High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1324: Small talk

"Speaking of it, after such a long time, Ehuang and Nyuying should have succeeded, right?" At the home of Xinzashi, Qin Heqing sat on the sofa holding Machiaki who was in his arms, and grabbed her on her leg. Playing with silk stockings as elastic bands, he asked Aykawa and Chang'e who were released by him.

"Haven't they contacted you?"

"No." Ayukawa shook his head.

It's not that Ehuang Nuying doesn't have Qin Heqing's mobile phone number, and he hasn't even contacted his master, so how could she contact her as a follower.

"Could it be that something is in trouble?" Qin Heqing frowned.

"Should I go over and see?" Ayukawa hesitated.

"If the two of them are really in trouble, it may not be of any use if you are in the past." Qin Heqing vetoed, shaking his head.

Ehuang and Nyuying were not given for nothing. Even if they did not integrate the sovereignty of Xiangshui to become Xiangjun and Madame Xiang, they are also rare in the world in terms of combat effectiveness. If they are one-to-one, Ayukawa really doesn’t have to. Can win either of them.

Not to mention that the destination of the two people this time is still the same, and their actions are all together. The effect of the bonus is definitely one plus one far greater than two. If something goes wrong, it is estimated that besides him personally, the people under his In, it is estimated that Mart and Taibaijinxing can handle the two super-specs.

And speaking of this, Taibai Jinxing doesn't know how the progress is, whether it is enough to be able to fight...

"Are there any troubles or special incidents in the island country recently?" Qin Heqing thought for a while, and resigned himself in his arms, asking Mahamoto, who looked like he liked.

"Except for the phenomenon of mirages becoming more frequent and more serious, other aspects of the situation are still under control, so for the time being, the situation in the island country is fairly stable." I opened the notepad on my mobile phone, looked at the various intelligence information recorded on it and passed on from the Countermeasures Bureau and replied.

"Then book a ticket for me to Xiangjiang River. It just so happened that I also stopped by to take a look at the state of the fairy gods in that country." Qin Heqing did not hesitate when he heard that, and immediately ordered.

"Okay." Mahu Xiao didn't persuade him, holding his mobile phone and using the online booking system to help Qin Heqing book a flight ticket for 10 o'clock in the middle of the night, and completed the instruction.

"All right."

"What about you, what's the situation?" Qin Heqing nodded, turned to look to the side and closed his eyes to rest, and asked Chang'e, who didn't want to bring the extravagant scene in front of him to his eyes.

"Perhaps the gods on the island country have succeeded. I was not disturbed by moon reading when I met the rules of lunar. Now I have successfully mastered some of the rules of moonlight, quarter moon, half moon, and full moon. Taking down the new moon and the dirty moon will take all the moon phase rights, and then upgrade, and start to seek the life of the lunar star and the personality of the star owner, thereby eroding the authority of the lunar." Chang'e explained with a cold temperament.

"That's good." Qin Heqing nodded. "It seems that the gods of the island nation are not as bad and unsightly as they might have imagined. Their ability and mobility are still commendable."

Everyone was silent, but it was not the same as Qin Heqing, who blatantly commented and evaluated what the gods did and their abilities in broad daylight when the gods really existed.

They are not so stupid and bold yet.

"Then how long will it take you to completely master the rules of the lunar yin and become the master of the lunar yin?" Qin Heqing didn't care about the performance of several people, and asked again at the lonely, cold Chang'e.

"At the current rate, you can gain the power of the new moon in at most one week, take control of the phases of the moon in half a month, and preliminarily match the star's life within a month, and become the **** of the lunar yin. The lunar rule is basically impossible in less than two to three months. Unless you are willing to sacrifice the source of energy to help me speed up this process." Chang'e opened her eyes and looked at the real householder in her arms, a secular dude. The behaving Qin He said quietly.

Fortunately, I still knew that I had to avoid people, and did not directly expose the existence of the world in the pot, but instead used the source of power--

As the driving force for the growth of the world in the pot, the origin of everything, it really can help Chang'e accelerate the evolution, control the rules, and become the ideal Lunar Star Lord!

Just as Qin Heqing hardly used the method of consuming the origin to synthesize the real first-class Taibaijinxing.

Without the participation of the source, even if Qin Heqing had a formula, there would be no way to synthesize a qualified Taibaijinxing, at most it would be a blank character with the appearance and name of the Taibaijinxing. It's no need to say it, and it would waste Qin Heqing's resources.

"If you need it, I don't mind helping you again." Qin Heqing calmly said.

The Lunar personality is high enough and belongs to the Xingyue. If it really wants to succeed, its strength is no worse than the Taibai Xingjun who is the master of killing and disaster, and even in terms of personality, it is stronger than the Taibai Jinxing. .

So if you push Chang'e to the top, you are not at a loss!

However, the premise is that Qin Heqing has enough source to consume, and based on his current situation in the pot...

It is somewhat unsustainable.

Without him, Qin Heqing also had to ensure that his strength would not be left behind due to the source of consumption, and even lengthened the possibility of growth.

He didn't want to put himself in danger for Chang'e.

Especially when the threat of evil spirits and the threat of world destruction are so close.

Ensuring the safety of the hole cards and retreat is the first priority. After that is the possibility and assistance to solve the problem.

"Then I'm here, thank you in advance, Sir." Chang'e said politely.

Qin Heqing didn’t talk nonsense~www.ltnovel.com~ With a wave of his arm, he sent Chang'e and Ayukawa back to the world of pots, and looked up at the female tengou, “I’m leaving for these two days, and Xinzuo City will temporarily trouble you to take care of it.”

"Don't be so polite. Xinzao is not only your territory, but also the new residence of the Tengu clan under my leadership. It is reasonable and reasonable, and I will not look at my territory being harmed by other messy existence. "Nv Tengu said in a natural tone.

But she was not wrong, because in order to better use the power of the Tengu clan and monitor the dynamics of the new city, Qin Heqing did agree to the Nv Tengu, choosing a place in the city and giving it to the Nv Tengu and the Tengu clan to use. Become their new home in Xinzuo City.

"Speaking of this, have you chosen a new location for your clan?" Qin Heqing asked again after thinking about it.

"It's selected." Nv Tengu smiled.


"Pinglin Temple," the female tengu replied.

"Hey...you really will trouble me..." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly.

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