High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1301: over

"Heqing, you are back." Qin Zhizi was surprised to see Qin Heqing again.

"Where is Patriarch Qin?" Qin Heqing looked around, and asked casually when he saw Patriarch Qin's figure.

"The patriarch is going back first," Qin Zhizi replied. After a while, he asked again, "Where are you, have you found the whereabouts of Yuyi Fox?"

While speaking, Tai Qin Shenwu and Tai Qin Zhenzhizi, the heads of Inari's department, also walked out of the house where the clergy rested in the backyard, and came to the vicinity of Qin Heqing and Qin Zhizi.

"Found it." Qin Heqing nodded. "It has been resolved. The shrine can now lift the alert and call everyone to go home."

"Solved, so fast?!" Tai Qin Shenwu said in surprise.

If you don’t believe in Qin Heqing, after all, his strength is there. Yuyi Fox may not be Qin Heqing’s opponent. But at this speed-less than ten minutes after he ran out, Yuyi Fox was wiped out. This speed is too much. almost?

"Use me to get her out for you to confirm?" Qin Heqing asked Qin Shenwu, who was old enough to be his uncle.

"No, I don't doubt that you can't solve her." Tai Qin Shenwu shook his head. After a meal, he continued, "But what are you going to do with her?"

"Naturally kill it." Qin Heqing said in a natural tone.

"If she was so easy to kill, she would have died as early as four hundred years ago." At this time, because of the news, she also came out to see the true face of the Zhenshi priest who was widely spread. Xiu Er smiled bitterly.

It's not that they have never killed Yuyi Fox.

"Are you worried that after I kill her, she will continue to reincarnate?" Qin Heqing, who knew what Huakaiyuan Xiuer was worried about, asked rhetorically.

Huakaiyuan Xiuer did not pretend, and nodded and admitted.

"An Xin, after she falls into my hands, it is impossible for her to reincarnate." Qin Heqing promised.

"Really? That's good." Huakaiyuan Xiuer looked at him, nodded, and accepted.

He believed in Qin Heqing's character, or fame and strength, and believed that he would not make jokes about this kind of thing, and eventually corrupt his reputation and implicate the Qin family.

"So, this demon chaos is over?" The Sophon Tai Qin Zhen who had been listening in on hearing the words concluded.

"Well, it's over." Qin Heqing affirmed.

Not to mention the Kyoto monsters he eliminated twice at the Katsura Imperial Palace, and the feather foxes that he had captured and suppressed. The various monsters and ghosts he solved by the way on his way back were enough to reduce the level of monsters in Kyoto to one. Under the very safe cordon, it can be said that the entire demon chaos has been suppressed and restored, and the guard can be released and the people can resume normal lives.

"That's good."

After that, Qin Heqing stayed in the Inari Shrine.

After all, it’s getting late now. Although you can still call for a taxi, you still have to wait and it’s a little troublesome. So instead of spending the time, stay at Inari Shrine and take a rest for the night until tomorrow morning. It is not too late to leave.

There are no urgent matters to deal with, and there is no place inside Inari Shrine for their related people and even special worshippers to rest and live, so why be hypocritical?

He is not an outsider.

So I lived in peace of mind.

"Do you have any plans next?" Tai Qin Zhenzhizi who was in charge of bringing him to the residence suddenly asked.

"What? Is something wrong?" Qin Heqing asked, looking at the heroic Tai Qin Zhenzhizi.

"My parents want to meet you." Tai Qin Zhenzhizi said in a low voice with a reddish cheek with his eyes moving to one side.

"Huh?" Qin Heqing looked at her in astonishment, a little wondering where this came from...

"Why did Meeko, Ami, and Mina go to Tokyo and stay in your shrine to help you, don't you know why?" Seeing that Qin Heqing didn't answer, he looked at himself with a slightly strange look. Tai Qin Zhen Zhizi was a little unhappy, and raised her voice a little bit uncomfortably and asked loudly.

"I know." Qin Heqing nodded.

If you still pretend to be stupid and say that you don't know, it is not only an insult to your own IQ, but also contempt for Taiqin Zhenzhizi and the girls who have a special mission.

"Then you should naturally understand that if we can be sent over, it means that we have accepted, or become your woman in name. Then, as my boyfriend and husband-in-law, see my parents when I have time. What's wrong?" Tai Qin Zhenzhizi continued to question.

"Uh...no problem. Tell me when you want." Qin Heqing blinked and smiled helplessly.

After all, True Sophon was right. With Qin’s cognition that he has become his own woman, what is the problem with the parents who want to see themselves, the son-in-law of the ‘thousand knives’ son-in-law?

If he didn't directly bring the sword to kill him, it can be said that he was already giving a lot of face and carelessly. Then he Qin Heqing was really a bit wrong.

"The time has not been set yet. But I will tell you Zhunxin after the morning training tomorrow morning at the latest." Tai Qin Zhenzhizi let his emotions calm down with a long breath, and replied again, turning his eyes away.

Morning training is similar to the morning practice of the Buddhist and Taoist families.

Of course, this is only for priests and shrines of a certain level. Morning training like Qin Heqing’s current shrine or the small shrine in the past is completely clean in the morning, so it’s usually done before 8 o’clock in the morning. So that the shrine will welcome visitors from all walks of life with a fresh and clean face.


"Go get some rest."

"Don't you give me a good night kiss? After all, you also said that you are my woman's." Qin Heqing chuckles with a smile while looking at the true Sophon who wants to leave~www.ltnovel.com~ I don't want to destroy The relationship between you and Kato. "Taiqin Zhenzhizi's cheeks were red, and after turning his eyes white, he quickly left the room.

"What about you?" Qin Heqing turned to look at Qin Zhizi who was on the sidelines and asked with a smile.

"As long as you are not afraid of overturning, I don't care." Qin Zhizi's cheeks flushed when he heard this, and he replied pretentiously.

"Forget it," Qin Heqing glanced at his mouth.

Then Qin Zhizi quickly came forward, kissed him in Qin Heqing's surprised eyes, and ran out of the guesthouse with a pink face, disappearing into Qin Heqing's sight.

"Do you really have no other plans next?" Jin Heqing, who had witnessed the whole process and had no abnormal reaction during the whole process, asked Qin Heqing.

"It's not impossible to talk about arrangements. Next, I may pay off the Tengu in Mount Atago near Kyoto, Mount Funaki Kurama, and Mount Hirayama in Shiga Prefecture." Qin Heqing stretched out his hand, and the invisible power would Real householder's body was rolled into his arms, and he hugged him and said softly.

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