High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1321:

"My purpose of convening this meeting is very simple. One is to gather everyone together, meet and get to know, so as to save the future when there is something to cooperate with and there will be no one. Second, it is to clarify mine. I don’t want you to hold the oracle as a wiper. I see you have seen it, but you are not ready to listen. And through everyone, from now on, what I say in Xinzao City! Whether it’s religious or secular management , So whatever you think later, put it away for me, otherwise I don’t mind using the righteous name to target you, or even tear down your home."

Seeing that the prestige had already been established, Qin Heqing adjusted his tone and continued, "Let me explain my plan for the new city. First of all, I will expel some urban residents in the name of demolition and reconstruction. Of course, it is normal. There will be compensation and a resettlement plan, and even if the residents themselves agree, I can also relocate people to the Kita Ward, Adachi Ward, and Arakawa Ward nearby. And in the process, I will Together with Taihei, who is beside me, re-modify the spirit vein of Xinza City, and build a huge enchantment array for Xinza City that can suppress the city’s feng shui and protect the city’s safety to deal with the increasingly exaggerated and active ghosts. Chaos."

"During this period, it is estimated that the spiritual veins that are suppressed and restrained by your shrines or temples will inevitably be affected, so if you have ideas, please put them forward. Now whether you are moving out of the new city, or whatever, you can still discuss it, but if you wait After the meeting, you come to me and tell me this or that, so don’t blame me for not showing everyone’s face."

Suddenly, the expressions of everyone present changed, frowning and thinking.

Although due to the modern social environment and other factors, their desire to practice is not as strong as in ancient times, and their need for spiritual veins is not as important as true seekers? But it does not mean that they are willing. Give up the control of spiritual veins? Let your own temples and shrines become ordinary resource land!

This is tantamount to digging their roots and breaking their heritage! They will never agree.

But when it comes to resistance...

Everyone looked at Qin Heqing again? And the members of the Kamikaze squad standing behind him? It seemed that the end of the game was only a bloodshed, and then the whole was expelled from the new city? The end of being a lonely family.

After all, they are not deaf or blind. They have not heard of or knew Qin Heqing's great achievements? And how powerful the combat effectiveness of the members of the Kamikaze team is.

Anyway, one of the people on the scene counts as one? It is estimated that Master Chengzhen from Pinglin Temple has illuminated twice, and more...

"Is there a plan?" the mage of Yan Motang of Yicheng Academy asked.

"No." Qin Heqing shook his head.

He hasn't even investigated the Lingmai environment of Xinzuo City yet, so where is there a plan?

"That..." the monk of Zhen Gong Temple hesitated.

"The absence of a plan does not mean that I cannot disclose the news in advance, nor does it mean that you cannot make a choice now." Qin Heqing glanced at the monk? He said quietly.

Now? The other monks who wanted to talk were gone, they could only smile bitterly, and continued to ponder the issue of spiritual vein changes.

I have to say that Xinza City is worthy of being included in the territory of the Buddhist forces. The number of Buddhist temples in the city and the strength of the masters are really not weak? At least 90% of the participants are monks? Only left. The 10% below are priests and witches. Not only the number is not as good as the opponent, but the strength is also far inferior to the monk.

Basically, you can say that? If it weren't for the sudden rise of Qin Heqing in Xinzuo City, it would not be an exaggeration to say Xinzuo City was a Buddhist market.

"In addition? All the shrines in the city, whether they are family-renowned shrines? or publicly-owned shrines, are all included in the unified management sequence and supervised by Qin's Inari Shrine." Qin Heqing did not wait for the monks to respond, and once again rushed to the shrines present. The officer said.

"How can this be?!" a middle-aged priest exclaimed subconsciously.

"It's okay if you don't want to be supervised. Please move out of the new city within three days. Otherwise, the city hall will take action against your shrine in the name of the evil shrine. You can resist by then, but the resulting You are also responsible for all the consequences. And this does not rule out the possibility of the resistance personnel being killed on the spot." Qin Heqing said blankly.

At this time, he didn't bother to talk too much nonsense with these guys.

"Huangquan, Kagura, you are responsible for this matter, Marie and the city office are responsible for cooperating, and the countermeasure bureau is responsible for the suppression of the countermeasures." Qin Heqing ignored the ugly face of that priest and other priests, and arranged for himself.



Several people from Tachibana Mari responded quickly.

"After that, I will arrange for someone to conduct a general survey of the qualifications of the clergy in all temples and shrines, and register them. At that time, a special person will come to connect with you and explain to you the discovery and handling of monsters in Xinza City. I hope you can abide by the specific implementation rules, otherwise...I can only follow the rules." Qin Heqing continued.

"..." Everyone was silent, feeling more and more that it was a mistake to attend this meeting, and Qin Heqing was a lunatic.

Isn't he afraid of arousing public outrage, even the collective resistance of Buddhism and Shintoism?

Oh, he is not afraid. He has great righteousness, reputation and strength. The general religious factions and Shintoist forces really dare not confront Qin Heqing head-on, lest they make a fish to death and the net is not broken.

"That's roughly what I want to say. Please give me an answer as soon as possible. Otherwise, it won't be great if something unpleasant happens." Qin Heqing leaned his back on the chair and stretched his hands straight and gently. Standing on the conference table, I looked at the many monks, priests, and witches who were ugly, solemn, and tangled because of his words in a neat look at the meeting table~www.ltnovel.com~ Then he retracted his hands and took out his mobile phone. Played in front of the audience.

What's more, the content is not high-end, but a short video similar to that sound, which comfortably passes the remaining blank time...

Until the end of the last time.

As for the result, it was natural that everyone was silent, neither agreed nor disagreed. They had to leave the conference room with solemn expressions and returned to their respective places of practice-temples and shrines, looking for children or close people in the temple. Discuss and respond.

"Go, let's go back." Qin Heqing, who didn't show the slightest concern about this, stood up and said to a few people at Mato.

Then Qin Heqing and the others left and took a ride back to Qin's Inari Shrine.

"Qin Jun."

"He Qingjun."


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