High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1287: Negotiated

"Rebirth Japan as a priest (

The two worlds converge, let’s not talk about things that might destroy the world. After all, there is still time, and even if there is no time, Qin Heqing can’t do much now. He can only watch everything develop in front of his eyes, so let’s talk about negotiations now. Here.

I don’t know if I received the well-known report, or whether Hina Saki Fukaha’s intervention was really great. Finally, after another three or four days of tossing, the whole negotiation ended smoothly. It was only necessary for Qin and Qing himself to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications for the contract. Sign your name and affix a private seal, and the new city will officially come under your own rule.

As for the existing members of the new city?

Even without Qin Heqing's interference and intervention, they would almost have to step down and conduct a new election.

After all, there are clear notes on the election rules on the island country. Members of each district, city, county, and even Congress have a term of office, usually three years, and they will be re-selected in March of the year when they are leaving office.

In other words, even if Qin Heqing did not interfere, the councillors of Xinzuo City should be re-elected in a few days.

Right now, it just cuts off the process and puts the number of members such as members under his own name.

As for the operation of the new city?

It is also because of the bureaucratic system of the island country-parliamentarians are parliamentarians, and bureaucrats are bureaucrats. Although the two are the same official institutions and members to govern the country, their division of labor is different.

Like parliamentarians, they are the makers of various policies and regulations and conceptual leaders. The bureaucrats are the officials and the enforcers, so even without the existence of those councillors, as long as the rules themselves still exist, the city cannot be paralyzed.

This is why the bureaucrats of the island countries are relied upon by the parliamentarians, and the reason why various parliamentarians and heads of Congress are often accompanied by a large group of aides——

Because these MPs really don’t have any practical management experience, they all depend on their background...

Just as the head of a certain medical department can tell that he has never seen a Japanese yen banknote with a face value of less than 10,000, that is not a lie, but because of the family’s financial situation and living environment, he really has never seen it. , And never used banknotes less than 10,000 yuan in denominations.

Therefore, when you really want to meet unpopular members of the Diet, bureaucrats can, like the ancient overhead emperor, take the member who proposed the policy to the sky, so that his orders and policy instructions cannot be carried out, and they will eventually disappear and disappear into the sight of the crowd. .

This is what Qin Heqing is. As long as he can comfort the officials of Xinzuo City, Xinzuo City can continue to operate calmly and stably, and it will not fall into turmoil because of its change of owners.

Therefore, Qin Heqing did not pretend, and on the day of receiving the news, he rushed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications with Mahamon, and under the leadership of the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he went to the signing hall. Under the auspices of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Participated and signed a contract with the person in charge of related matters, and the new city was included in the bag.

"The next step is the arrangement of reconstruction and personnel migration." After completing the contract, Qin He Qing Chang, who took the relevant legal documents into the Huzhong World Residence, exported Qidao.

"By the way, how did you talk about this?" Qin Heqing asked, turning his head to the negotiating expert Augustus Bright.

"According to the agreement, the manpower and expenses for mobilizing residents to relocate will be paid by us. The island country will promise not to block and provide certain conveniences to residents who are willing to move into Tokyo's Adachi, Kita and Arakawa wards-for example, much less than The price of the actual value of the house provides the buildings in the three districts and helps to apply for the house ownership certificate." Augustus replied.

"Also." Qin Heqing thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Anyway, he is not short of money, tens of hundreds of billions of yen are lying in the bank, and there is still an endless supply, so coupled with the curse forbidden personnel that can be mobilized later, and the tengu clan controlled by the female tengu, really It is not too much trouble to operate. It can be said that it will not affect his transformation of the new city at all!

On the contrary, the current handling of shrines and temples in Niiza City that are not under his name is a bit scratchy. You can't let the Yuki girls go out in order to make Niiza City completely his own words, and go to scourge those temples and shrines every day, right?

Not to mention that the conscience is overwhelming, the possible impact of this alone is not what Qin Heqing wants to see.

"Forget it, it's a big deal. I will talk to their heads and hosts one by one. Maybe I can solve their problems peacefully." Qin Heqing muttered.

"Then do nothing. The formulation of the relocation compensation contract is left to you. About how long will I get the final version of the contract?" Qin Heqing thought for a while and turned to the Austrian next to him again. Gus asked.

"This is not difficult. After all, there are many ready-made blueprints to learn from, so at the latest three days, we can come up with a migration contract that meets the conditions of the residents of the new city for you to review." Augustus thought about it and replied. .

"That's OK, then I'll wait for your news."


After that, Qin and Qing led the people from the Ministry of General Affairs and returned to their stronghold-the Eve Club. After thinking for a while, he took out his cellphones to call the cursed road Tojo Yoshiko and Hokkaido's Tengu, and asked them to arrange staff to come to the new city to deal with the subsequent persuasion of the residents to move out.


"Heqing~www.ltnovel.com~ I’m Edko, do you have time now? Come to the shrine if you have any. I have something very important to tell you. It’s related to the sake company." Qin Heqing seemed to have closed the curtain, and while enjoying the head massage of Imari walnut, his phone rang suddenly, and the voice of Qin Zhizi, the daughter of the Qin clan who was arranged next to him, was heard.

"It's related to Jiu Gong?" Qin He Qing asked in surprise.


"I know, I'll be over now." Qin Heqing thought for a while, but Qin Heqing couldn't figure out what was going on and said.

"Okay, I am waiting for you at the shrine."

After that, Qin Heqing was not verbose, and simply confessed to Imari Walnut, club manager Fumi Nakagawa, and Akatsuki Mado that he left the club and drove back to the new city by subway.

And half an hour later, he successfully appeared in Niiza City, and appeared at the foot of the unique shrine Miichi.

Without stopping, he set off and walked over to the shrine.

"Master Heqing."

"Here you come."

"Where is Zhizi?" Qin Heqing nodded to the women who greeted him, and then asked instead.

"I'm here." After that, Qin Zhizi, dressed in a witch dress, walked out of the main hall and said, "Let's go to the main hall and talk."

Qin Heqing nodded, and the two of them walked into the main hall of the shrine dedicated to the wine public under the gaze of others.

"Let's talk about it, what is it for me to come over." After entering the main hall, Qin Heqing asked straightforwardly.

"It wasn't that she was looking for you, but I asked her to call you." Before Qin Zhizi could speak, a strange but familiar male voice came back abruptly in the empty space of the main shrine. It caught the attention of Qin Heqing.

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