High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1292: Arrive in Kyoto



"Hahahaha, my uncle is finally free again! World, I am back again!"

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Of course...No, who's talking!" The black shadow condensed into a human form, revealing a burly and sturdy body as well as non-human heads and horns. He looked around and asked with a solemn expression.

"It's your grandpa and me!"

After that, the majestic force of suppression and suction emerged out of thin air, forming a huge black hole, which immediately covered the newly emerging ghosts.

"Don't think about it!" The ghost roared, and the powerful force burst out from his body, condensed, compressed, and rushed into the black cavity of the sky along the fist that he threw like a cannonball.

However, there was no feedback. It was as if energy had entered a bottomless deep hole. It disappeared from the ghost’s perception without even hearing a sound. Then the black hole completely descended, and the ghost together with the ghost in his roar. The ground under his feet was swallowed.

"Do not……"

"It's done." Qin Heqing, who landed in midair, exclaimed.

Then he looked up at the sky, and did not move further into the mountain, turned around, and went down the mountain like an ordinary climber.

After all, he has to rush to Kyoto, but it's hard to waste too much time here.

What's more, the monster seal here is just this one, and there are no monster settlements around, so there won't be any extra gains if you go further. Instead, you might as well go to Kyoto for some unexpected gains...


After a few hours, Qin Heqing arrived in Kyoto.

And the first thing that caught his eyes was the huge filthy air that shrouded the entire Kyoto sky like a dark cloud. Hundreds of demonic airs were rampant in it, and it seemed that it was possible for them to change from nothingness to reality at any time. The existence of this kind of realm in general made Qin Heqing look and depressed.

Of course, this is reflected in all Kyoto residents feeling that they are very depressed, easily restless, angry, and want to conflict with people if they are a little uncomfortable, and even if they beat them to the head, they can’t help them. The horizontal feeling was excreted, very irritable and uncomfortable.

"Even the domain is about to be completed, it seems that there are really a lot of monsters in Kyoto right now." Qin Heqing muttered, returning his gaze.

Then he left the station platform and walked outside the station.

And as soon as I left the train station, I heard a familiar call.

"Jun Qin!"

"Zhizi? Why are you here?" Qin Heqing stopped, looking at Qin Zhizi who was supposed to manage his shrine in Xinza City in surprise.

"I'm worried about the conflict between you and the clan, and I'm also more worried about the situation of my parents, so I rushed back after calling you on my own terms." Qin Zhizi who walked over quickly explained Tao.

"Is it only you?" Qin Heqing looked around and asked again after seeing that there were no other Qin clan members, especially those Qin clan girls who had been sent to him.

"There are also Ami and True Sophon. But they didn't know that you would come to Kyoto, so they didn't come to pick you up like me." Qin Zhizi replied.

"Oh. Let's go out then."

"it is good."

Then the two started again and walked out.

"What's the situation in Kyoto now?" Qin Heqing asked on the road, who wanted to know the state of Kyoto more clearly.

"Very bad." Qin Zhizi shook his head.

Because Qin Heqing dealt with ghost seals in the mountains and rushed to Kyoto for several hours, three of the six seal bases in Kyoto were destroyed, and the results were the same as Kinkakuji, in the shrines and temples. The clergy from top to bottom did not stay alive. It can be said that the environment of Kyoto has been further destroyed. The black miasma clouds floating in the sky are the best evidence of this situation.

Fortunately, the shrine guarded by the Qin clan has not been attacked yet, so except for those killed by monsters due to unlucky news and bad luck, there have not been a large number of casualties for the time being. It is unfortunate. Fortunately.

As for after? Qin and Qing are here, does she still need to worry about the safety of the members of the clan?

In other words, it should be the demons and ghosts who are working in secret that should worry about their safety.

The two of them said this and came to the outside of the train station completely, but before they left, the new greeting came to Qin Heqing's ears again.


Qin Heqing and Qin Zhizi stopped and looked at the caller.

It turned out that it was not someone else, it was the intelligence personnel of the Countermeasures Bureau who stayed with Qin Heqing, a household name.

"Why are you here?" Qin Heqing wondered at Mato Akatsuki, who was also supposed to help in Tokyo instead of coming to Kyoto to make up the numbers.

"I'll help you with the branch office on the Kyoto side." Mato Akatsuki glanced at Qin Zhizi next to Qin Heqing and replied.

Qin Zhizi knew that it was one of the women that Qin had arranged with Qin Heqing, so even though she hadn't met her formally, she wouldn't regard her as a potential threat or something. Because she knows that even if Qin Zhizizhen and Qin Heqing have something, she can't shake her position...

Especially when this kind of world is likely to be destroyed at any time, what is the point of Qin Heqing's life being chaotic and there are other women around?

Could it be less before?

As a third party that destroys other people's emotional lives~www.ltnovel.com~, she is not qualified to blame others.

"Heqing, don't you introduce me?" Qin Zhizi frowned slightly, staring at the unfamiliar Madoto Xiaochao Qin Heqing.

"Let me introduce to you. This is a well-known person from the Intelligence Section of the Countermeasures Bureau. He is also the liaison between me and the Countermeasures Bureau. He is mainly responsible for helping me take over various intelligence information sent by the Countermeasures Bureau. There are also specific liaison matters like today when you need the assistance of the local branch." Qin He Qing froze for a moment, and then introduced the two with smiles.

"Mato, this is Qin Zhizi, the inspiration maiden of the Qin family in Kyoto. In terms of blood, she is my sister."

"Hello there."

"Hello." The two looked at each other, and then greeted them with a gentle shake.

But then the two stopped paying attention to each other, instead focusing their attention on Qin Heqing.

"I called a car..."

"I also called a car here." Akatsuki Mato and Zhizi Qin said almost indiscriminately.

"Besides, I'm all back to Kyoto, so I can't even go to my home, right?" Qin Zhizi took out his emotional card to add to the question.

And after speaking, he deliberately looked at Mato Akira, with an obvious provocation in his eyes, which made Mato Akira feel very boring.

"What arrangements do you have here?" Qin and the Qing Dynasty asked Zhenhu.

"I mean to send you to the hotel first, and then according to your wishes, to send you to the Kyoto branch to meet with the branch managers and discuss the specific action plan for the retreat of the monster..." Mato Akatsuki explained.


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