High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1277: Two-pronged approach

"Rebirth Japan as a priest (

"It seems really troublesome..." But as he watched, Qin Heqing's brows wrinkled again.

"What?" Saeko Matsushita asked in confusion.

"Have you forgotten what it was made of?" Qin Heqing reminded.

"Sewage...You mean radiation?!" Fukada Yomi was shocked.

Yes, the pollution monster in the mouth of a real householder is not formed by pure sewage, like a sewer monster like a stinking ditch creature, but by the nuclear power plant accident at the first power station in Fukushima-Tokyo Electric Power Company. In order to reduce nuclear pollution and nuclear fuel reactions, the clean water used in the nuclear fuel reaction evolves into polluted water. Therefore, compared with the pollution and impact of the domestic garbage and sewage like a stinky drain, it also contains very terrible radioactive pollution.

This is also the origin of the strong fluorescence and all kinds of weird colors on the monsters!

Basically every color and brilliance are the product of radiation pollution.

If this is allowed to wreak havoc...

It is not clear how much direct damage will be caused, but the indirect damage and various pollution are enough to cause headaches and troubles for the entire island nation.

So when Qin Heqing was accompanied by four girls on the leisurely Guanlan video news about the Fukushima area, the cabinet, who was also aware of this trouble and potential danger, finally agreed to Qin Heqing’s request under the circumvention of Director Nan of the Countermeasures Bureau. , Promised that as long as he could solve the monsters in Fukushima, they agreed to start negotiations with Qin Heqing and make specific discussions on the ownership and division of rights of the new city.

To put it bluntly, it means to write a blank check first. As for the time to fill in the ‘how much’, that’s not what they said?

So after a while, Director Nan made a call in person.

"I am Qin Heqing."

"Your request, the cabinet has agreed." Director Nan didn't talk nonsense, and at the same time the phone was connected, he told Qin Heqing the news.

"Really?" Qin Heqing asked suspiciously.

It’s not that they don’t believe in the minds of cabinet members, but that they, who have always been known for procrastination and conservativeness, can easily reach a consensus and are willing to risk the world’s great frustration for him to open the fandom that has been eliminated for hundreds of years. Country system.

Even if it's just a small new city.

But this is also a hole. If it is officially opened, the ghost knows that the people behind the chaebols in the island country will be making a moth to widen the system and let them turn from capitalists to powerful landlords?

Moreover, it is impossible for the opposition parties to let this issue go so easily and not to deal with it, and easily let the group of the current cabinet group act wrongly, right?

So even if Qin Heqing had all kinds of information, he couldn't believe that things could be accomplished so easily and smoothly.

"Of course, there are prerequisites." Director Nan also knew that this kind of thing could not fool Qin Heqing, and did not want to take the blame for the cabinet guys, and became the object of Qin Heqing's resentment, so he did not hide the details of the cabinet resolution. "The Cabinet's meaning is to promise you first, let you take action to solve the monsters in Fukushima, and then discuss with you in detail about the ownership of the new city and the division of departmental rights."

"In other words, I'm fooling me." Qin Heqing said with a pouted mouth.

"You have to understand the difficulties of the cabinet bureaucrats. After all, your request is really too much." Director Nan also smiled bitterly with a headache.

"It's all this time. Is it important to have a new city or the whole island nation?" Qin Heqing asked indifferently instead of empathizing.

The meaning is obvious. Promise me that the island nation can be guaranteed. Even if it cannot continue to develop steadily, they can at least live like individuals and lead a modern and civilized life before the evil gods are truly destroyed. But if you don’t agree...

Then you are ready to be destroyed by monsters!

Although if a monster does enter Tokyo, he will directly take action for Kato Kei, Machida Sonko, Hinasaki Fukaha, Kasumigaoka Shiba, etc., to intercept the disaster outside Tokyo, but the various destruction and damage caused before this Loss, don't blame him for being ruthless.

He is not an island country's thug.

"This...well, I'm going to talk to the cabinet about this aspect..." Director Nan hesitated for a moment, after all, he did not force the matter to Qin Heqing again, sighing.

"Then trouble you."


Then Director Nan hung up the phone and discussed Qin Heqing's request with the cabinet again.


"It seems that I can't play with you anymore." Qin Heqing put down the phone and looked at the four people on his left and right, Mafei Hojo, Saeko Matsushita, Yongmi Fukada, and Yua Mikami, sighing with regret. Tao.

"Didn't the cabinet not agree to your terms." Hojo Maji was surprised.

"I didn't agree, I didn't agree, but I have to make some preparations in advance, am I? If you let a monster enter Tokyo, you don't want to see Tokyo being destroyed because of the monster's ravages." Qin Heqing said.

Several people shook their heads.

"Then tell me your contact information. I will write down your numbers. When this event is over, I will find a time and opportunity to gather together and continue the game we haven't finished playing today." Qin Heqing laughed. Said.

"it is good."

Immediately, the few people did not hesitate, and took their mobile phones and exchanged numbers and LINE numbers with Qin Heqing.

"Okay, remember to pray for me~www.ltnovel.com~Qin Heqing jumped out of bed and didn't see any movement of him. The stains all over his body spontaneously jumped out of his skin and pores, like countless tiny ants. Usually gathered together, and finally settled into a ball the size of a soybean, which was burnt completely in a fleeting fire. Then Qin Heqing put on his clothes and did not go to the front door, and directly opened the window of the hotel room. Floating in the air amidst the exclamation of the four women.

"I am leaving."

"Be careful on the road." Mafei Hojo walked to the bed and greeted.

"I wish you good luck!" Matsushita Saeko didn't know where she was thinking, just like the woman who sent men to the battlefield in the Warring States period, she blessed with a serious face.


After that, Qin Heqing didn't stay there anymore, and directly turned into a dim light and shot towards the horizon.

"I really didn't expect that one day we would be able to connect with this kind of person. I have to say, just like a dream." After watching Qin Heqing disappear, Hojo Mafei closed the window of the room with her hands, turned around and looked away. Sighed and said to the remaining three people.

"Yeah, it's really incredible." Mikami Yua echoed.

"Of course, we also want to thank the Yongmei sauce for providing us with this opportunity. As a thank you, let us have a drink together." Hojo Mafei said with a smile.

"it is good."

Then a few people ordered some food and drinks through the room service, dressed in bathrobes, chatted and drank in the room.

But he didn't take Fukushima's crisis to heart at all.

Of course, it's useless even if you take it to heart, they are not Qin Heqing.


"Special photographer... the technology is really not built..." Qin Heqing, who was galloping to Fukushima, recalled the scene in the hotel, and sighed with nostalgia.

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