High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1291: The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on

One day later, the curse forbidden road and part of the Tengu clan led by the female tengu arrived in Xinza City.

There are a lot of people, and there are more than a hundred people on both sides, so Qin Heqing is also very simple, and directly spends a big wallet to buy a hotel, put everyone in it, and solemnly demanded that the two sides should not fight...

After all, one side is the Onmyoji, and the other side is the monster. If you encounter it occasionally, it may be nothing. If you stay in a space for a long time, the ghost knows if it will be caused by things such as unhappy heart. Therefore, it is better to strictly ban it from the beginning.

And just in case, Qin Heqing also specially asked the female tengu who suppressed the tengu to come with the team to show off his aura of strength, and let the cursed person understand the gap between himself and the female tengu, so as not to have anything wrong. He opened his eyes, thinking that Qin Heqing was an outsider who had no right to control them. Calm his mind and do things that upset Qin Heqing.

Then Qin Heqing left the hotel, returned home and continued to wait for follow-up news——

For example, the development progress of the relocation contract.

For example, the state of the oracle's arrival.

For example, others can increase their strength and even the world's trends.

Then on the third day, the last day Augustus promised, Augustus personally handed over the relocation compensation contract made by a group of them and handed it over to Qin Heqing.

How can Qin Heqing understand this play? Therefore, after a general glance, it felt okay to read, he called the person in charge of the curse forbidden road staff and the female tengu, handed over the contract to the two, and asked them to find the contract. The officials of the Niiza City City Hall, formulate relevant plans-

Yes, find official personnel.

Because when Qin Heqing was waiting for the completion of the contract, he was bored, or there was nothing to do, he took the legal documents delivered by the cabinet, and led by the staff of the relevant functional departments that he found in Mato and Mato. Next, the bureaucrats of the city hall of Xinzao completed the handover and officially became the actual controller of Xinza city!

So he can arrange bureaucrats to do anything as a leader.

Take this persuasion work.

Therefore, the curse of the forbidden road, the female tengu, and the demon did not hesitate. Under the leadership of Qin Heqing's agent in Xinza City, Tachibana Mari, they went to the city hall and officially began to persuade the residents of the city.

For a while, Qin Heqing was idle again, hesitating whether to try his status as an anti-banner, to convene all the temples and shrine service personnel in Xinzuo City to come to a meeting, and set off to continue suppressing monsters and cleaning up the seals in the island country. In the meantime, Qin Heqing finally chose to set off to the major seal locations and monster clan lands to deal with monsters and seals.

As for the reason?

Quite simply, he was worried that his identity was not enough, or that those guys might not listen to him, so between wasting time and enhancing his own strength, Qin Heqing chose the routine he was more familiar with and embarked on the path of strengthening himself. .

It's just that the good times didn't last long, and within two or three days, I received another call from Mato Akatsuki and Qin Zhizi.

"Something happened. Just half an hour ago, the Kinkakuji Temple in Kyoto was suddenly attacked by monsters on a large scale. The Kinkakuji Temple was destroyed. None of the 13 people in the temple survived, and all of them died." The tone of the report.

"Heqing, it's not good, Kyoto was attacked by monsters, Kinkakuji Temple was destroyed, all monks in the temple were killed by monsters, the seal was destroyed, all the monsters sealed under Kinkakuji escaped, and Kyoto was about to fall into turmoil... "Qin Zhizi reported in an anxious and worried tone.

Although the tone of voice is different, the content is surprisingly consistent. That is the bad luck in Kyoto. The famous temple Kinkakuji was destroyed. None of the monks in the temple still said their lives. It seemed that they broke a certain seal and let some monsters escape. Came out?

Anyway, Qin Heqing was shocked when he heard it--because none of the information he received from the Countermeasures Bureau said that there were monsters in Kyoto that were sealed.

And the curse of the forbidden road is the same, only said that there is a big hidden existence in Kyoto, but there is no half a word about monsters and seals. This is when he is directly active in the northeast area of ​​the island country. The reason for going to Kansai.

"Seal? What seal?" asked Qin and Qing Qin Zhizi, who was puzzled.

"Don't Heqing know?" Qin Zhizi asked in surprise.

"do not know."

"According to family records, Kyoto experienced a monster war four hundred years ago. The lord of monsters and ghosts at that time fought against the thousand-year-old monster Yuyi Fox, and won the final victory. The Yuyi Fox was beheaded, but the impact was caused. However, it caused great harm to Kyoto. Therefore, the six Kyoto houses and all the Yin and Yang congregants at that time put down the monster chaos in the shortest time and restored peace to Kyoto." Qin Zhizi said in a calm tone. Qin Heqing told the story.

"But those monsters are after all the team used by the feather foxes to compete for the master of the monsters, so each of them is amazing and difficult to kill. So after discussing with the six family owners at the time, it was decided to use Kyoto as the plate and directly arrange them. A shocking barrier is used to maintain the peace of Kyoto~www.ltnovel.com~ Therefore, based on the principle of Yin and Yang, six key places in Kyoto are selected as the base of the barrier, and the powerful monsters that are difficult to deal with are sealed. In the land of the foundation, add temples or shrines to suppress them."

"The purpose is also very simple. It is to use the power of the monsters to maintain the existence of the enchantment to protect the safety of Kyoto. The Kinkakuji Temple is the place where the six seals were originally selected."

"That's it." Qin Heqing said suddenly. After a meal, he said in a meaningful way, "But listening to what you mean, wouldn't it be that the Qin clan also participated in the seal operation in the past, and provided the basis for the seal, and even took on the responsibility of guarding and suppressing it?"

After all, the original builders of Kyoto were the Qin clan. From funding to design, it can be said that there are traces of the Qin clan everywhere. Therefore, to change the pattern of Kyoto, the participation of the Qin clan in Kyoto is naturally indispensable. I just don't know how much Qin was involved at that time, and how deeply involved.

"Yes." Qin Zhizi was silent for a while, and replied with some lack of confidence.

In this way, he somewhat understood what Qin Zhizi meant to call himself.

"That's why you called me this call..." Qin Heqing asked slowly, looking at the mountains and clouds in the distance.

"I hope Qin Jun can go to Kyoto to help the Qin clan and the Kyoto family suppress the actions of the monsters, and return to Kyoto to be peaceful." Qin Zhizi immediately stated his thoughts without hesitation.

"This is what you meant, or what the Qin family meant." Qin Heqing didn't say yes or no, but asked in a meaningful way.

"It's my thoughts, and it's also the thoughts of Qin's family." Qin Zhizi was silent again, and it took a while to answer slowly.


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