High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1186: Acquaintances

"This is not your clubhouse, Qin Jun, please respect yourself." The real householder, who was pulled into his arms by Qin Heqing, did not resist, but reminded him in a low voice with a somewhat helpless expression.

"Then according to what you said, if this is my clubhouse now, can something happen to you?" Qin Heqing chuckled, pretending to be perverted and took a sip in the hair of a well-known householder. Then he let him go.

   "It's not night yet, please ask Qin Jun, you can cheer up, don't think about it, don't have daydreams." Mato Akatsuki stepped back, tidying up his little suit and then rolled his eyes.

   "Heh, sometimes I have more dreams, I feel nothing wrong."

   After that, the two did not stay much outside the headquarters building of the Bureau of Countermeasures. They walked into the building under the leadership of Mato Hachiko, took the elevator, and came to the conference room dedicated to holding multi-part joint meetings——

   Suddenly, a meeting room that looked like a campus multimedia classroom, but with a larger area, met Qin Heqing's eyes with a meeting room covering more than 300 square meters.

In the middle is a huge circular conference round table hollowed out in the center. Outside the round table are chairs. A man with heavy, solemn, or expressionless names sits around the outside of the round table, talking to each other, and communicating with some Qin Heqing does not know. Content.

In addition, there are rows of foldable simple chairs around the walls of the conference room-mainly in front of the walls in the north, south and west, and a person who is suspected of being an adjutant, secretary or assistant. The men and women sat on it, closed their eyes and meditation, or lowered their heads to play with the phone, but they did not whisper to the surrounding participants. They looked cautious in words and deeds, which shows the caution of these people.

   But it was a bit surprising and something reasonable. Qin Heqing actually saw the figure of Dudao Yuzi among these participants, sitting side by side with a young man, whispering something.

   "Mr. Qin, your position is here." At this time, Mado Hou who led Qin Heqing to a seat beside the round table reminded him.

   "I see." Qin Heqing nodded, "Go ahead."

   "My job today is to accompany Jun Qin, and do some things within my power according to your instructions, and there is no need to deal with other things." Mato Akatsuki stood still and shook his head slightly.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Really? It's up to you." Qin Heqing gave her a surprised look, but did not refuse, nodded, and said, "I'll go After seeing an acquaintance," he turned and walked towards the place where Dudao Kongzi was.


   "Heqing." Hearing the familiar voice, Yuko looked up and said in surprise.

   "Don't you introduce it?" Qin Heqing looked at the young man next to Kaizi and whispered.

"he is……"

It’s just that when Toshita Toshiko hadn’t finished speaking, she was interrupted by the man who took the initiative to stand up and hand it over. "You must be Qin and Qing Qinjun. The first time we met, I, Mr. Musashi Kinoshita, is the affairs liaison officer of the Tokyo branch of Curse Forbidden Road. , Please take care of me."

   "Affair liaison officer?" Qin Heqing looked at the other party with some confusion, but did not refuse the other party's politeness, and reached out and shook hands with Kinoshita Musashi.

"According to the agreement between Curse Forbidden Road and the Countermeasures Bureau, although Curse Forbidden Road cannot establish a formal organizational department in Tokyo, it can place a liaison office like an office. Mr. Kinoshita is the person in charge of the liaison office. , Responsible for communication with the Countermeasures Bureau and Curse Forbidden Road, as well as between Curse Forbidden Road and the bureaucrats of various government departments." Drug Island Kongzi helped explain.

   "So that's the case. Then you are here this time..." Qin Heqing asked.

"Like Mr. Qin, he came to the meeting." Kinoshita Musashi said, "After all, the influence of the Cthulhu Apostle this time is too big. It is not just a matter of the Countermeasures Bureau, but the entire island nation and even the entire human race. The extremely dangerous situation is taken seriously, so as one of the double walls of the island country, we have also been invited by the cabinet to be allowed to attend today's meeting to participate in the discussion of the handling methods and opinions of follow-up matters."

   "Shuangbi...Okay. It's just Tsuneko, aren't you a member of the Qishijin squad? Why did you come here too?" Qin Heqing puzzled.

   "This is my request." Kinoshita Musashi interface said.

   "Oh?" Qin Heqing looked at him with a surprised look, waiting for the other's words.

"Because I know that this joint meeting will definitely require your presence, Qin Jun, so in order to be able to better talk to Qin Jun you, I specifically typed a report to it, hoping that Miss Tiao Dudao could join the office temporarily Come join me in the meeting. And the effect..." At the end, Kinoshita Musashi couldn't help laughing.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Listen to what you mean, are you cursing forbidden words, are you ready to deal with me?" Qin Heqing also smiled, don't ask meaningfully.

"If it is before today, I think some people in the organization will still have certain ideas about what you do to Qin Jun, but after today, I think no one will want to trouble you anymore. Right? Unless he wants to die." Kinoshita Musashi said seriously.

   "Then you arranged for Kaneko to come over ~www.ltnovel.com~ What do you want to talk to me?" Qin Heqing nodded non-committal, and didn't say whether he believed it or not, but changed the subject in a plain and ordinary tone.

   "Express my goodwill. And if possible, try to be friends with Qin Jun." Kinoshita Musashi said seriously.

   "What about after becoming friends?" Qin Heqing continued to ask.

   "Of course it is to start a relationship like a friend."

   "Are you not going to do anything more?" Qin Heqing asked with a smile.

"I don't know what other people in the organization think, but personally, I still understand that friends are needed, not thought to use, otherwise even if they become friends temporarily, the relationship between each other will last for a long time. Nope." Kinoshita Musashi shook his head.

   "You are a sensible person." Qin Heqing looked at each other up and down for a while, and no matter if he said it out of sincerity or other communication strategies, he responded indifferently.

   "What I can tell is probably this self-knowledge." Kinoshita Musashi smiled bitterly. After a meal, he said again, "Presumably Jun Qin should have something to say to Miss Dudao, then I won't bother, you talk, I will go to other people to communicate."

   After finishing speaking, without waiting for Qin Heqing to say anything, he saluted him and Dudao Yuzi, turned and walked towards the other participants.


   "Really an exquisite character." Qin Heqing muttered as he watched Kinoshita Musashi leave.

   "You were that just now, were you jealous?" After Kinoshita Musashi left, Toshishima Yuko put her hand on Qin Heqing's waist with a smile, and asked in a soft voice with a slight flutter.

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