High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1278:

He has been to demons, slept with ghosts, and quarreled with monsters. In terms of women, it can be said that he has experienced a lot of battles. Qin Heqing, who has traveled thousands of times, has to admit that in terms of professional technology, he is also the first in the field of special dramas. Ou Yi pointed out that the methods of the four Hojo Maki, who has won various industry awards, are really high. The level of mastery in "knowledge" is not at all comparable to things like monsters and ghosts or ordinary women.

Even at certain times, the special experience of monsters and ghosts is very strong.

But that was just the beginning. After getting used to it, Hojo Maki and the others will be stronger if they communicate in depth.

This is also the reason why some thoughts kept popping up after he left this time, even in the time of the sage.

"Sure enough, if you have the opportunity, you should find more special actors and actresses to try it out to see if it's the case for some people or everyone." Qin Heqing secretly pondered while flying.

But that's all for the future. As for now, it's more important to rush to Fukushima to monitor the situation.

Therefore, in the next second, Qin Heqing's body shape, who was already fast, sprinted again, and shot towards the Fukushima area like an electric light.

And soon after, arrived in the sky over Fukushima Prefecture.

Hovering, condescendingly surveyed the situation in Fukushima.

Of course, I can't see how much, except that it can be confirmed that the pollution monster is very huge and is moving along the coastline towards Ibaraki Prefecture. No amount of it can be seen.

After all, Qin Heqing is not a bird, and even with special visual aids, looking down at a height of nearly a kilometer, the people he sees are almost the same as ants. There is really no need for him to pay more attention to it. .

Therefore, after confirming the existence of the pollution monster, he released his primordial power, and swept the ground below like a scanning device.

It is not searching for people, but for weird powers that are different from people-such as the breath of the evil **** apostle.

After all, besides them, Qin Heqing couldn't think of any organization or individual who could make this kind of moths in the island country.

The same goes for monsters. They don't have this kind of brain.

Unfortunately, after searching for a circle, the trace of the Cthulhu Apostle was not found. I don't know if it ran away, or something else happened that caused his breath to disappear, thus getting rid of Qin Heqing's tracking.

"Forget it, you can find it sooner or later."

Random Qin Heqing converged his mind and carefully observed the state of the pollution monster——

It’s not too different from the information I noticed when I was collecting and browsing before. It is still a giant humanoid posture of liquid nature, without hands and feet, but there are many things like tentacles on the body, eyes all over the body, vertical pupils are strange, From time to time, weird red light flashes from it, affecting various real substances such as people and things around, destroying them, or directly causing mutations, and urging a famous human to form an indescribable monster.

The whole body was shining with colorful fluorescence, and it was very strong. Even in the high school hundreds of meters away from the monster, Qin Heqing could vaguely see that the space around the monster was disturbed.

And not because of the indescribable force, but because of the radiant matter itself, just like a super-massive object suddenly squeezed into the real space. The gravity, or the force of gravity, directly changed, turning the area where the monster was located into an abnormal area of ​​gravity. .

This is probably the reason why a monster with a liquid posture can stand tens of meters high on the ground like a human, but is not affected by gravity and is directly pressed onto the ground to become a soft monster.

Wherever he went, his life became extinct, flowers withered, trees withered, and even the concrete-watered ground was corroded by the strong corrosive substances that polluted the monster's body, exposing the soil below.

However, it was no longer the normal soil color, but rather like sludge, pitch black, fishy smell, and exuding the smell of garbage piled together after fermentation.

Insects are extinct, cats and dogs mutate, and all kinds of weirdness become crazy and tyrannical under the influence of pollution monsters. Not only do they attack when they see people, but they destroy things when they see them. Even if they meet each other, they will be like enemies. If you don’t say anything, they will fight together, and you will never stop until one of them is completely swallowed into the stomach...

And this is a relatively good phenomenon. At least this can greatly reduce the number of mutant monsters, otherwise, the mutation caused by the size of the pollution monster is enough to cause the entire eastern region of Fukushima Prefecture to fall into terrible chaos.

Not many combatants exist. At least the number of staff responsible for this abnormal situation like the Countermeasures Bureau is very rare, and they are all hidden in special vehicles, afraid to show up directly face to face with the pollution monster.

One is the fear of being affected by the weird power to cause mutations, becoming a monster that is neither human nor ghost.

The other is that the barrier-proof clothing they wear was not considered radiation protection at the beginning of the design, so if you really want to rush out at all costs, maybe the battle hasn't started, and you will first have to be due to the various radiation rays released by the radiation monsters. The influence of first died...

However, public order and order have been maintained well. With the maintenance of the Fukushima police and the soldiers who came from behind, the residents on the path of the pollution monster were forcibly moved away early~www.ltnovel.com ~ The road is blocked, so that the pollution monster's influence on the surrounding area is suppressed to the minimum.

This is probably the reason why the cabinet has the courage to use foolish methods to deceive itself.

Because the impact is really not big enough for them to bear.

Even from the current point of view, the impact of pollution is already very strong...

"Then it depends on which one of us can rely on." Seeing this, Qin Heqing also simply used the cloud as a bed, sat down in the sky, took out his mobile phone, and browsed various beautiful pictures on INS. , To pass the boring time.

Anyway, there is still some distance before the monster enters Ibaraki Prefecture, and there is still a lot of time before the monster passes through Ibaraki Prefecture and enters Tokyo. You can waste it slowly and play slowly...

But Qin Heqing didn't expect that this game would last for several hours. It wasn't until the day was bright and the monsters began to ravage Ibaraki Prefecture that they finally received a call from the Director of the Countermeasures Bureau South.

"The cabinet agreed. As long as you can get rid of the monster, the new city will be officially assigned to your name, and all systems and policies will accept your arrangements." After a meal, he added another sentence, "Of course, the specific arrangements and handover The method also requires you to arrange for someone to have a detailed discussion with them. It is estimated that there will be no trouble, at most you can only have the highest ownership of the new city in name."

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry. Anyway, as long as Cthulhu is not suppressed, things like today will definitely be indispensable in the future. If the cabinet thinks that this can hold me, or hold me back to gain control of the new city, I promise that it won't take long for them to regret their liver pain." Qin Heqing replied with a smile on his face and a tone of indifference.


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