High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1309: jump

After explaining the Shinza city, Qin Heqing didn’t hesitate. He swiftly headed towards the Izu Peninsula. After a while, he smoothly appeared in the sky above Higurashi Shrine in Izu, condescending, full of scrutiny. He looked at the Higurashi Shrine in front of him, as well as the various roads around the shrine, looking for a special existence that might trigger a barrier reaction.

   And soon, the culprit was found——

   "It's her, Kagome, how did she get to this era?" Qin Heqing stared at Kagome, who had just walked out of a convenience store and was walking towards the shrine with bread, surprised.

   But after thinking about it, I almost thought of the reason—

   should be related to the closeness of the two worlds.

In addition to this, coupled with the dry well in the formation of Higurashi Shrine that can be connected with the bone-eating well in the Warring States period, it is this coincidence that Kagome, the son of luck in other worlds, can cross the world and time. Line barrier, jumped into this world from the time and space of the Warring States Period.

   is like he tried his best to return to this world in the same way.

   Then Qin Heqing stopped observing, and appeared in front of Kagome for a flash.

   "Huh?" Feeling the dark Kagome in front of him, he stopped, raised his head, saw Qin Heqing's face clearly, and exclaimed with excitement, "It's you, Qin Heqing, you are finally here."

   "Do you know I will come?" Qin Heqing asked with interest, looking at Kagome in front of him.

"I don't know. But I don't know much. I can still judge that the enchantment space is not formed naturally, but artificially created. Therefore, for safety reasons, the producer of the enchantment will definitely arrange the interior of the enchantment. Some secretive and unknown defensive measures-such as warning barriers and the like, so I wondered if my actions would draw people who arranged the barriers over." Kagome bit the bread and swallowed. Explained next.

   "You are not afraid, your guess is wrong?" Qin Heqing asked again.

"I'm afraid. So I said to myself, I only stay here for one day at the shrine. If no one comes to see me by this time tomorrow, I will leave here and try to see if I can find your whereabouts, and then I will go to you. "Kagome nodded and said again.

   "How are you sure, this world is the world I live in." Qin Heqing curiously asked.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "I’m not sure. It’s just speculation that this strange world may belong to the world you live in based on the original events. If you can’t find it, I Probably we can only think of a way to see if we can fix the household registration problem, and then work part-time, and strive to survive in this world." Kagome sighed.

   If she hadn't found out that the barrier came out and couldn't go back again, she wouldn't be too lazy to want to survive in this world.

   Is the food at home not fragrant, or is the dog not fun anymore?

   Anyway, she felt that now, oh, before meeting Qin Heqing, she felt very depressed, and she felt like she had fallen into a sea of ​​bitterness, full of sorrow.

   "Oh, yes, lend me a thousand yuan first." Then Kagome quickly said as if thinking of something.

   "What are you doing?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise. However, he didn't hesitate to move. With a palm, he turned out a thousand-yuan bill and handed it to Kagome. Kagome took it and replied, "Return the money."

   After finishing speaking, no matter whether Qin Heqing could understand it or not, he ran to Asahimu Shrine quickly.

   Qin Heqing also followed curiously, and then understood what Kagome meant to pay back the money——

   turned out to put money into the gift box of Higurashi Shrine...

And the most important thing is that there are obvious signs of damage on the gift box-the lock was broken by a stone. From this, you can imagine where Kagome used to buy the bread came from. .

"Higurashi, the disciple had to use that method to save the emergency before, and now he has found the host, he immediately took the money and doubled it back. Please don't blame the great god, forgive me for my mistakes, Ge Wei is here to thank you." Kagome whispered to the shrine where Higurashi was sitting.

   Then his hands fit, clapping his hands and rang the bell.

   "Okay, let's talk about the issue of Shigujing." Kagome, who had finished the worship and prayer, turned around, looked at Qin Heqing and said, "Can I go back?"

   "Go back, which side do you mean, the time and space of the Warring States Period or the modern time and space of your own birth?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically.

   "All." Kagome thought for a while and replied.

  Modern space-time is her home, and her relatives are there, so in any case, she must return to modern space-time to secure herself.

   Then there is the Warring States Time and Space. There is a dog over there. Although the product is arrogant, dull and not too cute, but when you are used to it, you really want to leave it. Kagome is really unable to make it.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   So instead of the two painful choices, it is better to choose like an adult!

   "I don't know." Qin Heqing shook his head.

   This, he really doesn't know. Even if he hadn't encountered Kagome this time, he had never thought about the possibility of entering the Warring States time and space world using the dry well now!

   "Don't you know?" Kagome was surprised.

   "Yeah." Qin Heqing then explained the condition of the dry well in the test...

   "I want to try again." Kagome frowned and was silent for a moment~www.ltnovel.com~ and then said firmly.

"Yes. Come with me." Qin Heqing looked at her, but did not refuse, because he was also curious as the world approached, whether this dry well without the support of the thousand-year-old cherry power could be the same as the bone-eating well in the Warring States Period. Link together to achieve intercommunication between the two circles.

  Even if this kind of communication is of no use to him and the world...

   is not to say that if you can communicate, you can escape the local world and live in the Warring States period.

   The time and space of the Warring States Period was not unattained by Cthulhu.

   Then Qin Heqing turned his body and took Kagome back into the barrier with the sacred tree planted in the shrine as the core, and once again appeared in the empty barrier space with only a dry well.

"By the way, if the bone-eating well this time is really useful, do you want to go back with me?" Kagome, who was about to jump down to the side of the well, stopped suddenly and turned to Qin Heqing, who was aside to ask Tao.

   "Forget it, this world still needs me for the time being." Qin Heqing looked at the dry well, then thought about the external situation and Kato Kee and others, shook his head and refused.

   Besides, what will happen even if it passes through? In the end, the two worlds still have to merge. It is still possible to collide and destroy the two worlds together. So instead of experiencing the peace and enjoyment of that moment by tricks, it is better to stay in this world and fight, maybe you can break through It's not necessarily a different sky.

   "That's it. Then I'll go down." Kagome said.

   "Well, I wish you a smooth journey." Qin Heqing smiled.

   Then Kagome did not hesitate anymore, and plunged into the dry well...

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