High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1311: Hard work pays off

Rebirth, Japan, Becoming a Priest, Chapter 1311, Kung Fu pays off for the caring person again and again, and has been jumping for 20 times, feeling that the whole person is almost jumping silly Kagome finally no longer believes Qin Heqing’s nonsense, and roars "I will not dance" Go! If you want to jump, you jump!"

   "You don't want to go home anymore?" Qin Heqing asked without fluctuation.

   "Yes, but I don't want to be teased by you like a fool just to go home." Kagome responded with an angry stare at Qin Heqing.

   "Why did I tease you?"

   "You said you didn't tease me? How many times have I jumped, so why didn't it succeed once, and sent me back?!"

   "Then don't you feel that as you jump into the well more often, the breath at the bottom of the well begins to change?"

   "Huh? Is there any?"

   As he said, Kagome turned his head and looked towards the bottom of the well despite his body aches.

It's a pity that although she is a qualified person with spiritual power, she can shoot a few magic arrows with bows and arrows, but when it comes to the spiritual level of a witch, she is not even as good as Kikyo’s sister, Maple, who does not have the talent of a witch. The layman, let alone the spiritual eye, the basic ability of the witch that can see all things clearly and penetrates the essence of all things. Even the relevant knowledge is also a semi-rakka machine. It is no different from an idiot, even if it is impossible to see Is it a special breath that Qin Heqing couldn't even notice without careful observation and induction?

   Naturally, I saw loneliness, but I didn't see the root hair after looking at it for a long time.

   But it is not without any gain.

After all, she is the son of luck in another world, the patron of the world, innately possessing some aptitudes and talents that ordinary people can't match, so even though she looked lonely, she still gave her a strange breath. Feel it.

   Even if she doesn't understand, where does this strange feeling come from, and what use is it.

   "What does it have to do with whether I can go home?" Kagome straightened up, frowning and questioning.

"To be honest, I don't know. But I know that these breaths only appeared after you started jumping the well, so I believe that with the expansion of this force, there will always be a moment of activation by your actions, and then produce The immeasurable reaction creates a miracle and sends you back to the time and space you wish to return." Qin Heqing said with a serious expression, but his mouth was still full of speculation.

   "Are you sure?" Kagome asked suspiciously.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Not sure, but it doesn't prevent us from continuing to try, right?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically.

   Gewei is still willing to continue trying at least until she has no heart to go back completely.

   Even if the process is painful to her...

   "Just keep jumping?" Kagome asked again after a while.

   "Hmm." Qin Heqing nodded.

"okay then."

   Then Kagome took a deep breath and calmed down the rising flames in his heart and jumped into the dry well again.

again and again……

Finally, after I don’t know how long, as Kagome jumped again, the intense time-space energy fluctuations suddenly rippled in the enchantment, and then a ray of light that was not too dazzling spewed out from the mouth of the well like an energy cannon. It wasn't until seven or eight seconds later that Tiantian completely exploded as if it had no subsequent energy, and turned into a sky full of energy light chips, flashing and disappearing into the air.

   Then Qin Heqing walked quickly to the side of the well and leaned forward and looked at the bottom of the well——

   There was no trace of Kagome.

   "I don't know if she was sent back or what." Qin Heqing muttered.

   After all, traces belong to traces, and the world is close to the world. It does not mean that the two are really infallible. It is still possible that other special situations of the same type can be created for various reasons.

   For example, people are not sent back to the time and space of the Warring States period where the dog is located, but are sent back to the time and space of the Warring States period of the world.

   Or because of the instability of the connection channel, Kagome had an accident during the shuttle, and it is not impossible to get lost in the long river or even die directly.

   But what can Qin Heqing do? I can only pray secretly, hoping that Kagome's luck is enough to meet his expectations smoothly. Otherwise, even if he knew that Kagome had something wrong, he would not have any way to interfere and rescue him.

   So after staying for a while, Qin Heqing calmed down, turned around and left the space barrier, and reappeared in Higurashi Shrine.

   looked up at the sky that was completely dark at this time——

The day he came was still bright, even in the afternoon, it was only around two o'clock, and now the time has entered March, it is almost 10 minutes in summer, and the time of day and night is much longer than in winter, so even It was 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky won't be as dark as it is now, so we can know that the time is definitely after 8 o'clock, and it's time to consider dinner.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   So Qin Heqing did not leave for Tokyo immediately, but found a reputable ramen shop nearby and ate an Izu-style noodle shop in it After the seafood ramen, it turned into light again and lased towards Tokyo.



   The flames were shining, and huge fragments shot around like cannonballs, and when they collided with the ground and other surrounding buildings, they burst into a dull roar.

Then the flame broke open. A human figure with a height of more than three meters, with a human body, but the head is in the form of a mollusk ~www.ltnovel.com~ like an octopus, with countless tentacles hanging down, and the palms are like aquatic creatures, pointing The monster with a thin fleshy membrane growing between its fingers came out of the collapsed building, the huge eyes growing on the octopus-like head turned strangely, and glanced around...

"Bai Rui!" Then, a cold, low voice rang from the void, and then a huge, radiantly long, and silver-white, snake-like giant creature emerged from the void, and roared towards him. The weird tentacles rushed past.


  The strange man turned his head, and the invisible energy barrier suddenly blocked Bai Rui's attack.


   The barrier flickered, but Bai Rui was unable to break it through anyway, and then hurt the weird figure who was separated by only a barrier...

As for the weird human form, the tentacles under the head danced and turned upright, revealing the suction cup on the other side. The circular hole shrank, and the energy rays of laser light were intensively shot out from the suction cup of the tentacles. , Like a lightsaber, blasted on Bai Rui's body one after another, smashing its lin armor, letting the beam of light sink directly into Bai Rui's flesh and blood.


   Suddenly, Bai Rui cried out in pain, twisted and fled from the strange man.

   It's just a weirdo, but it's not forgiving. He continued to attack Bai Rui with more light.

   "Bai Rui!"

   "What are you waiting for?!" Kanyama Huangquan, who was guarding the painful Tugu Kagura, yelled to the surrounding with an angry face.

   After that, more attacks sounded, and they rushed to the weird.


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