High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1313:


   Jin Yan exploded, and the evil monster's figure reappeared in the eyes of Tuguong Kagura, Isahyama Huangquan, Tomimon Taihei and Hojo Tokiko——

   turned out to be intact! As for the reason, naturally the layer that emerged from its body at this time looked like an eggshell. The translucent magic barrier not only blocked the burning of the Serpent Flame, but also blocked Bai Rui's attack again.

   Even if he himself was hit by the huge momentum carried by Bai Rui, he involuntarily fell backward and withdrew two steps.

   "Why is this guy not dead yet!" Hojo Tokiko said unwillingly.

  "..." The others were silent, while Bai Rui continued to scratch and bite the evil according to his own mind, as if he would not break the eggshell, and would never give up. It was very lively.

   "How could this be..." After a while, Tugong Kagura couldn't help but murmured.

This is not the first time that they have come out to hunt mutant monsters. Even if they occasionally encounter such difficult characters, and even paid the price of companion casualties, there has never been a monster like the one they encountered today. , With such a strong combat capability and defensive power, he could even face Bai Rui without dying!

And the most important thing is that even the three of them were not harmed under the combined efforts of the three of them. This had to make Tugong Kagura doubt whether her Bai Rui was not strong enough, or the world became more difficult, even Evil monsters have evolved so difficultly.

   If this continues, they still need to exist, or is there any salvation in this world...

"That's why I said a long time ago that you can't save the U.S. country at all with your own strength. You still don't listen. If you don't say that your duty is to destroy demons and monsters and save the world, even if it is, so what? To protect, you have to spend your energy in this country that treats you as tools, don’t you think it’s turning the cart before the horse?” Jianshan Huangquan, who finally seized the opportunity to reprimand, utterly persuades Kagura of Chaotu Gong Tao.

   "That can't be like what you said, Huang Quan, can you just choose to quit?" Tsuguiya Kagura smiled bitterly, "Don't forget, Matsumoto is still in the hands of the Americans."

"What about that? Don’t forget, the organization he came from is Cursed Dao. It’s the enemy of your strategy, and even all the onmyoji families that have passed down. You care about his life and death, he has thought about you. How many are in danger? If he really wanted to, he would not accept the invitation from the United States. If he stays behind and does not go to the front line to participate in combat, the guy named Okuyama will not die." Jianshan Huangquan said crumbly.

   But I have to admit that what she said is right. If that person really regards herself as a member of the Kamikaze team, as their companion, how can he abandon his teammates and stay behind?

   Even if you are greedy for life and fear of death, you have to pay attention to the basic law.

   "But even if I'm willing to give up Shin Matsumoto and leave with you, how can we escape the tracking of the U.S., cross the ocean, and return to the island country?" Tsuguiya Kagura was silent for a while, and again the actual question was counterintuitive.

Now, unlike the usual peaceful times, there are any planes that can fly to the island country. All flights are within the prescribed plan and under close surveillance. Even if they can get rid of the pursuit of the United States, how to log in to the plane to fly From the United States?

   You know, now there is no way like before, just picking a boat can cross the ocean and smuggle back to China...

   "I can't help it, but I can contact Qin Heqing, and it's nothing to bring a few people back to China with his means." Huangquan Jianshan first became sluggish when he heard the words, and then suddenly said with excitement.

   "Qin Heqing?" Hojo Tokiko and Tokiya Kagura looked at her at the same time.

   "Just ask if you want to leave with me." Jianshan Huangquan didn't explain, and he didn't need to explain, he went directly to Tugong Kagura.

   "Are you sure he can take us out of the United States safely?" Tuguong Kagura confirmed again.

   "I'm sure." Jianshan Huangquan nodded.

   "...Let me think about it again." Tuguiya Kagura hesitated.

"What's more to consider." Before Isayama Huangquan could speak, Hojo Tokiko on the side took the lead and said, "No matter what you think, I am fed up with this kind of non-stop fighting life in the United States. , I want to leave the United States and go home!"

   "Aren't you afraid of the cabinet's censure?" Tsutomi Gate Taihei, who had listened to the conversation between Kanyama Huangquan and others, said suddenly.

   Hojo Tokiko still did not speak, but still turned his gaze to Kanyama Huangquan, waiting for her answer.

"We can go directly to Qin Heqing after we return, and then join his forces. With his prestige and influence in the island country, I don't think the cabinet will offend Qin Heqing for the sake of a few of us." After a while, he continued to add, "As for saying that the U.S. blames the island country... Does this have anything to do with us? Or do we need to worry about it?"

   At the end, I don’t know if it was deliberate or unintentional to turn their eyes to the evil monsters who were fighting with Bai Rui, giving them the opportunity to talk about so many personal matters——

The meaning of    is very simple. As far as the current global situation and the chaos within the US are concerned, does the US still have the mind and energy to toss the island nation?

   "If this is the case, then I am willing to go with you too." Tsuchimimon Taihei looked at the evil monster thoughtfully, nodded in response.

   "You..." Tsuguiya Kagura was speechless, but he didn't expect the ball to return to his feet in the end.

   "Even if you want to leave, you have to wait until the battle in front of you is resolved."

  "Of course~www.ltnovel.com~ Seeing Tuguu Kagura finally let go, Isayama Huangquan laughed and said, "Tomoko, Domitsu, prepare! "

   When the time came to be smart, he didn’t hesitate, and immediately opened his mouth to sing, and blessed Kanshan Huangquan with a few martial arts buffs to enhance Kanshan Huangquan’s combat ability.

At the same time, Domitian Taihei also stroked the ground with his feet. An onmyoji formation centered on the platycodon print developed by Ampei Qingming was illuminated with him as the center. Four illusory paper talisman from the east, south, and west The four places in the north appeared, and then became four young men with different appearances, and then condensed, staying in reality.

"Let's go!" After that, Jianshan Huangquan didn't talk any more nonsense. With a flick of his arm, the treasured sword lion king that had been refinished by Qin Heqing and integrated with her appeared in her hand and stepped on the ground again. Like the wind, it rushed towards the evil monster that Bai Rui was entangled, restrained, and circled into fighting against it in a narrow area.

   "The four adults, Qinglong, Suzaku, Baihu, and Xuanwu, I will trouble you in the next battle!" Tuyumen Taihei said sternly.

   "It's really a troublesome thing." The young man with short hair, guarded in the south, looked at the evil monster with disgust and muttered.

However, the action did not hesitate at all. With a flash of body shape, it turned into a red light, and appeared above the evil monster first. The red flame wrapped the fist, like a trial falling from the sky. Hit the egg shell outside of the evil monster.


   The flames rose into the sky, and Bai Rui, who couldn't bear the burning, had to let go of his restraints and walked away from the evil monster.

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