High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1310: 1 hop and 1 hop

"Ah... touch. Huh."

   "How are you?" Qin Heqing, who heard the sound of heavy objects falling and crying out of the well, walked quickly to the side of the dry well, pressed his palm against the side of the well, leaned forward and asked.

   "How could it fail? Obviously I crawled out of this well before." Kagome ignored Qin Heqing's inquiry, rubbing his numb legs and feet, and muttered suspiciously.

   Seeing this, Qin Heqing also had no move, so he had to reach out his hand at Kagome in the well and shoot her with invisible power.

   "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Taiwan

   "How about it, are you okay?" Qin Heqing put Kagome back on the ground and asked.

   "It's okay." Kagome shook his head.

It's not the first time to jump into the well. In addition, she is also considered a qualified person with spiritual strength, and her physical fitness is much better than that of ordinary modern high school students. It is not much better than ordinary athletes, or the Warring States Period In the traffic environment of time and space, where did she have the physical strength to run around with the half-demon-born dog without falling behind?

   Really an ordinary girl can keep up?

Do not make jokes.

   So the height of only three or five meters, really can not be difficult for her.

   "It's just, why the well doesn't work, do you know the reason?" Kagome, who was still puzzled, turned to Qin Heqing, wondering.

   "I don't know." Qin Heqing shook his head.

   As for the real reason, Qin Heqing estimated that it should be related to the relevant force——

For example, the time and space of the Warring States Period and the time and space where Kagome was born, they can communicate because of Kagome's relationship, because she is the modern reincarnation of Miko Platycodon, and she has the jade of four souls on her body, so there is a causal traction, naturally how to wear it Yes, even without the Jade of the Four Souls, there is no problem at all.

  Because at the back of the original work, after the jade of the four souls is broken, didn't Kagome just shuttle back and forth between the two worlds without the jade of the four souls.

   But the dry well here is different. It used to be able to bring Qin Heqing to the Warring States time and space entirely because of the existence of the thousand-year cherry power. And what is the talent of Millennium Sakura? It is able to control time and give ordinary people the power of immortality. Therefore, under some of its manipulation, modern space-time and Warring States space-time have been grafted, giving Qin Heqing the opportunity to cross the long river of time and jump into the Warring States space-time in an inexplicable way. .

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   But this factor was cut off and disappeared because of Qin Heqing's return-the whole thousand-year-old cherry blossoms were dug by Qin Heqing and put in the pot The middle world is refined into time and space elements. As the root of the time in the pot world, how can it endow the dry well with the magical power, so that it can reconnect with the bone-eating well with the same time attribute?

   Even if the two worlds are now close to each other to the extent that they can influence each other, it is impossible without special coincidence!

   This is the real reason why Kagome didn't activate his power when he jumped and crossed back again.

   "Don't you know..." Kagome frowned, gritted his teeth again after hesitating for a while, "I don't believe it, I want to try again."

   "It's up to you." Qin Heqing didn't stop him, shrugged, and stepped aside.

   Then Kagome walked to the side of the dry well, turned over and sat on the edge of the well, shouted "I jumped" to Qin Heqing, and really jumped deep into the dry well.

   But the result was the same. Except for an awful cry, it failed to activate the special space-time force as Kagome expected, sending her back to the time and space of the Warring States period or the post-90s space-time where she was born.

   "Jun Qin, please pull me again." Kagome said in pain.

   "Wait a minute." Qin Heqing laughed, driving his mana again, and dragging Kagome out of the well.

   "What are you looking at?" Kagome, who was standing again, looked at Qin Heqing, who was still gazing in the well.

   "Look at the changes." Qin Heqing turned to look at her.

   "Changes? Is there any change here?" Kagome was puzzled, and she walked to the side of the well, who did not believe in evil, and leaned forward and looked towards the bottom of the well.

   "I didn't find it."

Of course she could not find out, because the changes in the well were not the physical changes visible to the naked eye, but the energy generated by Kagome’s two jumps, or the dimensional anomaly, a strange weird aura began. Appearing in the bottom of the well, although it is very faint, it looks like the water vapor floating in the water glass, it can be broken up with a casual slap, but I have to admit that if Kagome continues to jump down, it is really possible Inducing some kind of miracle, allowing her to cross time and space again and return to the time and space of the Warring States Period or the modern time and space where she came from.

   Can’t help, Qin Heqing guessed the reason--

   "Is it because she is the son of luck in that world?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Thinking about it, it seems that this is not impossible.

After all, this strange thing like the Child of Qi Luck, the ghost knows what kind of secrets and the blessings of the world it carries, and this dry well itself has been linked with the bone-eating well, so there may be some traces left, just because of the world The relationship between the isolation and the disappearance of Thousand-Year Sakura has never appeared, but it does not mean that it really has no clues.

   Then there was the stimulus of Kagome, so it is not impossible to reconnect the two sides.

   "You're jumping a few times, you should be able to feel it." Qin Heqing straightened up and laughed.

   "Still jumping?" Kagome said bitterly.

Once or twice, no more~www.ltnovel.com~ Continue to jump again, even with her physical fitness, her legs are probably in danger of breaking bones and tendons. She doesn’t want to be able to go back home in the end, but I became a disabled person abruptly.

   "Do you still want to go home?" Qin He Qinghu asked, raising his face.

   "Think." Kagome nodded.

   "Then keep jumping. When the time is right, you can activate the power of the Bone Eating Well and send you back." Qin Heqing said.

   "Really?" Kagome asked suspiciously.

   "Is it good for me to lie to you?"

   Kagome shook his head.

   "Then keep jumping."

   "I'll take a break first." Kagome looked at him and said helplessly.

   Fortunately, the time is not long, only three to five minutes, and it feels like it's almost time, so Kagome once again suffocated under Qin Heqing's gaze and jumped into the dry well——



   "Qin Heqing, you lie!" Kagome shouted.

   "Where did I lie to you?" Qin Heqing walked to the well and looked down.

   "Didn't you say that as long as I jump, I have a chance to go back, why haven't I gone back?" Kagome sat at the bottom of the well, looking up at Qin Heqing and asking loudly.

"You also said that I said there is a chance, and I didn't say that you can succeed with just one shot. Naturally, the more you jump, the better. Okay, come on, take a break and continue to jump." Qin Heqing was expressionless. Replied.

   "Damn it!" Kagome yelled irritably, but in order to go home, he still had to listen to Qin Heqing's words, and started the repeated activities of jumping, resting, jumping, and resting...

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