High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1307: Gossip about studying


   "Sure enough, legends are not reliable at all." Standing in the Yingyanshan Shrine on Yingyan Mountain in Kyushu, looking at the tengu in the main hall, Qin Heqing secretly sighed silently.

   No way, Yingyan Mountain, which is also the legendary Kyushu Yanshan, the location of Fengqianfang at this time is no longer the deep mountains and old forests of the old times, the holy land of sacred mountains, but a village inhabited area! There are plenty of living facilities inside, and various transportation stations can be seen everywhere. Coupled with various shrines, temples, and historical buildings built based on the legend of Fengqianfang Tengu in the village, it can be said that this place is now like a vacation and leisure. There are more sanctuaries for retirement than tengu's reclusive places.

   naturally there is no trace of the tengu.

   Even if this tengu is the son of Amaterasu, if you really want to say that it is a sacred existence that is more a **** than a monster, it can't stand the changes in the world. The ghost knows where he is now or where he is hiding...

Even if Qin Heqing hadn’t found a god-like property in the real Tengu that was suppressed in Tokyo, he would have doubted whether he wanted to eat meat one day, so he left Mount Hidehiko and went to Edo. Very bad luck was suppressed by the great onmyojis of the Edo period, such as Ampei Taikin, Domita Taifuku, and other capable people, and then there was the existence of the Great Tengu sealed in Tokyo.

   "But forget it, it just happened to put out my thoughts of continuing to toss, and build a new city with peace of mind." Qin Heqing sighed.

   Then he put a 500 yen coin to Tengu, then turned and left Hidehikoyama Shrine, returned to nearby Tagawa City, repaired for a day, and then returned to Tokyo by plane.


   "Do you want to go to a university?" Qin Heqing asked when he saw Kato Hui again.

   After all, it’s the exam season, and Kato Megumi is a new candidate. As his real boyfriend, it’s okay to care about it.

"My family meant to let me take the exam early. After all, whether it was my sister or my parents, they were all students who graduated from Yingzao University. They also have family traditions and priority admission qualifications, but my grades are not enough. I should be admitted early, so I can only choose to apply for another school." Kato Hui looked helplessly and put his chin on the table in front of him, and his hands and feet raced into the quilt hanging from the edge of the table. In the middle, said with a weak look.

   "So..." Qin Heqing sat opposite her, and continued to ask as he reached into the quilt and kneaded Kato Kee's feet.

   "Don't do it, it's itchy." Kato Megumi said with a bulging mouth.

   Qin and Qing heard that instead of stopping, they even more vigorously picked up Kato's toes and played with them.

   "It will probably be Musashino Art Academy." Kato Kee glared at him and said slowly.

   "Okay, why do you think about taking Musashino? You are not an art student or an art student." Qin Heqing surprised.

The name of Musashino Art Academy sounds similar to that of domestic colleges. It is not as famous at all as universities such as Dongda, Keio and Waseda, but in island countries, its status is like that of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in China. It is the island country’s leading art colleges, and even the top universities. There have been many outstanding film and television art celebrities, directors, and animators. They want to engage in two-dimensional, film and television. The university of choice for those in the production industry.

   "I want to study the art design major over there." Kato Megumi explained.


   "I want to be a costume designer." Kato Megumi replied.

   "...Do you have enough art scores?" Qin Heqing was silent for a while, but Qin Heqing continued to inquire, who did not expect that she would really take this road.

   Just as the domestic art college entrance examination requires a comprehensive score of art test scores and cultural scores to select students, Musashino Art University also has an art literacy review part if you want to enter it. It’s just that the proportion is not like the domestic one, which accounts for almost 70%, but half and half of the grades. Even in some majors, the cultural score can directly overwhelm the artistic score. As long as the score is enough, you can enter the school. , This is the reason why Qin Heqing will ask so.

   "My art performance has always been very good." Speaking of this, Kato Megumi's appearance became more energetic, and he straightened up and replied with a smile.

   "It's fine if you are sure. Of course, if it doesn't work, you can tell me, I'll find a way to help you get a quota." Qin Heqing looked at her, did not say his plan, but encouraged.

  What is his plan? Naturally, I want Megumi Kato to be safer, and hope that she can apply for a well-known women's college in the island country in Niiza City. See Women's University or Ten Character Women's College.

   It's just a pity that neither of these two schools has a major in art and design, so if Kato really wants to get admitted, there is no way to study the major she wants, so she can only give up thinking about it.

"No, I want to try it with my own efforts. If it really doesn't work, you are helping me." Kato Hui did not pretend to say that Qin Heqing should never help, because she also understands that at this time, let's talk about it. It doesn't make much sense-after all, the world is about to be destroyed. Naturally, you don't need to think too much about your self-esteem. It's better to be comfortable.

  Not to mention ~www.ltnovel.com~ This kind of thing is really not a big deal for Qin Heqing.

"it is good."

   "How about you, will you still go to university?" Kato Megumi asked, who had finished talking about his plan.

"It depends. Anyway, I have already told the Countermeasures Bureau to deal with the admissions matter. So even if I don't take the exam, the National Academy will accept me. At most, I can't go to class. But because of my face and the influence of the Countermeasures Bureau Li, the National Academy will still open the Internet and allow me to'freely move'." Qin Heqing smiled.

   "The world, is it really hopeless?" Kato Megumi was silent for a while before asking again.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, yes. But as long as the last minute, I won't stop looking for a way to save the world, so you can just read your book with peace of mind. There is me for the rest. "Qin Heqing said seriously.

   "Yeah." Kato Megumi nodded, then paused again, and said silently, "Is my feet that fun?"

   "I mainly like the feel of the silk stockings. To be honest, it's really China Resources." Qin Heqing smiled.

   "Perverted." Kato Hui looked at him, but didn't say anything, let Qin Heqing grab his foot and transform it into various shapes——

   After all, the pressure to save the world has fallen on Qin Heqing, and he can't help much, so what's the problem with satisfying some of his weird little hobbies at an appropriate time?

   Besides, this is just normal daily interaction between couples.

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