High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1308: Outsider

At this time, the Higurashi Shrine in the Izu area was once used to hide the Millennium Sakura.

Along with the sound of a girl who is suspected to be holding a heavy object hard, a white palm suddenly came out from the well of the dry well framed by a wooden shelf. With four fingers like a hook, he held the rock on the edge of the well, and again With force, a female head emerged from the dry well.

   followed the body, and finally turned over and fell to the ground.

   "Huh? Where is this place." A long-haired girl dressed as a modern high school student looked surprised at the environment that could be said to be completely unfamiliar, and muttered.

   "Could it be that there is another place where the Bone Eating Well is connected?"

   "It looks like it is really possible!"

   Because he hasn't forgotten that someone once jumped into the Well of Bone Eating from the Warring States Time and Space with her, but did not appear in the shrine where her home is.

   That’s right, the girl in front of you is not someone else, but the girl who was supposed to be active in the Warring States time and space, or another time and space related to the Warring States time and space from the 90s to the beginning of the millennium, Kagome!

   I don't know what went wrong again, and it made her escape the connection between the time and space of the Warring States Period and the time and space of her original life, and appeared in this time and space.

   "Am I in the world that the guy named Qin Heqing lives in?"

   Thinking like this, Kagome didn't stay in the enchantment space where there were no extra buildings or flowers except the dry well. With innate inspiration or luck, he walked out of the enchantment somehow.

   Of course, her departure cannot be completely classified as inexplicable.

   After all, the existence of the enchantment itself is not external to the inside, and no one is in charge, so even if there are not so many factors mentioned above, she can easily get out of the enchantment.

   Then, the Higurashi Shrine, which was also different from hers, the size of the Qin and Kiyoji Shrines before the reconstruction, appeared in her eyes.

   There are no warehouses and no residences. Even the shrine’s garden is just a plain paved with stones. The shrine stands directly in the city, looking desolate and small.

   "It seems that I really came to the world where Qin Heqing lived." Kagome, who searched for a circle and confirmed his own world situation, said with a headache.

   Without him, she doesn't know Qin Heqing's contact information! In this modern city, if you don't want to be targeted by inexplicable guys, it is better to find acquaintances to help you...

   In addition, she still has no money, because there has never been a time-space disorder like today, she never took modern currency with her every time she went to the Warring States Period.

   can't use it again.

   So even if she wants to use the money to live a life in this time and space with the innate advantages of modern humans, it is also impossible.

   Not to mention, she doesn't have a universal ID card yet.

   Although the inspections of the island countries are not strict in this regard...

But things such as accommodation and finding police help are still indispensable for the assistance of documents, so now she can only pray that she is lucky enough that she will not encounter existences such as tramps or Yazzaku, and the existence of enchantments. The induction technique can arouse Qin Heqing's attention the moment she walks through the barrier.

   Otherwise, she really can only act as a homeless person?   Struggling to survive in this world.


   What about Qin Heqing, who was placed high hopes by Kagome?

  He really did not live up to Kagome’s expectations?  I noticed the anomaly at Higurashi Shrine at the moment when the barrier was disturbed, but he did not act immediately——

After all, he remembers the situation at Higurashi Shrine clearly?  Except for a so-called bone-eating well that has no power?  There is nothing worthy of coveting by demons, ghosts, or even gods, so even if you are curious about what is happening there now ? Don't be in a hurry at this moment, you have to put aside the affairs at hand and rush over immediately...

  Isn’t it useful?  Is it useful?  Who can guarantee that the existence that can alarm the enchantment he has placed will remain there while he leaves?

   Therefore, after handling the affairs at hand, it is not too late to deal with the affairs of Higurashi Shrine in a safe past.

"How is the implementation of the mobilization plan." Xinza City, Qin Heqing originally asked Tachibana Mari to establish the general manager's office of the waste recycling company, but now in the temporary office of the Xinza City Management Plan Development and Executive Committee?  Qin Heqing stood in front of him. Tachibana Mari asked.

As the representative of Qin Heqing's management in Xinzuo City?   This mobilization plan is supervised and executed by her, and the staff of Nv Tengu and Curse Forbidden Road are assisted, so just ask her, then the progress and implementation of the plan can be Know clearly.

"Because of the use of the name of the city hall, there is a reasonable amount of compensation and a strict contractual relationship?  The residents who were mobilized and relocated did not feel any problems or resistance, and all of them were satisfied and signed a compensation contract?   With compensation The money has left the new city, so about 40% of the residents within the planned area have completed the contract, and about 2% have officially completed the relocation work.  The residence has been vacated." Tachibana Mari report Tao.

  As for the name of the use?  It is naturally the urban renewal plan?   So some houses need to be demolished, just like urban relocation, as long as the money is sufficient, there really may not be many people who will refuse or resist.

   Qin Heqing did not reveal his transformation plan, what he said would transform Xinzuo into a new era of urban fortress ~www.ltnovel.com~ to ensure the safety of the residents in the city...

   "It's only 40%? Speed ​​up the progress a bit, I don't want to wait until I finish the preparations, the residents of Xinzuo City have not been cleaned up yet." Qin Heqing frowned and urged.

Although 40% of the residents were mobilized within a few days, and 2% of the residents completed the relocation, Qin Heqing, who is used to the demon pot’s movement style of taking away a large piece of behavior with one push, still feels a bit too slow. Unable to achieve the plans and expectations in my mind.

"In addition, if you encounter that kind of diehard guy, or if you see money open and want to raise the price, let the female tengu arrange someone to deal with it. I don't believe it. Under the threat of a monster, this kind of guy will do it for money. Can't get through with myself." Qin Heqing reminded again.

   "Okay," Mari Tachibana agreed.

   "In addition, did you do what I asked you to do?" Qin Heqing nodded, and did not get too entangled in the mobilization and relocation, and then asked again.

"I have conveyed your meaning, and have agreed with the presiding officers of various shrines and temples in the city to have a formal meeting at the Citizens' Court of the City Hall at two o'clock in the afternoon three days later." Tachibana Mari replied Tao.

   "No one refused?" Qin Heqing asked, raising an eyebrow.

   "No one refused." Tachibana Mari shook his head.

"That's good. You should pay more attention to things here. Don't panic if you encounter problems. Call me directly or contact Curse Jindao and Nv Tengu if you have something to do. With them, no matter what goes wrong in the city. I can't get over the big waves."

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