High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1302: See parents

Rebirth Japan as a priest, Chapter 1302, see your parents, "The time is set, at noon, I will take you to see my parents at that time." The next morning, after the morning training and cleaning, he was holding a mobile phone in his hand. Tai Qin Zhen Sophon walked up to Qin Heqing, who had come out to move his body, and said to him blankly.

"Okay, you will call me when the time comes." Qin Heqing nodded and agreed.

Then Tai Qin Zhenzhizi didn't stay, turned and walked away.

"Nothing happened last night, right?" Qin Heqing shrugged his shoulders when the Tai Qin Zhenzhizi walked away, and turned to ask the two people, Chen To Xiao and Qin Zhizi.

Although he has suppressed the Yuyi Fox and eliminated most of the vitality of the Kyoto monster group led by the Yuyi Fox, he even cleaned up a lot of the monsters he saw on the way back and forth, but who knows if there are any more in the dark area of ​​Kyoto There are some hidden deeper'ideas'?

Therefore, new problems are not incomprehensible.

"I didn't pay attention." Qin Zhizi shook his head, and said with some embarrassment.

Obviously, this is a guy who doesn't care about things. I was thinking about how to hook up Qin Heqing.

"What about you?" Qin Heqing didn't say much, but turned his head to look at the real householder.

“At around 2:10 in the morning today, an unexplained mirage occurred again in the sky above Kyoto and Nijo Castle. After about 13 minutes, it disappeared again without causing any abnormal chaos.” Akatsuki took out his cell phone and browsed. The above transcript replied.

"Nitiao City? What image is appearing this time?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"It's also Nijo Castle, but it's Nijo Castle in the Warring States Period, and the time in the image appears in the daytime, so there are many images of ancient people appearing."

"Is there a recorded picture?" Qin Heqing subconsciously thought of Imagawa Yoshimoto after hearing someone.

As a general of the Warring States Period, although she has moved to the Grand General Mansion, Nijo Castle, an important gateway and stronghold of Kyoto in the old Warring States Period, is still not a place that can be easily acquired. Samurai and shoguns of the Imagawa clan must be stationed by then. So he was very curious, wondering if he could see his acquaintances in the Warring States Period again through this mirage phenomenon——

For example, people like Mitsuhide Mingzhi.

"Let me ask." As he said, he knew how to operate his mobile phone and contacted the staff of the Countermeasures Bureau in Kyoto. After a while, he took the image by himself and handed the mobile phone to Qin Heqing. "

Qin Heqing took it and took it to check it...

He was slightly disappointed in the result. Although there were many images of Warring States soldiers and warriors in the mirage of Nijo Castle, they did not have the faces of acquaintances Qin Heqing expected. So after taking a general look, Qin Heqing gave the phone back to him. Really known.

"In the questioning bureau, the frequency of the recent occurrence of this mirage phenomenon, as well as the location record." Qin Heqing ordered.


"Is there any problem with this mirage phenomenon?" Qin Zhizi asked confusedly, who didn't clear some facts.

"Yes, of course there are problems."

"What's the problem?" Qin Zhizi asked.

"It's about the time of destruction of our world, do you think the problem is big?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically in a frivolous tone as if joking.

"He Qingjun, your joke is not funny at all." Qin Zhizi froze for a moment, and looked at Qin Heqing's face that made people unable to tell the truth from the false, and responded with a dry smile.

Qin Heqing shrugged, and no longer used the topic of world destruction to stimulate Qin Zhizi.

It makes no sense.

After that, Qin Heqing went to the head office of Fushimi Inari Shrine, and accompanied by absent-minded Qin Zhizi and Mahato Akatsuki who was busy asking for various information from the Countermeasures Bureau, they returned to the back of the sleeping quarters and went back to the room to rest. Up.


"Bang bang bang."

"Come in."

"Time is almost up, let's go." Tai Qin Zhen Sophon who put on a regular suit looked at Qin Heqing sitting on the bed and said.

"Okay, let's go." Then he put away the phone and got up from the ground.

We greeted Akatsuki Mato, and under the leadership of Taiqin Shintoko, we left Fushimi Inari Shrine together, came to the road in front of the shrine, and straightly opened the door of a car that had been waiting on the side of the road. Went in.

"Go to XX." Tai Qin Zhenzhizi said to the driver.

The driver did not say anything, started the car, and drove towards the restaurant named XX.

And it's fast. But for ten minutes, I stopped in front of a sushi restaurant. Then the two got off the car and walked into the sushi restaurant amidst the "Welcome" of the restaurant staff at the door. Finally, the innermost part of the sushi restaurant was not noticeable, and they were not afraid to disturb even if they made some noise. Sit down at someone else's place.

Of course, I also saw the parents of Tai Qin Zhen Zhizi who had arrived early and sat opposite.

The temperament and image of the island country are very ordinary, but I don’t know if it is because of the work related to the Shinto business. Both of them have some special atmosphere, which makes them look like ordinary people. The faces are more kind, and I don’t know if they are in this way, so they have the effect of being self-conscious, or is it because Qin Heqing’s unique identity makes them difficult to put on the air, posing the face of the father-in-law looking at the little thief who steals the domestic cabbage. That's why this appearance was revealed.

But no matter what it is, Qin Heqing is very satisfied, at least don't worry about his bad performance and hate them...

Even if they really hate them, they still take him in no way...

But why not try hard if you can leave a good impression? In this way, one day in the future, I really make up my mind to eat each other's daughter without feeling guilty or embarrassed.

Afterwards, the group was not restrained, just like an ordinary family gathering, eating and chatting lively on the revolving sushi.

All the daily and the embarrassment of True Sophon's childhood and Qin Heqing's life are trivial, anyway, it is quite complicated, so that both sides have a fairly good understanding of each other, and will not be as uncomfortable as they were at the beginning.


The whole meeting and dinner took about one hour and twenty minutes ~www.ltnovel.com~ before they ended up with each other because of the incident or the excuse of the incident.

"Now we can count on seeing our parents, we have passed the clear road, and want to run out of me in the future, but it can't be as simple as before." On the way after leaving the sushi restaurant, Qin Heqing was natural and shameless. He grabbed the small hand of Tai Qin Zhenzhizi with his hand, and laughed at her suddenly reddish cheeks.

"You're so good, aren't you afraid that I will tell Kato?" Tai Qin Zhenzhiko cast his eyes angrily and he asked back.

"Do you not know the meaning of your presence next to me?" Qin Heqing sneered.

Kato Megumi is not an idiot, and even has extraordinary intuition and keenness in perceiving people's hearts and observing world affairs. In addition, they are not so obscure when they are at the shrine. I hope Kato Megumi does not understand that they come to him. The intention is as ridiculous as saying that you can't see the road in front of a discerning person.

It's just that they don't bother to expose it. This is the real brilliance of Kato Hui and the reason why Qin Heqing is unwilling to let her go.

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