High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1289: Confuse

"Rebirth Japan as a priest (

"So, now the gods don't have a unified opinion on the arrival of the new world, and how to deal with it." Qin Heqing, who heard the story of the wine master, didn't know whether it was helpless, or suddenly sighed.

"After all, the size of the world is there, even if the gods have the heart and there is no interference from the outside gods, the gods have no way to take a world." Jiu Gong also sighed.

"Then let's get back to the topic. What do you want me to do?" Qin Heqing shook his head, skipped this depressing topic, and returned to the original topic.

"The gods need power. And the source of power comes from the world..."

"But even if I try my best, I can only protect an island country, and maybe even a country cannot do it. I can only maintain the stability of Tokyo." Qin Heqing said helplessly.

Do you think he doesn't want the whole world to be peaceful, without so much trouble?

Of course he thought. But there is no way. In terms of space, ground, and strength, it is his greatest effort to maintain the current situation. No matter how much, it is estimated that he will be exhausted.

He is not a true priest who devotes all his body and mind to the gods, as long as the gods say anything, he will go through fire and water.

He is not so mindless yet.

"So after you take over the task, the gods will successively issue oracles to the shrines that believe in them, as well as the clergy who serve them, so that they can cooperate with you to implement the plan to stabilize the world." Jiugong explained immediately afterwards. .

This is probably where the anti-daqi argument lies.

"The key is, will they listen?" Qin Heqing asked back.

People's hearts are complicated. Even if they are priests, they can't let everything go 100% without gains. What's more, they are low and low and run to Qin Heqing's side to listen to orders, where are their personalities?

And if Qin Heqing were to be confessed, where would they put the face of their great shrines and priests?

The most important thing is, if this matter spreads out, how will the impact be broken?

You know, it's real real money, not something that can be ignored. The priests don't want to just send these white money to Qin Heqing's hands.

"Then it depends on your methods. Anyway, we will give you the righteousness, and we will give you various blessings in the future. If we can't handle the priests of other shrines and temples, then we will really be disappointed in you. Now." Jiu Gong said in a low voice, looking at him with a look you shouldn't be so useless.

"All right. As long as you are not afraid that I will demolish their temple, I don't care." Seeing the wine master, or the gods wanting to clean up the rogue Qin Heqing, he didn't pretend, spread his hands and said casually.

"As long as you can guarantee the stability of the world, you will turn the entire island nation into you, and we will recognize it." Jiu Gong laughed.

"Don't you worry about Amaterasu going crazy?" Qin Heqing retorted in surprise.

"As long as you can guarantee the stability of the world, in the big trouble, we will help you resist." Jiu Gong replied.

"The stability of the world is so important to you?" Qin Heqing wondered, feeling that the gods' pursuit of stability in the world may not only be the power of belief generated by the so-called popular belief.

"Because it is not only related to the succession of the power of the gods, but also related to the stability of the heaven and earth barrier, so even if we pay a price for this, as long as the world can be stable, we will recognize it." Jiu Gong explained.

"It has something to do with the barrier between heaven and earth?!" Qin Heqing said in astonishment, "What is the barrier between heaven and earth?"

"I don’t know the specifics. I only know that it was originally just the membrane of the world, which was used to resist the erosion of the chaos and void to the world itself. Later, due to the invasion of the evil gods, it was transformed by the ancient gods with great divine power. Some special attributes, this is also the basis for the gods to intervene in the barrier of heaven and earth to resist the outer gods. After that, I don’t know whether it was the change caused by chance or the handwriting of which great god, and the barrier of heaven and earth became again. The existence like the sea of ​​mind is connected with the collective consciousness of human beings, and will appropriately evolve the response of the human mind. The result is that the more stable and peaceful the world, the stronger the barrier between heaven and earth, and vice versa. Will become fragile."

"That's it." Qin Heqing said suddenly.

After another meal, he frowned and asked, "But speaking of this, since even you can communicate with me in the lower realm, why can't other gods descend directly into the world and clean up the evil **** that is raging in the realm? "

"Do you think we don't want it?" Jiu Gong smiled bitterly.

It's not that they don't want to, but that they don't have time.

As for the reasons, there are two main reasons: First, they need to use the time when the evil gods are attracted by the new world to fix the loopholes in the heaven and earth barriers, restore the strength of the barriers, and avoid allowing the evil gods to seize the loopholes and break into the world due to their negligence. .

The second is that they also need to take time to deal with the local gods who have fallen because of the evil gods. If they can't be solved quickly, the ghosts know that they have the authority of the barrier between heaven and earth, will they make moths at a critical moment?

So compared to ~www.ltnovel.com~ the evil gods in the world have become the third most important matter. Before the first two problems were formally resolved, the gods were not in the mood to pay attention to him.

Even if it would sacrifice the stability of the human world...

This is also the reason why the gods of the island country have so unified opinions and are willing to let Qin and Qing resist the flag and give various blessings.

I also hope that Qin and Qing can work hard to fight against the evil **** and stabilize the situation in the human world when they can't make a move.

To put it bluntly, it means to use him as an abandoned son and cannon fodder.

"You really have great expectations of me." Qin Heqing twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Mainly your recent performance is worth our expectations." Jiu Gong laughed.

Their main energies are only involved in the barrier between heaven and earth, and they are not completely disconnected from the people. Therefore, Qin Heqing has done things in the world, especially the scenes of fighting with the big monster. They still paid attention to it. The performance of Qin Heqing, and the relationship between Jiu Gong, this is the reason why the gods are willing to put a heavy bet on Qin Heqing.

Because Qin He Qing is his own person and can be trusted. Moreover, the strength is indeed impressive enough, and he has the ability to resist the evil gods' offensive. Otherwise, even if the gods are stupid, they won't be in such a state of emergency.

"Okay. It seems that I can only be a'tall man' once." Qin Heqing sighed.

"Thanks for your hard work." Jiu Gong also patted Qin Heqing's shoulder with emotion, and a blessing mark came on Qin Heqing's body.

"last question."

"You said."

"Cthulhu has stayed in Europe and has not completely launched an invasion of the world, do you know the reason?"

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