High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1297: Fushimi

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More than half an hour later, the car arrived at the head office of Fushimi Inari Shrine in Fushimi Ward, where it can be said that Katsura Rikyu was located at the bottom left and right corners of Kyoto, respectively.

So when I got out of the car, densely packed, the torii promenade that looked like the lurking dragon of torii came into view. On both sides were the names of the torii donors and the time of donation, densely packed, and they were covered in an instant. All the spaces above the imperial road leading to the main shrine of Inari Shrine made the entire imperial road extremely dark.

Of course, that refers to the daytime. As for now-at night, because of the relationship between the lanterns provided by the shrine and hung on the torii gate, it is like a thousand stars, reflecting the crimson and sparkle of the torii promenade. Full of mysteries, people can't help but want to go deep into it to explore the secrets inside the corridor.

"Let's go." Chief Qin reminded.

Everyone didn't hesitate, and walked towards the main shrine's main shrine.

Along the way, although I did not see too many defenders, the monitors and reviewers who appeared every three times were still called Qin Heqing. Understand that the current state of alert on the shrine has reached the legendary level of three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry. , Can definitely make the invading monsters eat a pot.

Of course, the premise is that Yuyi Fox does not take the shot himself, and Kyoto’s big monsters will not participate in the final attack...

After a while, several people finally walked through the torii corridor full of mystery and shady atmosphere and came to the shrine.

"Patriarch, why are you here?" The Qin clan member who was in charge of guarding Fushimi Inari Shrine greeted him and asked in surprise.

"Why, can't I come?" Patriarch Qin asked back with a ugly expression.

"No. I didn't mean that." The visitor said embarrassingly.

After all, he is a member of the Daohe branch, that is, a member of the Qin family's Taiqin branch. Although he belongs to the Qin family in a broad sense, he will be assigned by the Qin clan chief when needed, but that is only when needed. , Change to the present-especially after the death of the old patriarch, the Qin clan's nine sects and six branches are not as close as before. The Qin patriarch wants to instigate the tribesmen of the Taiqin line as before, it is somewhat uneasy .

"Where's True Sophon? Why didn't I see her." Seeing that the atmosphere was a little stiff, Qin Zhizi finally showed the exquisite characteristics of her witch, and asked, opening the subject.

"Zhen Zhizi is resting in the dormitory at the back, do you use me to call someone to call her over?" The visitor also knew Qin Zhizi. He smiled at her and explained.

At the same time, he officially saw the existence of Qin Heqing and Mato Know, his eyes flashed, and his expression became thoughtful.

"No, I can go by myself." Qin Zhizi shook his head.

Then he turned his head and greeted Qin and Qin Heqing, and walked lightly towards the back of the shrine’s main shrine, which was specially used for the rest and accommodation of the priests serving in the shrine, as well as the dormitory used by the trainees. In the past, I was going to tell the true Sophon Taiqin about Qin Heqing’s arrival, and at the same time, I wanted to pull her out and relax the relationship between the two sides (the Qin family and Tai Qin) together, so as not to cause trouble for some inexplicable reasons. , That would be unsightly.

At this time, I was talking back to the front hall.

"How is the situation here?" Clan Chief Qin didn't want to show that the Qin family was at odds with the separation of the family. After deliberately showing his majesty, he asked about business.

"Everything is normal." Hearing this, the visitor was secretly relieved and immediately replied.

"Is there no attack?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"From the previous order of destruction, the actions of the monsters were carried out in a specific order, and so combined with the information sent from the Shanghuakaiyuan clan-about the meaning of each sealed location, only Danggui After the Li Palace is completely broken through, their energy will be transferred to us, so as long as the Huakaiyuan clan does not lose the chain, then there will be no problems on our side in a short time." Qin Heqing's identity has been roughly guessed. The person replied.

"That's it." Qin Heqing said suddenly. After a while, he continued to ask, "Do you have any new information about the whereabouts of Yuyi Fox?"

"No. Our energy has always been on the maintenance of the shrine and the arrangement of the barriers, and we don't have the mind to think about other things, so..." The person spread out his hands and replied with a helpless expression.

"It seems that if you want to find the whereabouts of Yuyihu, the last thing you need to do is to look at the actions of the Huakaiyuan family." Qin Heqing sighed.

Although Patriarch Qin and the visitor did not answer, the look on their faces was somewhat embarrassing and ugly.

No way, the dignified thousand-year-old Qin family can't help at all in key things, and it's not even as good as the family inheritance of the Huakaiyuan family, who has only half the time of their Qin family. This is especially true for the Qin family. For the sons of Tai Qin from the rice lotus family of the Qin patriarch, they are indeed a bit ugly and lose face, and they want to find a place to hide to avoid Qin Heqing’s gaze...

"That's good, it's just that I can take advantage of the time when the Guili Palace attracts attention to explore the places that the elder said before, to see if I can find the whereabouts of the feather fox, and solve this trouble from the root. "Qin Heqing ignored the two thoughts, and said to the chief Qin with a groan.

"Is there anything we can help?" Patriarch Qin didn't stop, and knew that it couldn't be stopped, so he asked quite wittily.

"No, I'll be enough by myself." Qin Heqing shook his head.

"Okay then. Be careful yourself." Patriarch Qin didn't force him, he glanced at him and sighed.

"You stay here first. If you have any problems, we will call." Qin said with the Qing Dynasty.


After that, Qin Heqing stopped talking nonsense, said "I'm leaving", and his figure flashed and disappeared into the air...

That cool and abrupt way of leaving, UU reading www.uukanshu.com really made the head of the Qin clan and the person in charge of the Tai Qin line a bit stunned, an eye-opening feeling——

Are people so good now?

Then, Qin Zhizi, who had left before, and the same witch dressed up, but the two Tai Qin Zhenzhizi who had an extra sword in their hands ran out, looking at the disappearance of Qin Heqing, and asked with some doubt, "Where is He Qing? "

"I went to investigate the whereabouts of Yuyi Fox." Chief Qin replied.

"..." Qin Zhizi and Tai Qin Zhen Zhizi were speechless, and they looked at each other, and they both saw helpless emotions in each other's eyes.

Encountering such a man with great abilities, they really don't know whether they should be lucky or unfortunate.


On the other side, because there is no drag from other people, the movement is completely reliant on escape. Qin Heqing, who can quickly reach the Huakaiyuan in a flash, is mentioned. It may be outside the hotel where Yuyihu is hiding. Examine it.

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