High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1185: afterwards

Afterwards, Chapter 1185 of the Rebirth Japanese Priest Body Volume, "Sure enough, it is still a reliable domestic god." Qin Heqing, who put away the bones of the bull head and bull head, and let the demon pot process and extract the essence, exhale, Muttered quite emotionally.

   Then he raised his head and looked at the sky, until it was confirmed that the magical pattern created by the bullhead monster had completely disappeared, and then he landed in the lower figure, and would continue to play soy sauce, or the rain girl who maintained the existence of the rain screen, called.

   "How is the situation?" Qin Heqing asked directly.

"Very bad." Rain girl shook her head and said, "More than two-thirds of the residents of Adachi, Kita, and Arakawa have lost their lives. And even those who survived have suffered serious loss of vitality. If you can get timely treatment, your physical condition and life expectancy will also be greatly affected. It can be said that after today’s incident, the residents of these three districts have been completely abolished, and they want to restore the three districts to their past state. If you don’t emigrate, you won’t be able to recover in 20 years."

   Just, given the current world environment, can the residents of the three districts still have 20 years to wait?

   Anyway, Qin Heqing does not think that the three districts have 20 years of peace to recover.

   "What about the other areas?" Qin Heqing nodded and asked again.

   "Other places are fine. Although there are people who have problems due to ghosts and various other accidents, they are very lucky compared to the residents of the three districts."

   "So too."

After the talk fell short, he was dispatched by him before, and later wanted to come back to help, but because of the aftermath of his fighting with the minotaur and the high energy level, he has not been able to join Yue'er, Ayukawa, and Kagura. He Cuizi and Kikyo also appeared by Qin Heqing's side one after another, and asked with concern, "Heqing, how is it? Are you not injured?"

   "What do you think?" Qin Heqing asked with a smile and opened his arms before spinning around in front of several people.

"No injury? That's good." Yue'er breathed out gently, "I didn't expect that this time things would turn out to be like this... This is just an evil **** apostle, if other evil **** apostles do it like this Well, even if we fill in all of our people, it won’t save so many places."

   After hearing this, although Kikyo and Cuizi did not speak, it can be seen from their solemn expressions that the two really took this matter to their hearts and are already thinking about specific ways to deal with it.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  "That’s why I wonder why the high-ranking gods suddenly disappeared. If they are still there, even if the evil **** apostles all carry out this ritual, the island nation It's not that there is no resistance at all." Qin Heqing sighed.

   "So, what are those gods doing?" Cuizi whispered.

   "The ghost knows." Qin Heqing said.

   Then the scene fell silent until after a while, it was broken by Qin Heqing's telephone ringing.

   "Come to get is positive." Looking at the communication list displayed on the phone, Qin Heqing pouted a little boringly.

   However, he didn't refuse to answer the call, put it in his ear.

   "I am Qin Heqing."

   "This is Tanaka." Mr. Tanaka on the other end of the phone said, "The battle is over?"

   "It's over. Any questions?" Qin Heqing asked back.

"It's over, it's over." Mr. Tanaka hurriedly said with emotion. "So, later, we, oh, that is, there will be a joint meeting between the Countermeasures Bureau and the relevant authorities and the cabinet here. The director and some bureaucrats in the cabinet It means I hope you can also attend, I don’t know..."

   "Should I also attend?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"After all, the battle between you and that monster is too much noise, coupled with the various events and influences today, your name and importance have been completely registered in the hearts of the cabinet bureaucrats, and so The things to be discussed later are also related to what happened today, so we all hope that you can attend the meeting as non-voting delegates and express some opinions or speeches to soothe the hearts of the people.” Mr. Tanaka’s words were obviously inadequate. Bottom airway.

   "Soothing people's hearts? Is it to soothe the hearts of bureaucrats?" Qin Heqing sneered.

  The bureaucrat of the island country, Qin Heqing, knows how much he can't do anything, and is the first in trouble.

   Anyway, if it is not necessary, he will never contact and communicate with those guys who have no common sense except politics and Mao.

"Okay, I'll go over when things are done here." But out of curiosity, I want to know what else these cabinet bureaucrats can make and how they are prepared to deal with the subsequent impact of today's affairs. Qin Heqing still did not refuse Tanaka's invitation, and after agreeing to go to the Countermeasures Bureau to attend the meeting.

   "Thank you very much."


   "Okay, leave the matter here to the people of the Countermeasures Bureau. Let's leave here." Qin Heqing who hung up turned his head and said to Yue'er.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "I want to stay and see if there is anything I can do here." Qin Heqing was about to move people into the pot world At the time, the pondering Kikyo suddenly said.

   "Save people..." Qin Heqing, who can probably guess the purpose of Kikyo's staying, muttered, "Yes. Besides, Ayukawa, please stay and help Kikyo."

   "Okay." Ayukawa glanced at Kikyo and nodded in agreement.

   "Since this is the case, I'll just stay and help too." Cuizi looked at everyone and echoed.

   "Ok~www.ltnovel.com~Is there anyone else who wants to stay?" Qin Heqing didn't stop him, and turned to look at other people.

   But this is destined to be useless attention.

   After all, the few remaining people are either monsters or elves. They don't have much affection for humans innately. It is really wishful thinking to expect them to have great kindness to humans like Bellflower and Cuizi before they were alive.

So after a brief questioning, Qin Heqing, who was sure that Yunv, Kagura, and Yue'er were not interested in wasting their energy, moved their minds and sent them back to the pot world, where they played with Kikyo, Tsuizi, and Ayukawa. After greeting, she flashed and left the place...

   "Let's start too." Kikyo offered to offer after seeing everyone leave.

"it is good."

   Then the three of them took action and began to use their abilities to rescue the people in Adachi City.

   Even if the effect is not very good, and most of the people being treated are those who can't even save it.


"I'm not late." Back to the apartment, he simply washed and changed into clean clothes. Qin Heqing, who seemed to be comparable to the rich second generation in the film and television series, came to the headquarters of the Bureau of Countermeasures and watched as he walked quickly towards him. The person who came to meet him——Mato Xiaodan smiled.

   "No, the meeting will not officially start after a while." Akatsuki Mado shook his head. The tone is indeed more respectful than before, I don't know how much. Obviously, after seeing the battle today, he was shocked by Qin Heqing's ability to directly cut the world.

   "Don't panic, I'm not a demon, I don't know how to eat people." Qin Heqing stretched out his hand to grab the well-known waist, and chuckled her into his arms.


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