed. And projected strands of the power of the stars onto the world.

Then the void around Qin Heqing's body suddenly lit up. Twenty-eight kinds of animals, or twenty-eight people in ancient star official robes, as if the illusory figures of the characters in the play appeared in the sky, and then flashed again. It merged into the four spirit holy beasts of Azure Dragon, Suzaku, Xuanwu and White Tiger, Qi Qi let out a roar of shaking space.

   "Roar! Squeak!"

Then the four spirits unfolded and ran to the four directions of the southeast, northwest and northwest corresponding to the minotaur monster. At the same time, they spit out blue, white, red, or black energy toward the minotaur monster, bombarding the minotaur hurried The tentacles that surround him.


   A terrible explosion spread, and a cloud of weird colored mushrooms that looked like a high-yield bomb exploded from where the body of the bull's head was located...

   towered up in the sky, shaking the boundless void, and spreading a shock wave visible to the naked eye.

   It can be said that in terms of form, it is really no different from the bomb explosion.

   directly surprised the Countermeasure Bureau and the cabinet members who were observing the battle here in various ways, reminding them of some bad memories.

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