High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1286: Abolitionist

"Rebirth Japan as a priest (

After the date, at Hinasaki Fukaha’s house, he heard Hinasaki Fukaha’s report on the progress of the negotiation, and after spending a long time with her, Qin Heqing went to the living room of Hinasaki Fukaha’s house and sat cross-legged on the sofa in the living room. After coming down, his eyes closed, and once again emptied his thoughts in the same way he used to contact Xing Bu Ji, and went to the special space used to meet Xing Bu Ji.

So in just a moment, Qin Heqing once again appeared in the space formed by the gap between the two worlds.

The only difference from the previous few times is that the scene of the space between this time has an obvious and extraordinary change-that is, it cannot be said that it is completely dark, but there is no light source, and there are no extra decorations and scenes. It is just pure. On both sides of the black translucent eggshells on the top of the head and under the feet, there was a unique scene, turning into the sea and sky.

And in terms of orientation, it is very much like a person in the sky at an extremely high altitude-close to low-Earth orbit, or even a geosynchronous orbit, overlooking the planet-like state. A huge penumbra of the planet appeared on Qin Heqing’s head and feet. Slowly turning around, but no more scenes...

At least Qin Heqing tried for a long time, and he also managed to expand his primordial power, go deep inside the planet to see the development of civilization within the planet, to determine whether the planet above and under his feet is exactly what he guessed. The projection of the time and space world where he is at this time and the time and space world of the Warring States period can only be watched without making any changes.

It wasn't until a while later that Xing Bu Ji, who seemed to wake up from her sleep, appeared in this space, rubbing her eyes.

"Huh, how has this changed?" Ji Yu, who noticed the different scenery around him, asked surprisedly, "Did you make it?"

"It was like this when I came." Qin Heqing shook his head and explained.

"It's weird, it's so good, how did it become like this here?" Xing Bu Ji looked like a tourist, looking left and right, puzzling.

"Forget it, let's talk about your side first, are there any abnormal changes recently?" Qin Heqing stopped Xing Bu Ji, who seemed to be overly curious, and asked.

"Abnormal change? Hmm...Don't say it, it's true." Xing Bu Ji tilted her head for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

"Talk about it." Qin Heqing asked.

"On my side, a few days ago, the sky suddenly changed abnormally, like a white sun, a large area became pitch black directly in the bright sky, and it lasted for a long time before it gradually faded. After that, Da Ming Shen The adults issued a warning order to the land belonging to the whole **** system, so that we should pay close attention to all abnormal conditions and changes within the land under our control, and report to it in time." Xing Bu Ji felt that he was wrong, and it was indeed not right. The normal changes were told to Qin Heqing.

"All God is the land alert?" Qin Heqing frowned and confirmed.

"Yeah." Xing Bu Ji nodded.

"Is it only the land of your Daming God family, or does all the gods of the entire island nation need to be on guard?" Qin Heqing asked.

If it is only the Suwa Da Mingshen family, it can be explained by other conditions, but if the gods of the entire island nation system are like this, then it is unlikely that it is not an evil god.

After all, there is only one heretic **** in Qin Heqing's time and space, and he was directly summoned by the medium. I won’t say whether it’s a clone or the main body. But from the perspective of the fact that the gods in the world are now unable to show up, the evil gods that exist outside the world are still not there. There are a few, or there are very powerful, heretical gods that require the cooperation of the gods of the world to fully defend themselves.

In this way, combined with the vision displayed above Tokyo today, that is to say, the distance between the two worlds has now reached a level where they can influence each other. Therefore, the evil gods who are guarding the outside of the world turn to find the trouble of the other world. It is not incomprehensible to add a new delicacy by yourself.

"Not very clear." Xing Bu Ji shook his head.

After all, she is a housemaid. Even if she becomes a god, most of the time in her life is given to sleep, except for her leisure and entertainment time, but the scope of activities is also within the Baicheng, even if it is not because of Qin Heqing Requirement, he didn't even have the will to visit the Daming God of Suwa, how could he spend time to build the so-called circle of friends of the gods like other gods?

So even if her friends do not lack the existence of god-level figures, they are all similar to her. They are not a series of land, or rural wild gods with weak names. I hope they can climb up to gods such as Gao Tianyuan and Weiyuan. It is to enjoy welfare, it is not much different from wishful thinking.

So naturally there is no way to know the news and activity status of other gods except for other **** systems.

"You said, how did you be a god? Really abolished!" Although he already knew the level of Xing Buji's trash, when he once again faced Xing Buji who lost the chain at a critical moment, Qin Heqing still felt very speechless and depressed. I wish I wanted to come to the Warring States Period in person~www.ltnovel.com~ to suppress Xing Bu Ji onto her lap, and then slap her **** fiercely like a disobedient bear child...

"There is no rule that the gods should make friends extensively, and all news can be clear." Xing Bu Ji, who saw Qin Heqing's unsightly face, shrank his head and replied timidly.

"..." Qin Heqing was speechless, and then asked again after being silent for a while, "By the way, has there been any strange mirage in your world recently?"

"A mirage... there is." Xing Bu Ji thought about it, nodded affirmatively.

"What kind. I mean what the content of the scene presented by the mirage is." Fear that Xing Bu Ji, who seems to be missing a string, could not understand what he meant, Qin He Qin added.

"The content is very strange..." After that, Xing Bu Ji tried his best to squeeze her own brain and described the scene of a mirage that she saw by chance but did not go too deep.

Although the foreword was not followed by words, and it was still half-hearted, Qin Heqing could understand it in general. Just as the mirage of the Edo era appeared over Tokyo in the local time and space, the mirage on the time and space of the Warring States period projected the modern life scene of the local time and space and caused quite a stir. .

Of course, it is limited to ordinary people, as for the gods...

Qin Heqing took a look at Xing Bu Ji, who didn't care if there was a flood or a landslide, as long as there was a place to live, and decided not to ask.

He was afraid of angering himself.

"Give you a task."

"What?" Xing Bu Ji asked mentally.

"Pay close attention to the anomalies in the world you are in, as well as the movements of the various gods. Whenever there is a situation, come here to contact me by contract."

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