High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1323: Arrangement for 5 shifts

After talking about business matters, there are still some trivial matters-such as Tuguong Kagura, Hojo Tokiko, Domimon Taihei's next residence or lifestyle, etc., Qin Heqing sent everyone out, and afterwards I saw Yamei from Qin and Liuli from Wugeng, who had already been waiting outside the hall, but saw that Qin Heqing had something serious to deal with and didn't bother them.

"How was the result of the assessment?" Qin Heqing asked with a smile looking at Qin's Yamei, and Wu Geng Liuli, who was slightly nervous next to her.

"The basic knowledge part is fairly good. It has reached or even exceeded the level of a normal apprentice maiden. There is no problem in judging an excellent one, but in terms of rituals, especially the practice of Kagura dance, it is still quite poor, and it is basically still in the introductory stage. Wandering, so on the whole, it is at most barely reaching the level of a formal apprentice maiden, and still needs to continue to train and practice." Qin Ren Yamei did not pretend to be, rather the public and even cold-faced selfless replied.

"Has the mastery of basic knowledge reached an excellent level? That's pretty good." Qin Heqing praised.

This at least shows that Wugeng Liuli is really attentive, and hasn't relaxed things because he doesn't have his own supervision, thinking that after learning it, he will probably pass the assessment smoothly.

"I think it took a lot of time to do this, maybe even your studies have been affected."

"As long as I can step into the inner world smoothly and see the truth of the world, the worldly studies or something, it doesn't matter if I give up, I have this consciousness." Wugeng Liuli was not depressed or sad, but had a face Replied proudly and decisively.

It's true that the second-second girl is not afraid of injury. In order to realize her second-second dream, she is not even prepared to hesitate in real life.

It is no wonder that without supervision, one can make one's mastery of the basic knowledge of witches reach the excellent level of those trained witches with serious teachings.

As for what rituals, **** dances are still only wandering about in the beginning, they can also find reasons—

Why did she have no dedicated people to instruct and teach?

Without the reminder of relevant people, even if Wugeng Liuli wanted to learn the knowledge, there was not much way.

Unless, she is willing to spend money to ask people to teach.

But she is not an adult, although she has a part-time job, but the money she makes is barely enough for her pocket money, how can she fill the appetite of the witches?

This coupled with the family factor-because there are younger brothers and sisters under her, and the parents are just ordinary working-class reasons, the family's economy can be said to be relatively tight, and there is no way to provide support. In this way, there is no real return. In the matter, so I can only give up temporarily and wait for a solution later.

"In this case, you can move your family to Niiza City, then transfer to a nearby school, and then accept the formal practice of maiden rites and other theoretical knowledge at the shrine." Qin Heqing nodded his head? Wugeng Liuli suggested.

"Moving..." Wu Geng Liuli couldn't help but frowned.

It doesn’t matter if she transfers to another school or something? It’s a big deal that she has to work harder, just catch the tram? This can't stop her from pursuing spiritual practice and becoming a real witch? And she can force her parents to agree--

If you go to a public school, the cost is not much? It’s just that the procedures are slightly more troublesome and require the consent of the guardian? So even an ordinary working family like her can afford it.

But when it comes to moving...

There are many things involved-parents' work, the disposal and purchase of family real estate (house)? Or leasing, it is not as simple as transferring schools, naturally, it is also extremely difficult to convince.

And the most important thing is? She really doesn't want her family to make the family more difficult and difficult because of her willfulness.

"Can I not move it?" Wu Geng Liuli hesitated for a while? Then she asked with a panic.

"Of course." Qin Heqing smiled and said, "I am not a compulsory order. The reason why I even want your family to move to Xinzuo City collectively is because I don't want you and your family to be in danger."

"Danger? What danger?" Wu Geng Liuli asked in confusion.

"Naturally it is a threat from demons and monsters. With your observation, it should not be difficult to find that the atmosphere of the entire island nation has become weird and weird since January this year." Qin Heqing asked with a smile.

"I do feel it. And? Similar attacks by monsters and ghosts have begun to increase and become more obvious."

Especially the several shocks that Tokyo has encountered successively, and the Kamikaze team? It is even more blatant to put the threat of monsters and ghosts in front of the residents of the entire island nation, even if they don't exist.

Not to mention? Island residents themselves are very superstitious and believe in the existence of such things.

So a little bit of movement can cause an uproar and make people panic and worry.

"So I decided to establish a shielding enchantment in Xinza City? To suppress the environment of Xinza City? Separate the active monsters and monsters in Xinza City from ordinary people? And set up related combat teams to clean up all the roads in the city. Goblin! In other words, under my arrangement, Xinza City will become the safest city in the entire island nation. In addition to your spiritual needs, I propose to hope that your whole family can move to the new city. Not only can you practice peace of mind, but also ensure the safety of your family." Qin Heqing explained.

"As for the housing problem after you move here...I can also take the initiative to lease the house to you at a price slightly lower than the market price, or even sell it to you, so you only need to guarantee your parents' future work problems. "

And it’s actually not too hard to find work or something...

For example, the North District next to it needs a large number of skilled workers and service personnel of various industries to fill ~www.ltnovel.com~ which is very suitable for the parents of Wugeng Liuli to take over and get started smoothly to stabilize the economy at home.

"I will think about it carefully." Wu Geng Liuli pondered for a moment, nodded in response.

"That's okay, so be it. Yamei, register her name on the shrine's roster, and then you will take her to an official maiden work internship." Qin Heqing stopped talking nonsense when he saw this, and rushed to the Qin people aside Yamei said.

Anyway, the time has entered March. When the island country’s high school, or the day when all the students of the island country’s primary, secondary and junior high schools have spring break, they just have time to stay at the shrine for all-weather serious study and practice, or else there will be no time for Wujing Liuli. Run to him at this time to show his face.

"No problem, right?" Qin and Qing asked.


"I'm fine." Wu Geng Liuli quickly agreed.

Then Qin Heqing sent the two of them and arranged some other things on the side of the shrine. Only then did they get up, took Akatsuki and Nyotengu to leave the shrine, and hurried back to their home.

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