High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1322: Division of labor

"Why are you here?" Qin Heqing, who listened to the abnormal name suddenly sounded from the crowd, looked at the direction where the sound came from, and then asked with surprise on his face.

Because the person here is not someone else, it is the girl Fifth Geng Liuli who had met at the Tokyo Comic Show and formed a fate!

Only later because he was thrown by Thousand-Year Sakura to the time and space of the Warring States period, he broke contact, and he didn't have any thoughts about her. Therefore, even if he returned from the time and space of the Warring States period, he still did not regain it with Wugeng Liuli. Contact, so that the contact between the two has been broken until now.

It can even be said that if Wugeng Liuli hadn't taken the initiative to come to the door this time, it would not be surprising that it would still be disconnected.

"Also, I am not your master." Qin Heqing added immediately afterwards.

"But for me, you are my master who taught me how to practice the witches' practice! Whether you admit it or not." The fifth colored glaze dressed in a black Gothic loli group said with a serious face.

"... Then what's the matter with you coming over today." Qin Heqing looked at her serious expression, and did not get too entangled in this matter. Reality is not a novel of a prehistoric world, and it is not an ancient chaotic era. For the sake of Taoism, you must be careful not to get involved with all kinds of causal things, so even if you really recognize the Wugeng Liuli, it doesn't matter, so he turns to the topic.

"I came here today to ask you for further training methods." Wu Geng Liuli replied.

"Have you finished all the materials I gave you before?" Qin Heqing recalled a little bit about his arrangement with her before asking again.

"It's over." Five Geng Liuli affirmed.

"Have you all memorized it?" Qin Heqing continued to ask.

"Yes." Wu Geng Liuli nodded, and even replied with a little pride in his eyes.

But she does have a reason for pride. After all, the content of documents such as drawing pictures of a hundred ghosts, ancient centuries, chronology of gods, descriptions of gods and family origins are not as easy to memorize as texts. Not only are they boring and difficult to learn, but there are often slurred and messy things in them, so they are not. If you really use your heart, ordinary people may not be able to memorize these things completely in one year.

"That's right, Mui Ne, you take it to the exam again, if there is no problem, take her to the main hall to see me." Seeing that this is not like a serious talking place, Qin Heqing glanced around and stopped the person on duty today. The witch Qinchuan Mina ordered.

"Okay." Qin Chuan Mina nodded looking at Wu Geng Liuli, and said, "Come with me."

"Then I will pass first." Wu Geng Liuli saluted.

Qin Heqing waved his hand, then took the rest of the people to the main hall and sat down in the space available for people in the main hall.

Qin Heqing first talked about the content of the meeting he held at the city hall, and then arranged with a serious face, "About the census of clergy? You two will be in charge of Ami and True Sophon? The hands are brought from you. Qin clan members, don’t worry about anything? Just record it in the most true situation. Then I will let Huang Quan and Shenle follow you? Help you suppress all dissatisfaction."

"Just leave it to us."

"We promise to help you audit the number of people in all the shrines and temples in Niiza city, as well as the number of practitioners? Let them have nothing to hide!"

Qin's Yamei and Taiqin Zhenzhizi successively followed the Dao.

"Then the managerial candidates... Let's take the lead first. Tachibana Mari and Akira Mato will assist you? Hojo Tokiko as the specific executive? As for the rest of the staff, they will still follow you from Kyoto. If I don’t catch any of them, I’m trying to find a way.” said Akatsuki Mato and Tokoko Hojo, who were present at Qin and Qingchong.

As for the remaining Qin Zhizi and Tachibana Mari? Naturally, I can wait for the call to notify? I am not in a hurry.


"Finally..." Qin Heqing looked at Taihei, the royal gate of Xiatu, closed his eyes, let go, directly relying on the contract induction to find the woman who was staying in Xinza city at this time, but did not participate in the mobilization and persuasion action. Tengu? One-handed forward and scratching the emptiness, the space ripples under the gaze of others? Then it bulges, transforming into a human form? The female tengu without exposed wings was transferred by him from the hotel. In the shrine.

"This is a female tengu, just like you? It's also one of my subordinates? You know first? I'll talk about my arrangements." Qin Heqing let go of the female tengu and introduced to the others present.

"Nyotengu? Youkai?" Hojo Tokiko looked up and down the Nytengu and asked in surprise.

"Hello, I'm Taiqin Zhenzhiko, the official maiden of Heqing Shrine, please advise." Then, the petite Taiqin Zhenzhizi with a pair of big lamp holders stood up from the ground and pointed at the female tengu who also looked at others. See Li Tao.

"Hello." Seeing Qin Heqing's face, the female tengu replied.

Then it was Qin's Yamei, Tugong Shenle, Jianshan Huangquan, who had completed the initial work of understanding, and everyone calmed down again, waiting for Qin Heqing's following.

"As I said at the meeting, I want to change the spirit veins of the new city, re-establish the spirit vein circulation in the new city, and build a large defensive enchantment that can cover the entire city, so I need to know the entire city. The direction of the inner spiritual veins, the number of spiritual veins, and the branch of the spiritual veins are the attributes of the spiritual veins. So I need you and Taihei Tuyumen to perform this task together to replace me in completing the surveying and mapping of the city’s spiritual veins. Is there any problem with work?" Qin Heqing asked while looking at Nytengu and Tsuchimata Taihei.

"There is nothing wrong with me." The Tengu said indifferently.

Anyway, she is now Qin Heqing. As long as Qin Heqing doesn't do excessive things—such as destroying her whole family, she is naturally what Qin Heqing said and how she did it.

"Is it the only two of us?" Tuyumen Taihei frowned slightly after hearing the words~www.ltnovel.com~ asked.

If there are only two of them, the workload is not light...

"Later, I will let the cursed person cooperate with you." Qin Heqing responded.

"The curse forbidden road? When did you get involved with the curse forbidden road again?" Jianshan Huangquan asked in surprise.

"While you were walking around with Shenle and working as a babysitter for her, did you have a problem?" Qin Heqing squinted her eyes and asked.

"Uh...The Countermeasures Bureau didn't even bother you?" Jianshan Huangquan said in embarrassment and strangely strange.

"Given Qin Jun's current strength and influence, how dare the Countermeasures Bureau find his trouble?" Hojo Tokoko reminded with a wry smile.

"It's also." Jianshan Huangquan said suddenly.

"Are there any questions?" Qin He Qing cleared his eyes and looked at Taihei Tuyumen again.

"With their assistance, then I will be fine." Tsuchimimon Taihei said.

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