High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1290:

"Cthulhu? Not very clear, but I think it should be related to the actions of the gods." Jiugong frowned upon hearing this, and speculated.

After all, even he has time to come and convey the decisions of the island gods, so naturally it cannot be ruled out that the European gods cannot see the actions of the evil gods. The main attention of the evil gods outside the world is given to the new world that is approaching. Attract the void of the past, what to do to the evil god.

What's more, the actions of the other gods who took out their free time also had a big impact on the evil gods.

For example, strengthening the heaven and earth barrier is tantamount to clearing the rules of the world. Knowing the hidden dangers contained in the heaven and earth barrier is likely to conflict with the evil **** who also uses his own power to corrode the rules of heaven and earth, causing it to suffer extra. Stress and influence.

This, coupled with the depraved god’s work of reasoning for stability, is likely to involve a lot of Cthulhu’s energy, and it is not impossible for Cthulhu to change his original intention and stop his activities again.

Besides, the evil god's erosion of the world did not stop completely when he stopped...

I haven't seen that the oceans all over the world have become very unstable recently, as if returning to ancient legends, various legendary sea monsters frequently appear.

Not to mention the various warships of the World War II period that were affected by the power of the evil gods and returned from the bottom of the sea. It can be said that the ocean communication between countries in the world has been almost completely cut off. They can only rely on aircraft to carry out trans-regional and trans-large State contacts and transfers.

This is why the entire world began to be greatly affected as soon as the flights of various countries were adjusted.

"Then I hope this influence can continue. I don't want to wake up one morning, the evil **** will appear in the territory of the island nation." Qin Heqing responded.

"I can't guarantee this." Jiu Gong shook his head.

He is just the Bacchus of the island country, and he is still relatively unknown, the kind who does not have much influence, and counts on the gods of other countries to sell his face...

It would be better to pray for Qin Shihuang's return to life. With the great achievements of that ancestor, I believe that no **** dares to provoke directly.

"Hey, all right, I don't know when this matter is headed." Qin Heqing sighed.

Then the two talked about some mess, as well as the secrets and secrets of gods and gods. The wine master ended this advent, exploding the entire descending body, turning it into golden light in the sky, swarming towards Qin Heqing gathered here.

Didn’t I want to enhance Qin Heqing’s strength, strengthen his background?

Although this meaning is also included, more of it is to fulfill the agreement of the gods and give Qin Heqing the blessing of various powers.

After all, the pressure on the heaven and earth barrier has been reduced, but it does not mean that the evil gods outside the realm have all given up on the attack on this world. The battle outside the realm is still continuing, so except for those who are not affected or who are specifically selected, they can temporarily be free. In addition to activities, the main energy of other gods must stay in the heaven and earth barriers to deal with various possible situations.

Naturally, there is no way to come to reality one by one and give Qin Heqing various blessings. Therefore, he retreated to the next best place, and directly used the hands of Jiu Gong, and the sacred power gathered by Jiu Gong when he came to complete this task.

So for a time, Qin Heqing felt more than a dozen special powers descend on him, adding various qualities and talents to him.

Even though, many kinds of blessing effects are decorations for him...



"Heqing, are you out now, and the wine master has left?" Qin Zhizi, who was guarding outside, immediately asked enthusiastically when the door opened.

"Well, I left." Qin Heqing affirmed.

"Why is it so urgent?" Qin Zhizi asked in surprise.

"After all, the gods also have a lot to deal with." Qin Heqing replied.

"Yes. It's a pity, everyone said that they want to see the wine master." Qin Zhizi nodded suddenly, and said with some regret.

After all, this is also the first time I have seen the ancestors descend when I became a witch since I was in my own family or after returning to Qin Heqing. If I had no idea, it would definitely be impossible!

At the same time, he sighed more and more that Qin Heqing deserves to be the most valued cub of the ancestors. This kind of scene that did not necessarily appear in the family ceremonies in the past has appeared again and again. It is no wonder that Qin Jun is a little distracted. I'm over there.

"Will have the opportunity next time."

"It can only be so."

Then Qin and Qing stayed at the shrine for a while and learned about the operation of the shrine, and then they separated from Qin Zhizi and others. After returning to the house where nothing happened, they would not return home, and organized the conversation. All gains.

First of all, in terms of information, I finally know the status and origin of the heaven and earth barrier, so that I don't think about its existence as before.

Then there is the movement of the gods, and he has counted them. It is indeed as he thought it is to resist the invasion of evil gods from outside the world.

Then comes the question of the new world...

How to say this, it can be said that knowing it is useless, because the gods also have no choice but to take it one step at a time, hoping that things will not turn out to be the worst as he thought. Happening.

Then there are various blessings. Although many of them have no effect on him who is already in the realm of immortality, some of them are quite good for him.

For example, the increase in intuition and combat literacy brought by the blessing of Bishamontian ~www.ltnovel.com~ is very similar to Qin Heqing's taste, which greatly compensates for some of his shortcomings in combat, so that his strength is present. Some have improved by 10 to 20%.

The last is the righteous status. Although I also don’t know how effective this status can be in the end, it shouldn’t be a problem to use it to search for some things and deal with some things, even if it is bad.

For example, those temples and shrines in Xinzuo City, Qin Heqing can borrow the righteous name to make them compromise, move out of Xinzuo City or accept his assignment.

It's just that the time may have to wait two or three days, otherwise the gods may not have time to come down.

The last and last thing is about the evil gods. The evil gods should have stopped acting under the influence of the gods' movements. Although it is still unclear how long it can last, as long as it can be maintained, it is a victory for Qin Heqing now. Everything, so Qin Heqing will not be too extravagant, ready to do his best to strengthen himself in the limited time.

Then it is resigned to fate, hoping that the result is not the worst kind. otherwise……

Qin Heqing can only run away to see if there is any way to open up a new world.

The other gains are the method of becoming a **** and the secret method of entering the heaven. For Qin Heqing, who is destined to follow the path of immortals, it is just like blessing. It is a good-looking play. The essence is actually useless, at most That is to say, it can be used to help the Snow Girl icicle, so that she will be more stable and convenient on the road to become Xuan Ming, or the **** of ice and snow, or winter god.


Then it can't be done by these secret methods.


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