High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1197: Awkward victory

Rebirth Japan as a priest, Chapter 1197, the aggrieved victory "If this is the plan, then I can't help it." Shin Matsumoto spread his hand.

He was born in the forbidden road. As the name suggests, he is studying forbidden, that is, healing spells, or simple spells, that is, attacking the organization of spells, so you let him fight, heal, curse and personally play. , To bless the dead with spirituality and add attributes, he really can't do the onmyoji or the priests of the Shinto system.

   Without him, the profession is not there.

"I can use water spiritual power to add some attack attributes to the weapon, but it is only an effect such as increasing power and reducing wind resistance. It does not seem to have much effect on the enchantment." Taihei Tuyumen thought and shook his head. Tao.

   "Me, too, I'm not good at this kind of magic." Okuyamaichi also smiled bitterly.

   "I have mastered several blessing spells of this kind, but I can't guarantee how effective they are." Kitajima Tokiko hesitated.

   This is also the fundamental reason why she can become a member of the Kamikaze team as a casual person! Otherwise, there are so many people to choose from, why should she choose Tokiko Kitajima? She is not the only one who has signed a consulting agreement with the Countermeasures Bureau.

   "No matter what the effect is, try first, or if we continue with the current situation, we are likely to be in the footsteps of the previous fleet." The commander of the fleet walked over at this time.

   "Kakuda, take them down, if you need to cooperate as much as possible, contact me if you are really unsure." Then the commander made arrangements very simply.

   Regarding this, both Kikuchihara Aki and Director Tanaka did not refuse, and allowed Tokiko Kitajima and Taihei Tomimon to be taken down by a marine named Kakuda.

   "I hope their spells are effective." Kikuchihara Aki sighed while looking at the water column rising outside.


   On the other side, Kitajima Tokiko and Tomimon Taihei, who were led by Kakuda, finally passed through the corridors and came to the warehouse where the ammunition was stacked.

   "Are you coming or me?" Kitajima Tokiko asked Taihei, who was beside him.

   "Let’s start separately, and then exchange the ammunition blessed by each other to bless it again, and also increase the possibility of them breaking through the barrier." Doommen Taihei thought for a while and replied.

   "That line, I am on the right and you are on the left."

"it is good."

  Then the two separated, one walked to the left side of the warehouse, stretched out his hand, and chanted the spell of calling the spirit to the various weapons and ammunition placed in front of him——

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "At four o'clock, water is the moon, and the sky is the moon. The Holy Spirit basalt controls the north, the gods are mighty, commanding the waters, but evil and evil, chasing disaster , To drive Beidou to benefit all directions!"

   Needless to say, this is Tsutomi Gate Taihei.

   Then Kitajima Tokiko came to the right side of the ammunition warehouse, facing the fixed bracket where the ammunition was placed, holding both hands on his chest, closing his eyes, and singing the sacred lyrics——


   Then sacred, the warm white light emerged, like a hazy dream, gradually shrouded in various shells and ammunition in front of her, adding a touch of sacred light to them.

   Until a long time later.

   "My side is ready," said Tomimon Taihei, looking at Kitajima Tokiko who had finished singing his congratulations.

   "My side is fine too."

   Then the two exchanged and began to bless the sacred power of the ammunition that each other had blessed before.

Until all the blessings were over, the two men met again and were stunned. At this time, they had replaced the respectful Kakuda Marines. Under the leadership of the other party, they risked shelling to the outside of the cabin and walked towards the fort on the deck. After going over, and then taking turns, blessed the fort that releases ammunition with different types of blessing curses with similar effects.

"All right."

  Then the two returned to the bridge and nodded to the looking Aki Kikuchihara, indicating that they had completed the mission.

   "It's up to us next." Seeing this, the fleet commander chuckled.

"Soldiers, it's time for us to counterattack next! To prepare the squad, immediately change the ammunition, adjust the launch trajectory, other fleets pay attention to cooperation, whether it succeeds, it will be the next round of attack." Then, the fleet commander The officer shouted at the bridge and even the heads of other fleets with a serious face.


   Then the soldiers moved quickly and replaced the previously blessed ammunition into the weapon compartment that temporarily stopped the roaring because of the need for blessing, and slammed the lock valve and ran to the side.

   "The ammunition is replaced! You can attack!"




In an instant, a violent roar spread. Accompanied by the vibration of the hull, a pink missile with patches of cherry blossoms rushed out of the fleet, cutting through several kilometers of space, and hitting the support of the Ghost Fleet battleship. On the wall.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Boom!"

   Energy exploded, and the shield shook more severely than before.

   "It's effective! Keep it going!" The fleet commander put down his tactical binoculars with bright eyes and exclaimed.


   Then more ammunition roared away, bringing out a large swath of cherry blossoms, hitting the **** ghost fleet in a beautiful and dreamlike picture.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   "Report! The wall is broken!" The observer reported with excitement.

   "What are you waiting for? Fight me fiercely!" The fleet commander was also excited with his fists and gritted his teeth~www.ltnovel.com~ Then more artillery roared and flew towards the ghost ship.


In this way, the battle lasted for almost twenty minutes. The moment the commander and the navy soldiers thought they would do their best this time and completely wipe out the ghost fleet, the radar crew was incredibly angry. The voice shouted, "Report, the enemy is retreating, they are going to run away!"

   "What? I want to run after taking advantage of us so much?! Don't think about it! Go after me and kill them."

   Then the fleet as a whole followed its direction. Except for the ships that were broken in the previous battle and could not be pursued, all the intact and lightly broken ships followed.

   It's the kind with full power and firepower.

   So it didn't take a long time to catch up with a big distance.

   But still failed to stop the ghost fleet, even if they have destroyed the ghost fleet's heavy cruise...

   Or is the other party's voluntary sacrifice?

Anyway, when the heavy cruiser was about to sink due to a big break, the heavy cruiser, braving the black smoke and fire, burst into bright red light, and then burst open suddenly, turning into two stout red rays of light. The light cruisers and battleships that ran a lot of distance in one step shot past them, did not enter their hulls, and enveloped them in red light.

  Then the ghost warship broke through the sea, and dived under the sea like a submarine...

   "Bastard!" Seeing this, the fleet commander couldn't help but hammered the console with resentment, cursing unwillingly.


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