High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1300:

The rebirth of Japan as a priest, Chapter 1300, this scene is naturally to scare the monsters who escaped by chance. They stared blankly at their eyes, which are countless times smaller in size, but the shape is realistic. There was blood gradually flowing from under Mount Fuji, so he turned and ran away with a whimper.

It's just their speed, where is the opponent of Qin Heqing, who breathed thousands of miles?

Before running a few steps, I felt my body tighten one after another, and the whole person fell into a boundless nightmare...

Then Qin Heqing returned to the Guili Palace, removed the true form of Mount Fuji, and looked at the monsters on the ground who could no longer recognize their original form. Without wasting them, they opened the entrance to the refining pot to be suppressed by the true form of Mount Fuji. Under the irregular potholes, like a cauldron, all the monsters on the ground were taken in and swallowed.

Then Qin Heqing looked at the broken barrier again, but because he came in time, he had not completely lost his resistance. There were still Guili Palace where there were many Onmyoji from the Huakaiyuan Family. He did not go up to say hello, let go of his thoughts, and locked in The feather fox who was absconding immediately dashed to chase after him...

"It's worthy of being a priest of the town, really powerful, and capable of protecting the world." Huakaiyuan, the defensive officer in the Guili Palace, sighed with emotion after listening to the report of the children of the clan.

It's just a pity, it's not the people of their Huakaiyuan Family.


On the other side, Qin Heqing, who had a positioning and a superb and mysterious movement in his hand, could say that it did not take much effort to track Yuyihu's trace again, and appeared in front of her in an instant.

Unexpectedly, the Yuyi Fox that Qin Heqing could catch up so quickly was startled, and the eight tails appeared and lashed towards Qin Heqing.

"I really don't cry without seeing the coffin." Qin Heqing sighed lightly.

Following this, the vision of a mountain and river immediately expanded from the feet of Qin Heqing, forming a huge ecological natural space covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, including Qin Heqing and Yuyihu.

Then the invisible power emerged, like the most solid wall in the world, resisting all the tail attacks of the feather fox.

"Here is..." Yuyi Fox attacked without giving up, while looking at the surrounding landscape and natural scenery in surprise.

"My domain. Or my world. Here, as long as your power does not surpass mine, all your attacks and ideas are irrelevant jokes to me! You are destined to be suppressed and captured by me, so still It's good to catch it immediately, or suffer some pain and affect your children." Qin Heqing stood still and watched Yuyi Fox who kept urging his demon power to attack him.

Sure enough, Yuyihu's expression changed, but it was not because of Qin Heqing's threat but because he was worried about her child...

"It seems that the reason why you are making a fuss in Kyoto this time is related to the child you are currently pregnant." Qin Heqing said slowly, noticing the change in Yuyi Fox's expression.

"Who are you?" Yuyihu's expression changed no more, but he stopped his ineffective attack and asked with a deep voice looking at Qin Heqing's face.

"Didn't I have said before, my name is Qin Heqing, and I am a priest." Qin Heqing replied.

"Qin Heqing? A priest?" Yuyi Fox murmured, and his eyes narrowed. It looked like "You are the great onmyoji Qin Heqing who is praised by many onmyoji families and can be called contemporary Qingming?"

Great Onmyoji, the honorary title of Onmyoji is generally only obtained by people who have reached a certain level of strength and ability, and the selection method is very strict. If not most people agree, even if you declare yourself to be a great Onmyoji. Someone will accept it. Therefore, the number of great onmyojis in the history of the island country is very rare, and even the number of great onmyojis that can be officially recognized in the history books is not even the number of hands, which shows the preciousness of their names.

Therefore, as long as the Great Onmyoji that can be recorded in the official annals of history, everyone is familiar with it.

For example, Ampei Qingming is the representative of the Great Onmyoji who is well-known in the world and spread most widely.

Therefore, everyone who can later be evaluated as a great onmyoji will subconsciously compare that person with Ampei Qingming and recognize that they can be compared, they cannot be compared...

Even if it is officially admitted, others will probably be dissatisfied.

This is why the great onmyojis after Qingming were not well-known.

Of course, it also has something to do with their deeds when they were alive, unlike the Heian period, where there were all kinds of demons and ghosts who were able to make a name for themselves.

It is conceivable from this that Qin Heqing's reputation has grown.

"Great Onmyoji? I didn't know that I still had this title." Qin He Qing hesitated for a moment. I really don't know how famous his reputation is when I'm not in Kyoto. I am also a Great Onmyoji and a priest of the world. I feel like thinking. Put him on the fire and roast him.

Although judging from his past deeds, he is indeed worthy of these titles and the admiration of everyone. And it is indeed doing the job of suppressing and saving the world...

"I didn't expect that my actions would lead you out. I really don't care about our mother and son..." Yuyi Fox sighed, stroking his slightly raised belly and sighed.

"Are you willing to catch it now?" Qin Heqing asked with a smile.

"I want to know what you are going to do with me." Yuyihu did not agree or disagree, but looked at Qin Heqing again and asked.

"If there is no accident, I probably killed you." Qin Heqing replied sincerely.

"Can I give birth to my child? I agree whether it is to kill or scrape afterwards." Yuyihu nodded, touching his stomach and demanding.

"Do you think this is possible?" Qin Heqing pulled the corner of his mouth and asked a little bit amused.

That's the source of turmoil! The ghost knows what he will be when he is born, and what state he will be. What if there is another "king of the world"? So let him hang up with Yuyihu when he was still a mother...

It also saves that he can't get it off afterwards~www.ltnovel.com~ Why not? After all, God has a good life. "The feather fox persuaded more and more after seeing this.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to raise tigers." Qin Heqing looked at Yuyi Fox's face that is almost eighth similar to Jianshan Huangquan, shook his head, and said simply.

Then, without giving Yuyihu a chance to speak, the hole leading to the world in the pot suddenly opened up beside her, and even around her, ignoring the various resistances of the fox, and forcibly sending the fox into the world in the pot.




Immediately afterwards, the old man in an old building in Ukiyo-e Town near Kyoto, and someone inside the Hanakaiin Family Land in Kyoto moved their brows together, with weird expressions on their faces.

"This is... the curse is released?"

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