High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1312:

However, although the movement is loud and the attacks are intensive enough, when it comes to lethality, it is really not that good.


The reason is very simple. It’s just that the attackers are all the guards assigned to the Kamikaze combat team in the United States. Therefore, the attack method used is not the common and familiar spell of the Kamikaze team members, but the United States used it from the island country. Come, the firepower net formed by spiritual power bullets and various props may be in no way detrimental to ordinary monsters, but to the evil monsters transformed by the mutation caused by the power of the evil god...

   is nothing more than leaving some wounds on their bodies. If they are not completely torn apart, they will not be killed at all!

   But you want to go straight up and fight them?

After the evil monsters mutated, their mental interference position is an interference that all fighters can’t escape. Various phantoms and secret whispers are destroying their nerves and stirring their spirits all the time, so they are paying a lot of personnel. After the cost of casualties and mutation, the people of the United States and the Kamikaze team finally found the right way to fight the evil monsters——

   Stand in the distance and shoot! Don't fight melee.

   Otherwise, even if there is a way to shield the spiritual pollution and interference, it will not be able to withstand the devastation of the huge power and various strange abilities possessed by the evil monster.

  In addition, the evil monsters have the means to recover their wounds through the flesh and blood of living humans. Often after seven or eight people go up, the evil monsters are not doing well, and they die first.

   Otherwise, it seemed that he had wounded the evil monster, but then the evil monster returned to normal through the flesh and blood of the soldiers who fought with him, making all the soldiers feel desperate.

  Even the Kamikaze team suffered damage because of this——

For example, Okuyama Kazuya, who was born in the Yin Yang Department of the Countermeasures Bureau in the five-member team, was torn by evil monsters in a certain battle, which was composed of the formerly banned Yin Yang Liu members and their descendants. , And died in front of other people on the spot without even using the chance of rescue.

  Toku Mimon Taihei almost became a display——

Because his family’s feng shui technique is really not very useful in the current battle, unless it is the kind of ambush where the battle location is pre-selected, otherwise he is at best as a support like Hojo Tokiko. The American fighters with the team add BUFF, and more...

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  , on the contrary, it is a curse forbidden road, and Shin Matsumoto, who has the ability to heal various spell wounds, became a sweet potato, which was adjusted by the United States. In the rear, helping to treat all kinds of important personnel who had problems due to accidental factors, life was called a nourishment, and it was very itchy to see Jianshan Huangquan, but there was no more way.

Because Tugong Kagura, who has the spirit beast Bai Rui, has completely become the Kamikaze team, and even the Dinghai Shenzhen needle of the entire US combat team, basically every time the battle is over less than half a day, they will be assigned to the next place, and even a serious rest during the day. There was no chance for her, or even if it were not for the strength of the killing stone, she would have the possibility of sudden death directly, which made Jianshan Huangquan very distressed. Not only once asked her to leave the United States and told her to leave, but Kagura didn't agree and didn't know what he thought.

   is not its own country, is it necessary to spend so much effort to save it?

   You are not bad for money or honor.


Therefore, after an attack, the evil monster decisively counterattacked. As soon as his head was raised, a huge and complex magic circle suddenly appeared in the void above his head, emitting a faint light and then a huge body. The whale phantom that looked like a real whale appeared above the magic circle, as if in the water, wandering around in the void--a space the size of the magic circle.

  Then the whale stirred its body and made an ethereal and weird cry...

   The shock ripples visible to the naked eye rippled in time, pushing the air to expand rapidly in all directions.

If it's just diffusion, it's fine. The most important thing is that in the process of sound wave impact and diffusion, the sound of whales also becomes stronger in a geometric progression, and almost instantly changes from the original state of being pleasant and empty. The terrifying power released as if the sky thunder burst in the ear, all the buildings or trees touched by the shock wave broke and exploded at the moment of contact, turning into a powdery dust floating in the sky.

Not to mention human beings, they couldn’t avoid them one by one, immediately their facial features were twisted, their head exploded, their internal organs shattered, and they didn’t even seize the opportunity to make a scream, and they died unwillingly in this attacking magic called whale-ming. under.


   Hojo Tokiko was unbearable, and spewed a mouthful of bright red blood on the spot.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Obviously, it was a serious injury.

   The earth under Taihei's feet exploded and smoke filled him, wrapping him up.

   As for Tuguong Kagura?

Because of the assistance of Jianshan Huangquan, the nanny sister, although she was also pale and ugly, she was the most intact among the three. His eyes flashed twice as he watched the standing evil monster in the field. Bai Rui The figure appeared above the whale again, with his mouth wide open, like the mouth of a giant beast that could swallow the sky, swallowing the whale into his abdomen in an instant.

The evil monster raised his head and caught Bai Rui's actions for the first time~www.ltnovel.com~ Without hesitation, the tentacles hanging from the bottom of his head were like special substances soaked in water, and in a flash, they expanded to an extremely exaggerated The eight tentacles flew at a high speed, colliding with Bai Rui's body.

   "Boom, boom, boom..."

The sound of the intensive collision of flesh and blood spread, and Bai Rui finally failed to swallow the evil monster into his belly in a big way. Unwillingly, he was flew to the side by the evil monster’s tentacles, rubbing the evil monster’s body and rushing to one side. Go out...

"There is a snake in the south, the fierce of the four seasons, the general who holds the fire, now it is a rape!" Then, the unnoticed Tuyumen Taihei suddenly turned his hand and turned out a white talisman paper standing on his body. Before, his face solemnly shouted "Go!"

Then, the paper talisman turned into a streamer, and the streamer evolved into a green winged flying snake. In an instant, it entangled the evil monster whose mind was dragged away by Bai Rui, and then burst out a raging red gold flame, wrapping the evil monster. Up.

   "Well done!" Jianshan Huangquan praised.

   Then, Hojo Tokiko seemed to be inspired by this, opened up his mind, supported his body, and sang the ballad of prayer in a hoarse voice.

   It’s just that this time it’s not for blessing mana and attributes to the companions, but for attacking!

So in the next moment, a piece of dazzling starlight flew like a large swarm of fireflies flying above Hojo Tokiko’s head, condensed and condensed into a silver **** like an ancient samurai general, and his figure flashed and appeared. Behind the evil monster wrapped in flames.


   Then Bai Rui attacked again, rushing toward the evil monster like a speeding train.

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