High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1315: Come

I saw where the evil monster’s corpse fell, a blood-colored magic circle along with the blood flowing from the evil monster instantly expanded, forming a huge area, covering almost all the combat range-including those previously used by it. The area where the soldiers of the assisting troops killed by the magic of the whales are all shrouded, melting the bodies and flesh of those soldiers into the supplies and raw materials of the magic circle, until the magic circle is completely activated.

   After a while, a blood-colored beam of light full of strong evil aura soared into the sky, and an illusory figure of a huge mollusk like the squid king of the deep sea emerged from the circle.

But it’s not the real deep sea squid king, but magnified several times, like the legendary North Sea giant Kraken-like octopus-like monster, eight thick tentacles like giant trees keep dancing, frantic and terrifying aura It spreads like a tide.

  The first to bear the brunt are the four human beings: Isayama Huangquan, Tsuguiya Kagura, Hojo Tokiko, and Tomimon Taihei, as well as the only **** on the scene-Suzaku.

The terrible mental shock hits their brains like a sledgehammer, as if an iron rod was forcibly inserted in their brains, constantly stirring their brain effusions, making them very painful, even basic standing is difficult to maintain , Screamed and fell to the ground.


   "Puff and puff......"

   "Huangquan? Huangquan!" The screen of the mobile phone in the communication flashed, and Qin Heqing's slightly anxious call came from it.

   "What kind of monster is this..." Suzaku stared at the giant phantom in the Scarlet Circle with an ugly expression, and said with difficulty.

It's just a pity that no one can answer him anymore, so he can only burn his own pure flames with his own thoughts according to his past experience, envelop himself in the flames, and purify the invasion by the flames. The evil force, the space to weaken the mental impact, used flames to condense his commonly used Suzaku sword, or Nanming Lihuoshen sword, stepped on it, and rushed towards the formation amidst the sound of crushing rocks.

   "Youkai, die for me!"

   The fire light swept across, like a moon blade, colliding with the energy beam where'Kraken' was located.


A huge explosion occurred, and the Suzaku God would then be lifted out in an irresistible force. After rolling out for several tens of meters, he stopped with an ugly face, kneeling on the ground. Looking at the gradually solidified'Kraken' and the **** beam of light that gradually dissipated, I couldn't speak--

   "If Haruaki is still here, if I'm still in his prime..."

"Wow, it seems that I came in time." At this moment, a stranger?  Anyway, Suzaku God suddenly heard a familiar voice in the field?   Interrupted his contemplation and brought his attention Attracted to the past--

   "Heqing?  You are here." With Qin Heqing's help?   Jianshan Huangquan, who was able to temporarily escape from the mental pollution of ‘Kraken’, groaned and looked at Qin Heqing fortunately.

   "Are you screaming like that?   I can't even come?" Qin Heqing rolled her eyes and said.

Fortunately, it is now that his strength has been improved?   And he is more and more digesting the inheritance of Huzhongxian?   Now that he has more and more proficient mastery of supernatural powers, he can mediate, reverse Yin and Yang, and the universe, not just like before. Being able to move physically, can you constantly switch between the energy body and the actual physical body?  Only then can Ayukawa’s channel of resentment waves be used to move across the space over long distances?   Otherwise...

   Even if Qin Heqing can rush over, the fate of Jianshan Huangquan will not be much better, and even death directly is not impossible.

Didn’t see the Tōmikomon Taihei over there. At this time, he couldn’t resist the impact of mental pollution, and his head began to deform, as if there were imprisoned elf under his skin? He looks like he won't let go of his piercing head?  The ghost knows if he's doing it, what will this guy be like in the end.

There is also Hojo Tokiko over there?  The body is twisted and moves like a boneless snake?  Hands are like a hook?  I'm scratching and scratching my head and body?  Not only did I grab a lot of hair, Even the blood and flesh of the clothes and skin have caught scary marks. It can be said that even if she survives this time, she will have to rest for a while after returning, and even consider going for cosmetic surgery. Otherwise, she In this life, don't expect to take on door-to-door tasks and go to someone else's house to help cast away demons and spirits.

  , on the contrary, is Tuguong Kagura, because of the existence of the killing stone, the pain is pain, and the life is exhausting, but few of the few people present can maintain the integrity and stability of the body, and there is no abnormality.

"Forget it, let's save people first." Qin Heqing shook his head, and without hesitation, he knocked out the three of Tugong Kagura, Tuyumen Taihei and Hojo Tokiko and threw them into the pot. world.

"Who are you! Also, where did you get my lord?" But the moment Qin Heqing took the person away, the Suzaku God General over there flashed over and stood there. Qin Heqing asked coldly in front of him.

   "This is..." Qin Heqing was shocked, surprised.

   "It's the hero of the Vermillion Bird." Huangquan Jianshan, who raised Qin Heqing's arm from the ground, introduced.

"Suzaku God General? The Suzaku God General among the twelve gods who followed Ampei Qingming to suppress the world?" Qin Heqing said in amazement ~ www.ltnovel.com~ After all, the legend of Ampei Qingming has been spread for thousands of years, but it has not been since Ampei Qingming. People, even if the Ampere clan, the Tuyumen family members have never been summoned, so that the world and the descendants of all the families think that the Tuyumen clan has been lost to the twelve gods. Is impossible.

"Yeah." Jianshan Huangquan answered, and then took a deep breath, and the spirited Suzaku God will introduce, "Suzaku Lord, this one next to me is the Bacchus, the contemporary core child of the Qin clan, the **** of wine Qin Heqing, so you can rest assured that the life of Tuyumen Taiping is not in danger, but for safety reasons, it was temporarily put away by Qin Jun in a special way."

"Is that so..." Suzaku looked at Qin Heqing carefully for a while, and then felt the contract status between herself and Tuyumen Taihei, nodded and admitted, "It's true that I didn't feel the strength of the contract. Disconnected. However, my power supply was disconnected because of his actions. If this is not resolved quickly, I will not be able to participate in the next battle."

"Suzaku-sama don't need to worry, there is Jun Qin here, and it's not difficult for the evil monsters to stop Qin Jun." Jianshan Huangquan shook his head, looking not far away, it seemed that he was about to leave the circle completely and officially became true and true. The monster said softly.

   "Oh? Really, then I have to wait and see." Suzaku glanced at Qin Heqing in surprise and said noncommittal.

   "Don't worry, I promise that I won't let the Suzaku God disappoint you." Qin Heqing smiled.

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