High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1293:

In the end, Qin Heqing chose to go back to Qin's house with Qin Zhizi.

Of course, with the real household names.

As for the reason?

After all, the Qin clan is one of the related parties of this incident, or one of the related families. Compared with the Kyoto branch of the Countermeasures Bureau, they should know the truth and the secrets of the matter better. In addition, Qin and Qinghe The relationship between the Qin clan, so more or less he has to show face to the Qin clan, go back and take a look...

Just treat it as giving face to Lord Jiu, lest the Qin clan is really killed by the monster because of his'passing the house and not entering'.

So not long after, Qin Heqing reappeared in the home of the Qin clan.

"Jun Qin, long time no see." The Qin clan chief who stayed at home after hearing Qin Heqing's arrival, the original Qin Shao clan chief greeted.

"It's really been a long time." Qin Heqing responded.

Thirteen years...it's not just a long time. If it weren't for seeing each other again, it wouldn't be a bit weird to forget Qin Heqing.

At least Qin Heqing can't remember the name of the person in front of him now, let alone the others who will be there again...

In a word, everyone present was strangers to him, and he really couldn't give birth to any special feelings.

"Let's talk about it, what the **** is going on in Kyoto." Qin Heqing sat down on a chair beside him, and without too much greeting, he went straight to the subject and asked.

"It can only be said to be related to Yuyi Fox." Clan Chief Qin shook his head.

"Feather fox?" Qin Heqing frowned.

He has even heard of the feathered fox. There is a strange fox monster in the island country. Because of the reason that it can be reincarnated, the existence time can be said to be very long, even if it dates back to the time when Tamazao passed away a thousand years ago. no problem.

But she was not a member of either the Sky Fox or the Golden Retriever Nine-Tailed Fox family. She was simply a wild fox in the mountains who had awakened a special talent.

So although he lived a long time, his reputation at the beginning was really not very big. It was not until four hundred years ago that the world knew the existence of such a man and the so-called Kyoto group monsters.

"Then what's her purpose?" Qin Heqing continued to ask.

"Then I don't know. There is no relevant data record in the family. I only know that she seems to have a very close relationship with the Huakaiyuan clan, the division of the Ampei clan. Perhaps you can find Yuyihu from the Huakaiyuan family. The purpose of appearance."

"Huakaiyuan Clan... They still have inheritance?"

Just as the Meiji Restoration put the Yin-Yang Dao into the evil ritual sacrifice, the main groups of the Yin-Yang Dao, the Ampere, the Tomimen, the Huakaiyuan clan, and the Qin family all suffered a near-destructive blow until the later countermeasures were established. Government departments need the help of these powerful people from the old yin-yang system to help replenish their institutions in order to be slightly relieved.

This was the rise of the Tugong clan and the birth of the emperor family.

"Torto Mimon Shinto asylum, as well as the cover of the Tugong family who emerged in the later period. Although the Huakaiyuan family suffered a serious blow at that time, they quickly recovered their vitality and climbed back to Kyoto. The location of the famous gate has become one of the guardian families of Kyoto, so the inheritance in their family can be said to be quite well preserved, countless times more intact than our Qin clan." The chief Qin exclaimed.

After all, even the ancestral temples and even the genealogy of the Qin clan were destroyed and burned by the royal family of the island nation. The internal data lost as a result is even more rare. It can be said that there are quite a few data stored in the countermeasure bureau. Most of them were looted from the Qin clan at the time, except for the contributions or looted materials from other families and departments.

"Then you arrange someone to take me to Huakaiyuan's house. If you don't know the purpose of Yuyihu, even if you suppress her, it may not be able to completely eliminate the danger in Kyoto." Qin Heqing didn't pretend, and immediately asked.

"...Forget it, let me take you there myself." Chief Qin looked at Qin Heqing and nodded in agreement.

"Then trouble the patriarch."

After that, Qin Heqing, Qin patriarch, Qin Zhizi, and Machiko Maeto stood up one after another, left the family land of the branch, got into the private car of Qin patriarch, and then driven by the driver of Qin’s service towards Huakaiyuan The main principal of the family moved away from where they were now.

"The members of the Huakaiyuan clan should all be stationed at the Guili Palace, so we can go directly to the Guili Palace to see people." Clan Chief Qin in the car explained.

"That Gui Li Gongxiang must be one of the only two base seals left." Qin Heqing asked thoughtfully after hearing this.

"Not bad." Chief Qin nodded affirmatively.

"What about the other one?" Qin Heqing asked.

"At Inari Shrine." Chief Qin replied.

"The head office of Inari Shrine?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"Yeah. So now most of our Qin's staff have rushed to the Inari Shrine. Only a few people stay at home and garrison other ethnic shrines. It's just in case."

After all, youkai are not organized and disciplined, so no one knows if they will attack the Katsura Imperial Palace and Inari Shrine, suddenly their brains are hot and attack other places to satisfy their desire to eat and kill~www. ltnovel.com~ So I have to take precautions.

Qin Heqing nodded, but somehow understood why the true Sophon Tai Qin rushed back.

Without him, who would call her the original shrine maiden of the Qin family of the Inari Shrine, she has a different kind of affection for the Inari Shrine, not to mention that her family is also serving the Inari Shrine. , If something really goes wrong-for example, if her parents were killed in the attack, she would definitely not feel good. Naturally, she has to come back before the incident and see if she can do her best in the battle. Power.

"After visiting the Huakaiyuan clan, please send me to Inari Shrine." Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, and said immediately after learning the situation.

I've already returned, and I won't be able to show my face unless I can help.



In this way, twenty minutes later, a car carrying Qin Heqing, the head of the Qin clan, Qin Zhizi, and Mato Akira appeared outside the Katsura Ligong in the former imperial palace in Xijing District, Kyoto.

However, what caught the eye was not the lively scene of clean streets and visitors, but the scene of war surrounded by demons and rampant spells.

The monsters with peculiar shapes or human-like appearances are hideous, like a madman, madly impacting the gates of the Guili Palace, stirring up the barriers that appeared above the Guili Palace, turbulence, and even attacking the onmyoji in the Guili Palace. Repelling it back shows how powerful it is.

"Hey, it's really time for us to come." Qin Heqing muttered as he looked at the outside scene.

But he didn't hesitate, he immediately pushed the door and got out of the car, without saying a word, rushing towards the monster group.


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