High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1299:

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Following this, the majestic power of the primordial spirit spread from his mind, as if to be integrated into another dimension and space, breaking through a barrier in an instant, and then the entire cultural life activities in Kyoto Qin Heqing’s information was presented as if it happened directly in front of his eyes and in his ears. No matter what he said or did, it was received and examined by Qin Heqing until he found what he wanted.

"Huh? It's...Gui Li Palace over there? Why did you start fighting again?" Qin Heqing, who sensed the strangeness in the Gui Li Palace and the majestic demon power rising into the sky, was surprised.

"That's... Feather Fox?"

Immediately afterwards, behind the group of monsters who were fighting, I saw a young woman with a look and appearance that matched Jianshan Huangquan and dressed as a female high school student, but the whole body exuded extremely strong evil hesitated. .

"It doesn't matter, let's go over and take the person down and talk about other things."

After thinking about it, Qin Heqing's body shape flashed, and he suddenly appeared behind Yuyi Fox in the form of what you see is what you see. With the palm of his hand, the majestic suppressive force acts on Yuyi Fox like a mountain. Body.

Suddenly, Yuyi Fox's expression changed, and the violent demon energy burst out from her body like a substantial black flame, and nine shaggy pale tails emerged, waving and fluttering towards Qin Heqing.

"Nine tails?!" Qin Heqing said in surprise.

But it is also more and more certain that I am determined to capture the feather fox——

A big snake has given itself so much growth, if you catch another nine tail...

Just thinking about the harvest is fascinating!

Not to mention that what he lacks most right now is this kind of high-quality powerful monster, so he directly ignored the attacks from other monsters who had noticed the attack nearby, and dealt with the feather fox more and more intently.

"Where are the six ranks, six ranks, ten squares!" Qin Heqing drew out, shouting awe-inspiringly.

"I'll wait here again!" And following closely, as if responding to Qin Heqing's call, a dazzling sacred light burst out of the dark sky, and the golden splendid power dissipated as a result. Fang Tianjiang waited for the Ten-Lai Golden Armor Divine Soldier to appear out of the void, clasped his fists in both hands, and responded loudly.

"Give me to suppress this demon together!" Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, and after flashing his tail attack again, he pointed to the abdomen that was a little big, and he shouted like a feather fox who was pregnant for more than three months.

"Yes!" Six Ding Liujia and ten soldiers took the order, picked up knives, guns, axes, hooks and forks to kill Yuyi Fox.

"Don't want to hurt Master Yuyi Fox." According to the information provided by the Huakai Academy, the virgin monster named Crazy Bone yelled when she saw it. The two emerald snakes that passed through the eye sockets of the human skull in her hand. It shot out fiercely, and the volley became larger, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into two giant anaconda snakes with a body thickness of nearly one meter, and they rushed towards the six bucks and six Jia soldiers who had killed the feather fox.

"Good evildoer, look at the move!" The six armored soldiers with swordsmen appeared under the basilisk, and directly slashed the sky with a seven-inch sword.


Unsurprisingly, the basilisk released by Crazy Bone was directly cut open, exposing the heart, and the heart shattered into two under the attack of six soldiers from the heavenly soldiers.

But it did not die immediately. After all, giant snakes are also snakes. They are creatures that rely on nerve conduction activities more than their physiological functions. So let alone the heart being smashed, even if the snake's head is directly chopped off and broken into two pieces. Should the body twist or twist.

This is why someone is bitten by a snake head buried in the sand, poisoned and killed.

Similarly, there is the Liujia soldier on the other side, with a long spear in his hand, which pierced the head of the giant python with a puff, and the power of the concussion broke out, and the whole snake head was stirred into pieces...

The soldiers of the ten directions did not stop, and continued to rush forward, dragging the Yuyi Fox's attack route with a few tails, providing more opportunities and opportunities for Qin Heqing to approach.

So the next moment, holding a divine weapon with eight swords, it can be said that Qin Heqing, who was blocking the killing and the **** blocking the killing, cut off all the tails of the feather fox in front of him, and appeared in front of the feather fox.

"Who are you? When did you have such a terrible existence in the world?" Qin Heqing rushed to the front of Yuyi Fox and did not panic. He still calmly looked at Qin Heqing, who seemed to be able to kill her with a single knife. Shen Sheng asked.

"Dare to do such a big action in the island country, without knowing my name? It's funny. But it doesn't matter. Please cooperate with Yuyihu to end this battle." Qin Heqing finished, and did not wait for Yuyi. How does the fox react. Then she flashed again and appeared behind her again.

And the feather fox? In any case, it is a big monster that has survived for thousands of years, and it is the existence of the master of the ghost and ghost that has competed with the slick ghost. If she has no combat experience at all, and the strength is very poor, Qin Heqing will not believe it!

Even if she is now pregnant with a child inexplicably, she seems to be less able to fight.

But the fact? Not only can they fight, but their reaction is not sharp yet. Almost the moment Qin Heqing completed the transfer, Yuyihu turned around abruptly, slashing with the long knife that appeared and where he did not know when, and slammed back towards Qin Heqing.

Qin Heqing counterattacked. The supreme swordsmanship gained from Huzhongxian’s thousands of years of experience, coupled with the sharpness of the eight-handed sword, almost instantly cut off the long sword in Yuyi Fox’s hand, and at the same time, he shook his feet and Yuyi Fox’s body was there. Amidst the rumbling hum, he was headed into the air.

Then Qin Heqing stepped into the stone pillars at Yuyi Fox’s feet, flashed, appeared at Yuyi Fox’s feet, grabbed the ankle of Yuyi Fox who just wanted to take off with his hands, activated the power of the demon pot, and moved her to the pot. Pull away in the middle world.

"What?!" The expression of Yuyi Fox who sensed his uncontrollable body changed a lot~www.ltnovel.com~ With a ruthless expression, a tail replaced the body of Yuyi Fox and appeared in Qin Heqing's hands, and was dragged in by Qin Heqing smoothly. The world in the pot.

As for Yuyi Fox himself? At the cost of sacrificing that tail, it moved to other places that were not affected.

Frowning and staring at Qin Heqing tightly, without hesitation, he turned and ran away——

"Stop him for me!" He didn't forget that he still had available Yuyi Fox under his command.

"The mountain is coming!" Qin Heqing did not immediately pursue the chase, but took a deep look at Yuyi Fox, and after leaving a mark on her with the power of the original spirit, he quickly changed the magic formula in his hand and pointed to the group of monsters in front of him. Shouted sharply.

Suddenly, the true form of the mountain in the shape of Mount Fuji appeared above the group of demons. Without giving them a chance to react and sigh, it fell on them like a falling star.


Except for a few special monsters and lucky ones, the monsters gathered by the feather fox this time can be said to have been annihilated and become a mess of meat and were suppressed under Mount Fuji.

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