High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1298: By mistake

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As the information provided by the Huakaiyuan is said, there is indeed a monster inside the hotel where the feather fox is suspected to be hidden. But in terms of quality, it is very different from the thousand-year-old monster level envisioned by Qin Heqing. It is completely the reaction of an ordinary little monster, but just in case-Yuyihu uses special means After hiding his true evil reaction, Qin Heqing still got a flash, sneaked into the hotel, and carried out the most detailed investigation of the entire hotel staff and the guests in the guest rooms.

However, the result was exactly the same as Qin Heqing thought. Little monsters, little monsters and even inexplicable ghosts, or evils born from the power of evil gods have been found, but when it comes to feather fox...

Qin Heqing didn't find a trace.

So after confirming that the hotel was just a suspected location, not the real Yuyi Fox hiding place, he left the hotel from the roof of the hotel, shot sharply, and flew into the highest sky.

Because Qin Heqing suddenly thought that he actually didn't need to search one by one like clues. Instead, he could directly use the technique of heaven, sight and earth to scan the entire Kyoto.

Although it might be tiring and pressure on his soul, at least it's simple and convenient, isn't it?

Of course, before that, he did not forget to solve the sky that overwhelms Kyoto, which is completely the rudimentary form of the domain power, and will also affect the subsequent casting of the huge cloud of miasma. The clouds spread out to swallow.


The strong convection produced, and the clouds that were barely visible to the naked eye surged and gathered towards Qin Heqing.


And what about the other side?

Ten minutes have passed since the news that the team that attacked the Katsura Imperial Palace had been destroyed, and the plan was destroyed, finally assembled a group of Yuyi Foxes to personally lead the team and rushed towards the Katsura Imperial Palace. The person who was about to kill the Huakaiyuan family stationed at the Katsura Imperial Palace was caught off guard and completed the goal that should have been successfully completed.

So while Qin Heqing began to swallow the foul clouds, the Gui Li Palace also officially started the second battle of seal destruction and protection.

All kinds of terrible forces raged, once again turning the surroundings of the Gui Li Palace into a scene of a group of demons dancing, making the residents living around them even more afraid to go out.

"What?! The monster went to attack the Katsura Imperial Palace again?" Within the Fushimi Inari headquarters, the person in charge of the Taiqin family looked at the members of the Huakaiyuan family who came to report. Huakaiyuan Shuer was surprised, "How could it be? So fast!"

"We are also very surprised. However, it is useless to say these things at this point. Let's think about how to deal with the worst possible situation." Huakaiyuan Xiuer said with a sigh.

"You mean..."

"There should be no way to guard the Gui Li Palace."

"How is this possible?!" the others exclaimed.

"Although I don't want to believe this ridiculous result, but according to the news from the children in the family over there, this battle is personally commanded by Yuyihu, so the Kyoto monsters who were rescued by her before also joined. In this battle against Katsura Imperial Palace..."

In this way, even if the Huakai Academy had arranged most of the vitality, it might not be the opponent of the feather fox group demon.

What's more, the Huakai courtyard family has to leave some important manpower to guard the courtyard, right?

You can't really do it for the safety of the world, even your own home?

Their Huakaiyuan family is not that saint.

"That seems to be the only way." Tai Qin Shenwu, the person in charge of the Qin clan of the Inari family, sighed.

As for saving people? Forget it, not to mention that they themselves need a lot of manpower to garrison, even if they can pull out manpower to rescue, the distance between the two sides is a headache-

At least 30 minutes away from the car, when they pass, they may not be saved, but they will naturally become meat buns delivered to the door. Whether they can come back is two things.

Not everyone is like Qin Heqing. Moving across districts and cities is just like playing.

Therefore, we can only recognize this result and strengthen our defense against Fushimi Inari Headquarters to comfort those of the Huakaiyuan family who sacrificed at the Katsura Imperial Palace.

"Patriarch, look, do you want to go back and take care of the house?" After making a decision, Tai Qin Shenwu turned his head to look at the Patriarch Qin who had not left yet.

Although they are somewhat inconsistent between the Tai Qin branch line and the Qin family's main sect, it is not serious enough to sit by and watch the other important person die in front of him.

Not to mention, the Qin clan chief is still the clan chief of this sect, and he is more or less the clan chief of the entire Qin clan. If he is allowed to die on the Inari Shrine side, the trouble will be more than just the Tai Qin clan. What a headache...

"What do you mean by this?" Clan Chief Qin frowned when he heard that Qin Shenwu was trying to drive him away.

"I'm worried, after the monsters attacked the shrine to no avail, will they play a trick similar to slamming, using some monsters to contain us on the bright side, and at the same time sending a small number of powerful personnel to secretly attack the home and other Qin people To distract our attention and our heart of unity? So just in case, it is better for you to go back to your home, the patriarch. You can also deter Xiaoxiao and stabilize the hearts of the people." Tai Qin Shenwu explained.

"Do monsters have this IQ?" Patriarch Qin hesitated.

"The monsters really have this IQ." Huakaiyuan Xiuer smiled bitterly.

After that, without hiding it, he explained an incident that happened in the main house of Huakaiyuan during the time the seal was broken. The content was the case of a monster attacking the main house.

"In this way, I really need to go back to my home and sit there." Clan Chief Qin replied with a serious expression, his expression changed again.

"Then what do you do here?"

"Isn't there still that person and Qingjun?" Tai Qin Shenwu said with a light smile.

"I forgot his existence."

"He Qingjun is..." Huakaiyuan Xiu'er asked puzzledly.

"It's the son of our Qin family~www.ltnovel.com~ The name is Qin Heqing you should have heard of."

"That Zhenshi priest, Qin Heqing?!" Huakaiyuan Xiuer said in astonishment.

"If that person can take action, then the defense at Inari Shrine will be stable." Huakaiin Shuer breathed out a long voice.

It can be seen that his recognition of Qin Heqing's strength and reputation has begun to rely on.


After that, Clan Chief Qin briefly confessed to Tai Qin Shingo, and left the shrine alone, and drove back to his home in the vehicle that came.

As for Real Household and Qin Zhizi?

Naturally, he was left at the shrine, waiting for Qin Heqing's return.

Then after a while, Qin Heqing finally sucked out the filthy miasma and demon cloud that shrouded the sky above Kyoto, making it shrouded again under the dazzling stars. Then Qin He Qian pointed his hand to his forehead, and screamed "Go!"

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