High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1314: 4 gods

The red-haired man, that is, the flame used by Suzaku, as its name suggests, is a special flame similar to Nanming Lihuo, with a powerful purifying power, plus the power of Suzaku itself, so there is no deadlock for a few seconds, the egg outside of the evil monster The shell smashed open completely with a crackling sound, and Suzaku's fist hit the evil monster's soft head heavily, sending it flying away.

But do you think this is over? not at all. Almost immediately, a cyan air current visible to the naked eye swept across, enveloping the beating, and even part of the cheeks were carbonized by the flames, and the body of the split evil monster flew back to the group of people. Then there is no need to talk to the white tiger, a man who looks like a middle-aged uncle and has a wilder style of dressing. On the side, a blue-haired man with a cold face and a strong sense of abstinence appears in the hands of a hand that is taller than others. Cut, a huge sickle-shaped weapon like the sickle of the legendary **** of death, stepped on, and accompanied by a small water-shaped lotus flower exploding, the blue-haired man, Azure Dragon, suddenly appeared beside the evil monster, turning around. Turning, the sickle in his hand slashed through the body of the evil monster from the bottom up——


Following the evil monster's body, it tore apart under the still-wrapped blue wind, and flew out to the left and right.

"It's over?" Jianshan Huangquan, who was expecting himself to take action to solve the battle, stopped and looked at the upper part of the ground into two pieces, astonished by the evil monster who should have been unable to live.

Should there be such a big contrast? The evil monster that even the spirit beast Bai Rui couldn't hold down for a while, unexpectedly failed to survive even one cooperation in the hands of the Shigami who arranged Qingming's family biography...

Even if these shikigami were the twelve gods who arranged Qingming to suppress the world, the existence with the highest energy level comparable to the gods would not be so simple and neat, right?

There is also Taihei Tuomi. Since you have such a powerful hole card in your hand, why didn't you take it out before, and you have to wait for the surrounding members of the assisting force to be wiped out, and see that you and others will be ruined in the hands of evil monsters. Take it out when it's inside.

Are these shikigami hot? Or are you afraid that the command will not move them?

Or do you have other plans?

Unable to help, Jianshan Huangquan looked at him with a weird gaze. At this time, his face was a little pale, and he was overstretched, as if he had been working for seven or eighty days, and he was about to die suddenly.

Of course, Hojo Tokiko and Tsuchiya Kagura also had similar eyes. They also looked with surprise at Tsuchimimon Taihei, who was usually not exposed to mountains and water, and wanted to see something from him.

"It's not that I deliberately hid my personalities or something, but with my ability, it is really incapable to move a few adults, so if it is not a last resort, it is impossible for me to fight for the possibility of foundation damage, please The four adults came together." Tsutomi Gate Taihei, who noticed the strange eyes of several people, smiled bitterly.

Do you think that I don’t want people to show the sage in front of others, and summon the shikigami to re-brand the reputation of Ampere’s Qingming family?

It also needs his body to support it! It’s not Qingming’s ancestor, because he has a relationship with the blood of monsters. Spiritual power is inherently thinner than his blood, which has been thinned to almost nothing. It is countless times stronger than the offspring of a pure human being without any problem. He is not comparable to him in terms of strength and means!

So it's not that Shikigami can't be summoned, but if you want to summon the four spirit gods together at once like this, you really have to work hard to squeeze yourself out!

And even so, the four spirit gods summoned are also a compressed version, rather than the real gods of the ancestors Yushi that can beat the gods.

So I expected him to call out these adults like Tu Gong Kagura using Bai Rui.

Even if he has that courage, these adults may not have that good temper!

They are not ordinary shikigami, and everything they own is entrusted to the onmyoji, so they can use it whatever they want, so there is no need to worry too much about shikigami being disobedient.

These few real gods, coupled with their long existence, can be said that the contract with the Ampei family and the Tuyumen family has long been weak to a certain level. It is not a problem for you to eat and drink well and worship it. It’s really like an ordinary Onmyoji who use these like slaves...

The end of the game is probably to pick up the children on the spot, then turn around and ran away from home, maybe until the Tuyumen family inheritance is broken, there is no way to bring these people back.

Then, without waiting for a few words, the only young man who stayed in the position of the magic circle used by Tuyumen Taiping to summon the four spirit gods, that is, Xuanwu took a look at the current situation, and Tuyumen Taiping used to maintain With his strength in the world, he said, "Since there is nothing wrong, I will go back first."

Then, without waiting for others to say anything, the figure disappeared, just like when he appeared, gradually turning into an illusion and disappearing into the air.

"If that's the case, then I'll go back." Qinglong glanced at the evil monster who had no unnecessary movement on the ground at this time.

The next moment, like Xuanwu, the illusory figure disappeared into the void.

"It's hard to come by..." Suzaku curled his lips.

"Then I'll go back." Before Suzaku could finish speaking, the middle-aged uncle Bai Hu on the side took the conversation and said, "It just happens that I haven't finished the matters on the Taiyin side..."

After such a few breaths, only Kanyama Huangquan, Tsuchiya Kagura, Hojo Tokiko and Tsuchimiya Taihei were left in the field, and the remaining four spirit gods left Suzaku in the field.

"What's going on in this world, how did the air become so bad? And the power that permeates the sky and the earth, is the world about to enter the eternal calamity?" Because the three major gods are missing ~www.ltnovel.com~ The supply chain was stabilized, and Suzaku, who could stay in the world for a longer time, looked around the environment around her eyes, surprised.

"It's not clear that eternal catastrophe will not eternal catastrophe, but it is certain that the world is suffering from the worst catastrophe in a thousand years." Tomimon Taihei, who also recovered somewhat because of the reduction in consumption, smiled bitterly.

"Really? How bad it is." Suzaku asked curiously.

"You first introduce the current situation to Master Suzaku, and I will contact Qin Heqing." At this time, Jianshan Huangquan, who has not forgotten what his business is, puts away the lion king with the treasure sword, reaches into his chest, and pulls it from his chest. He took out the hot mobile phone.

Then he stepped aside, called Qin Heqing's phone and made a call.


However, before she could say a few words with Qin Heqing, the terrible filth and evil aura once again diffused in the field, drawing Jianshan Huangquan’s attention to the past——

The source is nothing else, it is still the corpse of the evil monster that was beheaded into two parts!

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