High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1294:

"Dawei Tianlong!"

Accompanied by Qin Heqing’s violent shouts, a dragon chant came back in the void, and then the sky split, and a mighty golden dragon rushed out of the void. The biggest target outside the Guili Palace, and the most conspicuous enemy-Huang Kulu rushed over.


Huang Gu turned around, and his head immediately met the energy glow that the Dawei Tianlong spit out.


"Oh!" Huang Skull screamed, his huge body, like a dozen-storey high-rise building, turbulent. After a meal, it hit the shining seal enchantment outside the Guili Palace, shaking and turbulent. The enchantment trembles more and more, and the brightness is uncertain, which further weakens the power of the enchantment.

Then Dawei Tianlong did not hesitate, and continued to rush forward, and the five-fingered dragon claws were heavily grasped on the huge head of the wild skeleton.


Huang Skull was horrified, and his huge bone hand grasped the dragon's body in the opposite direction. The dragon body entangled with it, curling up on Huang Skull's arm like a climbing vine, followed by a golden flame of divine light burning all over, violently burning Huang Skull's limbs.

"Ah!" Huang Kuxu cried out in pain, his voice rippling in the void like an invisible shock wave, and a strong wind blew away the weaker monsters around him instantly.

"There are onmyojis who dare to rescue the Huakaiyuan family at this time. I really don't know whether to live or die! If so, then I will send you to **** to meet with other onmyojis of the Huakaiyuan family." Just as the main force of the attack on the Guili Palace barrier was entangled by the mighty Tianlong released by Qin Heqing, one of the other Kyoto monsters sneered, holding a spear that looked like an oversized cross, and rushed towards Qin Heqing with a smile. ...

"Little thief, die!"

The gun fired like electricity, with a black luster, appeared in front of Qin Heqing in an instant.

Qin Heqing flashed his body, with the slightest difference, in fact, flashed the opponent's attack in a calm and calm posture. At the same time, he grabbed the middle of the attacker's spear with his hand, looking at the attacker's handsome face like an idol among humans, and asked back "Which one are you."

"My uncle, that's true of the fine mole cricket." The man said proudly.

"It turns out to be mole cricket essence." Qin Heqing said in a sudden.

What is a mole cricket? To put it bluntly, it is a bug, a kind of bug that exists only in the summer like a grasshopper, and a kind of ant that is useless when it is alive, and is useless after death. I don’t know where he came from. Arrogant, dare to speak to himself like this.

But Jing Mole cricket didn't pay attention to this. After proudly answering, he jumped in depth and kicked Qin Heqing's head with a kick—

It was really a bug-level attack.

Qin Heqing didn't evade, and didn't even mean to move. With a chuckle, a pitch-black barrier suddenly appeared on the edge of his cheek, and the moment the sperm cricket kicked it over, he bit the sperm cricket's foot.

"What!" Jing Mole cricket was shocked and spit out sour water at Qin Heqing.

This time Qin Heqing was hiding. After all, it was saliva or something. The danger is not dangerous. The key is that the play should fall on the disgusting person, so his figure flashed directly and appeared behind the fine mole cricket whose foot was bitten. , The entrance to the Demon Refining Pot opened, directly swallowing his whole person.


The spear that had lost its master fell to the ground, making a crisp sound of gold and iron, and then stepped into the footsteps of the fine mole cricket, and was thrown into the pot world by Qin Heqing... Continue to be their desperate master and servant.

But correspondingly, Qin Heqing’s performance also attracted the attention of more Kyoto monster group monsters. Once again, some people were separated, toward Qin Heqing, followed by Mato Akatsuki, Qin Zhizi and Qin clan chief three who appeared next to Qin Heqing. People rushed over.

"He Qing..." Qin Zhizi whispered with a nervous expression.

But on the contrary, even though he is an intelligence officer and is also not a combat unit, he is very decisive. He directly drew a black tool similar to a handshake from his lower back. It bounced out of the handshake one after another and turned into a slender hand stick that was more than half a meter long. Following the movements of Madoto's hand, it made a crackling sound of electro-optical lasing.

In the same way, the chief Qin on the side did not show weakness, his expression was solemn, a paper talisman appeared in the backhand, and again, a young shikigami who looked about the same age as Yue'er emerged from the void. , Carrying a huge red gourd with the word "wine" in his hand, blinked his eyes with some unknown conditions.

"Wow, so many monsters."

Seeing this, Qin Heqing did not hesitate, and released Yue'er.

"Huh?" Yue'er blinked, a little inexplicable about the situation in front of her.

"We will solve the battle first," Qin Heqing said simply.

Immediately, Yue'er didn't say much. After the response was good, Wanye Feihualiu was used naturally, forming an overwhelming wave of leaves, and the monsters rushing over at Qin and Qing quickly shot past.

"Little carving skills!" One of the men dressed up in black kimono sneered coldly, and the long sword around his waist instantly turned into a blurry light and shadow that was indistinguishable to the naked eye, like a transparent barrier, blocking the man in black. And following his footsteps, he chopped all the blades flying in front of him into powder.

"Yue'er, please cooperate with me." At this moment, the Jiu Boy, who is carrying the wine gourd, shouted towards Yue'er.

"What are you going to do?" Yue'er asked rhetorically.

"You'll find out later." After speaking, Jiu Tong suddenly raised the huge gourd at hand, raised his head and poured a large amount of wine into his mouth, and then squirted forward~www.mtlnovel .com~ The swift flame is like a fire dragon, clinging to the thousands of leaves created by Yue'er, winding and circling, and rushing towards the monsters.

But in the same way, the guy who dared to come over after Qin Heqing took the initiative to suppress the fine mole cricket is not a good encounter, so seeing one of the men wearing a feather cloak waved his arm, the strong hurricane suddenly circulated and brought With a terrifying aura that seemed to be able to tear everything apart, he instantly dispelled the offensive created by Yue'er and Jiu Boy.

With another wave, countless wind blades resembled death's sickle, lashing in front of Qin Heqing and the others with terrifying sharpness.

"Yu!" Patriarch Qin didn't hesitate, and he immediately shouted sharply with both hands.

Then a tangible golden barrier appeared in front of everyone, like a shield, blocking the front of the blue wind blade.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Yue'er, take care of them." At this time, Qin and Qing Chong Yue'er, who had placed a barrier behind the barrier set up by the Qin chief, called out.

"Got it."

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