High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1198: ocean

the next day.



   "Why are you here?" Qin Heqing, who was dressed in a school uniform, carrying a school bag and dressed for school attendance, looked at Qin Zhizi, who was dressed up at home, was surprised.

   If he remembers correctly, she should be in the hotel now, how could she show up in his apartment.

   Is it possible that she is going to rely on herself, will she follow herself from today?

   That's not good.

   "Uncle Zong Dao didn't tell you?" Qin Zhizi asked Qin Heqing calmly.

   "What are you talking about?" Qin Heqing asked in confusion.

   "From today, I will be the tenant here. And the room is upstairs from you, the apartment where the incident occurred." Qin Zhizi smiled and said, "So please take care of you in the future, and Master Qing."

   "..." Qin He Qing silently did not expect the Qin family, or the so-called solution to the accommodation problem in Qin Zongdaokou, is such a solution...

   Does that mean that the residents in this apartment will be completely replaced by the children of the Qin family after the other few people come over?

   even worked harder and bought the whole apartment building directly. With the background of the Qin family, it is not impossible to achieve this point.

  Think again about the shrine...

   Isn’t it necessary to do this too?

   That scene is really fucking.

"Master Heqing is going to school, right? Then I won't bother you, Master Heqing. I will come to visit with the prepared hand salute in the evening. I hope Master Heqing will not mind you." Qin Zhizi It's polite and standardizes the way of saluting.

   "Let's do it with you." Qin Heqing tugged at the corner of his mouth, showing a slightly painful smile, shook his head, turned and walked downstairs.

"Bon Voyage."


   But this is only a small episode after all, and it is not a big deal for the turbulent world.

For example, now, as far as the Atlantic Ocean bordering Europe and Africa, accompanied by a wave of waves, a huge terrifying behemoth, which is a few points larger than the sperm whale and the deep sea squid king, has been tumbling. Half of his body protruded in the waves, like the huge mouthparts protruding from the front of a whale, and tentacles like fleshy whiskers appeared along with its movements.

   The faint fluorescent flickering set off the huge sea monster that was terrifying and strange.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Huh, bang! Huh..."

   Then the sea monster disappeared in the ocean, more waves and some small monsters faintly emerged from the waves...

   But this time there are a lot more and more types——

   There is a swordfish with a dark body and a cold light on the tip.

   There are large flying fish with wings flying and flying freely in the sky.

   There are green hairs surging, and the limbs are as powerful as the giant turtles in the sea.

   There are also octopuses and squids that remain in their original form, but feel inexplicably evil and strange.

Combined with all kinds of weird small fishes, jellyfish, and crabs moving around them, the entire school of fish is like a mutated army of marine fishes, led by the deep sea monster that first appeared before, heading forward. Moving aimlessly.

   "Captain, found a large sonar signal, we seem to have encountered a submarine." The sonar navigator of a cargo ship that happened to be sailing near here reported with a weird face.

   "Submarine?" The captain was a little unbelievable, but he walked quickly to the sonar navigator and took a look, shook his head and said, "That's weird. This is not a special way. How come there are submarines moving here?"

   "What should I do now?" the sonarman asked.

   "Delete the feedback signal, as if they have not been found to continue sailing." The captain thought for a while.

There is no way to get in touch with the other party. Moreover, even if they get in touch, it may not be a good thing for the ships and staff of private companies like them. So instead of asking for trouble, it is better to just ignore it when nothing happened. As well.

Anyway, based on his many years of sailing experience, it is speculated that no matter which country’s submarine or a submarine of a wealthy person or power, he will not actively contact them or attack them if he does not want to be exposed. they.

   But I didn't expect that this time I encountered an unexpected situation.

   Almost as soon as the sonarman erased the records, and the captain was about to go back to continue watching the course, the sonarman's incredible voice rang again.

   "Captain, the other party is approaching us!"

   "Huh?!" The captain was shocked and walked over again quickly.

   "How is it possible, what are these guys doing?"

   Then soon, he understood what happened--

In the next moment, the chief mate driving the freighter suddenly yelled "My God" like a ghost. After opening, a huge mouth of an abyss that was ten stories high suddenly broke into the subconscious and turned his head to look over. In the captain's eyes, a large amount of seawater poured in, and the big mouth bit like a huge scissors on the side deck of the 10,000-ton freighter.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Boom!"

  In an instant, the ship vibrated violently, and the people and cargo on the ship moved involuntarily.

   "God, what the **** is that? Is the ocean troll?" The captain who barely held the handle on one side didn't let him fall and murmured in a daze.

  Although as an old man who seeks life on the sea, he has heard many horror legends about deep-sea monsters, whether he first entered the trade or has grown into a captain. But he always thought that it was just a story~www.ltnovel.com~ There is no such horrible monster that can forcibly drag a 10,000-ton freighter into the deep sea!

   Giant squid king is not good either!

But who would have thought that a creature that had always been thought to be a legendary creature actually appeared in front of him this time, and attacked the ships he controlled with the might of destroying everything. The shock and despair it brought almost made People wonder if they are still dreaming.

   Otherwise, why would I encounter such a terrorist attack, who has never done anything illegal?

   Only soon, he had to recover from the fearful screams of the young crew in the bridge.

   "Shut up, everyone!"

"Notify all the sailors, let them pick up weapons, assemble on the deck immediately, and attack the deep sea monster with me, and then ask the logistics staff to prepare the lifeboat and prepare to abandon the ship. Farrar, send a public signal to nearby ships in the sea , Tell other people what happened to us and let them pay attention to avoid it!"

   "Now, everyone, come out with me!"

   After that, the captain, regardless of other people's reactions, found the self-defense weapon and ran out of the bridge first, holding the deck of the ship to the position where the monster was biting.

   "Crunchy, crunchy."

   Just before he approached, the sharp metal distortion came into his ears again.

   Under the terrifying force of the deep sea monster, the ship's side armor made of modern alloys is just like a freshly baked baguette, which is easily torn into pieces, and fell into the mouth of the deep sea monster.

  The sea was flooded, and the ship immediately became precarious.

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