High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1295: Kill


With Yue'er's help to protect, Qin Heqing naturally no longer has to worry about the safety of the trio of Zhen Hu Xiao, Qin Zhizi and Qin chieftain, and can put more energy on the monster group in front of him.

Like now--

"Move the mountain!" Qin Heqing shouted violently, pinching Dao Yin.

Then the invisible air produced ripples and the void was turbulent. An imaginary mountain in the shape of Mt. Fuji appeared out of thin air above the heads of these monsters who were about to attack them. The terrifying suppression and the natural release of gravity immediately affected them. Body.

"what is this?!"

"Mount Fuji?!"

"How can this be?!"

Of course, the true Mount Fuji naturally cannot appear here. Even if it does, it will not be able to be moved by Qin Heqing, who is not yet a fairy. So what he moved is actually the shape of the true spirit of Mount Fuji, so the volume is only It will be so small, it looks like some kind of model toy, but the mountains and the meaning of the mountains are not lacking. Even if Qin Heqing is willing, he can sacrifice all the onmyojis in the Gui Li Palace and even the flower gardens in the Gui Li Palace. The true form of Mount Fuji was enlarged, the entire Katsura Imperial Palace area was suppressed, and the work of cleaning up the monsters in front of him was completed.

However, it is a pity that this can only be an imaginary thing, as for it really did...

Even if the Huakaiyuan clan didn't look for themselves afterwards, Qin Heqing wouldn't expect to fight the so-called banner.

Not to mention asking for collections from families, shrines, and temples with the help of righteousness.

Although if he really did this, the simple deterrence would be enough to make the families, temples, and shrines he visited would not dare to rebel, and would only resist being unwilling to give the good things in his hand... …

At this time, with the emergence of the true form of the mountain, the power of the gods produced by the worship of humans for thousands of years on Mount Fuji naturally spilled out, like the most powerful imprisonment spell, which stunned all the monsters in the original. I have to say that when the limbs move, the fear or demon power in the body can no longer be displayed. I can only watch Qin Heqing appear next to them like a ghost, like a magic trick, to get them one by one. Got to disappear.

Then Qin Heqing turned his head to look at the monster group still besieging the Guili Palace. Without hesitation, he opened his mouth and breathed out——


The cold wind roared, as if the winter that had not completely gone away came to Kyoto again, the squally wind and blizzard appeared around the Katsura Imperial Palace at the same time, releasing the coldness comparable to the Arctic, and contacting the monster group In that instant, their limbs, flesh and blood, and even the demon power circulating inside their bodies were frozen, making them stiff one by one, as if a statue stayed in place.

"Which Snow Girlfriend, please show up and see you!" Then, the leading monster in the monster group looked at the more and more frozen subordinates around him, and couldn't help shouting.

Except for the Snow Girl, who can use this scale of forest cold attacks in this season, there is really no other monster that can do this.

Neither onmyoji!

Because they don't have similar means at all.

Unless, it is a large-scale Feng Shui array that can affect the changes in the sky.

But that is also the Tuyumen, or the original method that was spread within the Ampei family, such as Huakaiyuan, which has already formed its own branch, and has completely embarked on the martial arts Tugong, or Tugong. There is no advanced technique in this area in families like Jianshan, and naturally there is no way for them to set up a large feng shui array without them noticing, and then launch a crushing attack at this time.

However, Qin Heqing didn't pay attention to these voices. He still whispered the cold wind, frozen the monsters present with the mysterious technique, until the hidden monsters could no longer sit back, and actively jumped out to attack Qin Heqing.

"Don't think about it!" Yue'er sternly shouted because Qin Heqing had dealt with the attacker before.

Following Shanshen appeared next to Qin Heqing, fighting with the hidden monster that jumped out.

"You too," Patriarch Qin ordered the Jiu Boy in front of him.

"Okay." Jiu Tong nodded, but also jumped, appeared beside Yue'er, and confronted the monster that suddenly appeared with Yue'er.

"Great majestic Prajna, wisdom round light, suppression!" Under the cover of Jiu Tong, Yue'er, who temporarily jumped out of the attack, put out the seal of the patriarchal patriarchal clergy and exclaimed loudly.

Prajna is wisdom, round light is reflection, the combination of the two, the monster's every move is completely displayed in Yue'er's eyes and heart, even if his attack has not been sent out, Yue'er already knows the number of opponents' attacks. Thought, it can be regarded as a kind of magical effect similar to combat intuition, combined with other spells-such as supernatural powers such as Donkey Kong, directly at the next moment of the interaction between Jiu Tongzi and the monster, the attack fell on the monster.

It is also suppression.


The dazzling divine light shone, and the monster was shot on the ground by Yue'er in an instant.

Jiu Tong was a little dazed. He didn't know why Hao Hao Yue'er suddenly became so powerful, but he didn't hesitate to pick up his own wine gourd, and the volley became larger, like a giant hammer, immediately after Yue'er. After his attack, he hit the monster.


The earth shook, and the monster was smashed into the pit, unable to get up for a long time.

What about Qin Heqing?

But through this time, all the monsters outside the Guili Palace were smoothly frozen, that is, the little monsters and little monsters, which was considered to relieve the power of the Guili Palace being surrounded.

Then he stretched out his hand and shook it and threw the monsters suppressed by Yue'er and Jiu Tongzi into the demon refining pot, and then continued to charge forward, rushing into the group of monsters that he had frozen into ice with the mysterious arts. Mid~www.ltnovel.com~ The power of refining the demon pot is fully activated, like a gluttonous food, swallow all the monsters within a few meters of the place you pass into the pot, send it into the furnace, and refine it into Yuan 炁. Replenish the deficit of the world in the pot


"Qin, the patriarch of the Qin clan... Bring family members Qin Heqing and Qin Zhizi to visit everyone in Huakaiyuan. Please also show up." After a while, the battle was over, and even the bones of a monster were found. The missing patriarch Qin walked to the front gate of the Guili Palace, and shouted at the Huakaiyuan clan who was vigilant inside.

"The patriarch of the Qin clan? Wait a minute, let me pass on it." The clansman of Huakaiyuan was surprised when he heard the words, and responded.

After all, they belong to the same sealed family. Coupled with the previous battles, I thought it should not be an enemy or some other inexplicable character, but I didn't expect that the Qin clan leader would come in person, so he didn't dare to hesitate and turned quickly. In the depths of the Katsura Imperial Palace, go to inform the person in charge here.

And quickly got feedback.

"Is this the patriarch of the Qin clan?" A middle-aged man wearing a yin and yang robe walked out of the gate of the Guili Palace accompanied by the crowd and greeted warmly.

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