High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1182: Hungry

Fortunately, this situation did not last long, or the smoke and dust that wrapped the Minotaur did not exist for a long time. Soon, the strong wind formed during the air backfilling process was blown away, and the Minotaur was blown away. His figure was re-exposed.

   A half of the mushroom cloud towers high above the head of the giant bull's head, showing to the world what terrible change has just taken place here.


   The Giant Bull's Head roared and wailed in pain.

No way, who called this attack too powerful? Not only was the power erupting terrifying, but the nature of the attack was far beyond what Qin Heqing’s previous attacks could match. It was full of an aura of destruction and chaos. Naturally, the defense of the bull's head monster and the filthy aura that existed all over the body became a display. Under the attack of the four spirits' mixed hole yin and yang magic ball, it directly smashed the flesh, shattered the bones, and made the bull head giant. The internal organs of the monster were severely damaged, and even a huge wound over several meters in diameter was directly made on his body, exposing the fresh internal organs of the big monster directly to the air.

   The muscles surged, squeezing a stream of blood from the inside of the wound.

Then Qin Heqing was unforgiving. With a move, he appeared directly in front of the severely injured bull head monster like a fly that found a **** thing. As soon as his mind turned, the sacred beasts of the four directions projected a light and did not enter his. In the body, the eight swords held upside down and shot back, falling into Qin Heqing's palm again, then his body shape flashed, and he went straight into the wound of the giant monster...

   "I see how you can resist this time!" Qin Heqing, who released his divine light and resisted the blood and strength of the bull's head monster, sneered at the bright red and strange internal organs in front of him.

   After that, he didn't hesitate any more, and directly poured the white tiger Gengjin Qi in his body into the sword, with murderous intent in his heart, like the essence, a sword directed at the largest organ in front of him-let alone the lungs, the play should be cut over.

   After all, the Minotaur is a magical creature. Does the ghost know whether it has the same structure as real humans and bovine creatures?

   Just treat it as that thing anyway.

   corresponds to the place.

Following that, the bright sword light surged, and the organs that were suspected of bull lungs shattered immediately under Qin Heqing’s attack, spitting out a large amount of blood and meat, like rain and garbage, like the body of the bull's head monster. The position has fallen...

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "嗷!!"

   Then the Taurus monster screamed, and his expression became more and more violent and confronted the broken air enchantment constructed by the four spirits.

   This is the advantage of being small enough compared to the enemy. When the opponent is not paying attention, he can do whatever he wants directly in the opponent's body, and the enemy does not know what happened.

"It's a pity that the Bull Head Monster is a monster, not the Bull Demon King. Otherwise, I can chat with Princess Iron Fan, who has been harmed by the Great Sage, and talk about the personal feelings of being caught in my stomach." The weapon was cut crazily in the body of the Minotaur, destroying the physical health of the Minotaur, and Qin Heqing, who had aggravated the injury, thought bored.

  Don't say it, it's really matching!


But after all, monsters are monsters. Even if the internal abdominal organs were severely injured, even the organs that were suspected of being heart were cut to pieces by Qin Heqing, the big monster still did not lose its breath of life, stepped into death, but became more and more crazy. There he blasted the enchantment to vent his pain.

   This makes Qin Heqing scratch his head very much——

   "Could it be that the Tau Tau monster has reached the point where the body and soul are integrated and the flesh and blood are reborn?" The organs spawned by the Tau Tau monster using life essence were once again chopped up, and even the powdered Qin Heqing frowned.

   If this is the case, then he really can't kill the opponent except for completely burning the big monster into slag!

   But that means that the brain and even the soul of the Minotaur will be destroyed. For Qin Heqing, who wants to know certain information from his brain, it is not an answer worth looking forward to.

   "Forget it, let's take a look at its head first. If there is really no way, you can only kill it completely."

After thinking about it, Qin Heqing didn’t hesitate anymore, and went straight retrograde along the path he had made, and got into the trachea of ​​the big monster, rushed towards the throat, and came into the mouth of the big monster in a moment. .

   That smell...

   Anyway, Qin Heqing blocked his sense of smell for the first time, isolating the inside and outside.

   "That's it." Qin Heqing muttered, standing near the position of the little tongue of the bull's head monster.

   Then he straightened his figure, held his weapon, and pierced the Minotaur’s neck and cervical spine——

   "Scar of the sky!"


   The bright golden light lased from the back of the head of the giant monster, which is the position of the human corresponding to the medulla oblongata, and flew towards the sky.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  "Uh..."

   Suddenly, the giant bull's head halted, and his face showed a look of astonishment.

   "Asshole!" roared the troll.

After taking a big breath, the terrifying wind pressure as if a twelfth typhoon quickly rushed into his mouth. The turbulence and swirling flow enveloped Qin Heqing's body, and he was spit out by the big monster like a gun Got out.


   Then Qin Heqing got a shock and hovered in mid-air.

  , however, didn't even care about the big monster~www.ltnovel.com~ The figure flashed, and it rushed to the front of the big monster again like a beam of light.

   However, this time, the giant bull monster understood Qin Heqing's plan, and slapped it like a hill, and the powerful air pressure once again acted on Qin Heqing...


   The palm of the giant bull's head hit his chest heavily.

   Although the purpose was to shoot Qin Heqing to death, he also helped Qin Heqing to shoot him into the skin and flesh that barely recovered a layer of skin, allowing Qin Heqing to get into his body again.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

   "Despicable humans will only hide in Tibet. They dare not fight me head-on like a reptile. You never want to hurt me in the same way!"

   Then the giant bull's head took a big mouth, and when he inhaled, the filthy breath visible to the naked eye gathered at him, merged into his mouth, and with a swallowing action of the giant bull's head, it completely entered his body.

   Think it's over?

Do not!

With the entry of the filthy breath, the filthy breath also seemed to have a strange chemical reaction, which suddenly evolved into a cold and dark demon fire, which completely ignited the place it passed, contaminated with its breath, and then burned the bull's head. While the monster's flesh and blood, he was also investigating a foreign body in his body——

   And this naturally includes Qin Heqing who broke into his body again.

   "Sure enough, cruel." Qin Heqing changed his way.

   didn't hesitate immediately, using himself as a mark, opened the demon refining pot's swallowing and refining power.


   I like to be reborn as a priest in Japan.

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