High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1326: Suifu

But Qin Heqing ignored them. A group of cats and puppy-level goods, even with the blessings of the surrounding filth, still can’t shake his spiritual protection, so Qin Heqing closed his eyes after looking at them, let go of his thoughts, and used the magic pot to create things. The connection between the object and the lord that existed with him, the immortal in the pot, perceives the whereabouts of Ehuang and Nyuying.

After all, the Xiangjiang River basin is so long and there are many river basins. The ghost knows where the Xiangjun Water Palace is, as the water **** of the Xiangjiang River. If you don’t figure it out in advance, you may have to walk a lot of wrongdoing, or even spend several days. Time may not be able to find the whereabouts of Ehuang and Nyuying.

But unexpectedly, or as expected, the evil ghosts that evolved from the resentful spirits left on the bones of animals and humans did not give up their plans to attack Qin Heqing. They explored the empty space where Ehuang and Nyuying were in Qin Heqing. He directly rolled up the filthy and evil aura of the whole river, turned into a magic dragon and rushed towards Qin Heqing.

The strong threat and terrifying breath instantly interrupted Qin Heqing's induction, causing him to escape from the state of investigation.


Following Qin Heqing's finger, a violent explosion exploded in the Xiangjiang River.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The blisters churned, and the devil dragon formed by the filthy and evil aura of the river was instantly blasted into four or five segments, and the black aura diffused, exposing those resentful spirits that were still wrapped in a large amount of evil aura.

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you just come to vote. If that's the case, then I will fulfill you!"

Having said that, Qin Heqing flashed his figure and appeared beside the evil spirits and monsters. The pressure released, shocking their spirit and will, making them unable to move, and then waved their hands to unite them with them. The surrounding river water was sent into the pot world together.

Then Qin Heqing looked around and made sure that there was no monster that could cause Yaozi to exist, and then closed his eyes again, letting out his thoughts and the power of the soul, searching and sensing the position of Ehuang and Nyuying.

And finally, not long after, I noticed the true spirit feedback from the two of them——

"found it."

Then the water escape technique unfolded, rushing to the place where the two true spirits reacted to the existence of the emperor and nvying at a speed of several kilometers per second.

And in a short while, he arrived at the place where the true spirit was.

However, what caught the eye was still a vast and muddy underwater world. The silt is as old, but there are more material wrecks like shipwrecks, some gold and silver jewelry, Song and Ming porcelains, and a lot of bones and messy modern garbage than the previous section of the river. There was no trace of the house of the gods.

Obviously, this is the same as the monsters on the island country would use barriers to hide the settlements of their clan? The Shuijun Dongfu was also hidden by some kind of power.

Therefore, Qin Heqing was not discouraged? Re-observing the hydrology and exploring the space? Using various forces to try to stimulate the reaction of the enchantment or the magic circle? Finally found positive feedback after a while. So he didn't hesitate anymore, and used the secret method of breaking the ban in the memory of Hu Zhongxian? Flashed into the barrier.


The waves were rippling, and a divine light came into Qin Heqing's eyes.

But it is even more eye-catching for him? But it is still the huge water mansion standing in the middle of the enchantment? Although it is not the splendid and magnificent mansion of a secular emperor, it is carved with beams and pillars, covering a very wide area. Just a rough judgment? There are thousands of people. The scope of ten thousand square meters? Four squares, it looks very similar to the courtyards in Beijing and the Hui-style garden architecture.

A huge plaque made of unknown materials is hung on the lintel of the Shui Mansion. Several four characters of Shui Jundong Mansion written in ancient inscriptions are inlaid on it. A little bit of gold glitters, exuding an awe-inspiring and solemn atmosphere.

However, it only lasted for a while? Then, the surface of the water house plaque was filled with a black atmosphere? The solemn and solemn feeling on the plaque suddenly disappeared, transforming into a gloomy and weird? It gave people a strong sense of evil. The impact of intuition? It even starts to affect the mind of the viewer? All kinds of evil and delirium emotions can be produced involuntarily in the heart.

"Sure enough, something went wrong with Xiangjiang Water House..."

Immediately Qin Heqing did not hesitate anymore, stepped forward, and came to the gate of the Shuishi Mansion where the nails were closed. He raised his hand to play a secret method of breaking the ban to temporarily prevent the normal operation of the door, and then stretched out his hands to push the heavy gate. Opened.

"Crack, crunch..."

Following this, the scene inside the Shui Mansion quickly caught Qin Heqing's eyes.

Just like the ancient secular and wealthy bureaucratic houses on the surface, the first thing that appeared before Qin Heqing’s eyes was a courtyard with a small area. The internal flowers and plants were prosperous. It could even be said to be too prosperous. The height of the weeds alone exceeded. Half a meter, densely packed with flowers and trees in the courtyard occupy all of the courtyard, without even a decent road.

But it was very silent, not to mention flowers, birds, and insects. Even those flowers and plants gave people a strange feeling, like a false existence rather than real flowers.

Some suspect that these games are all made of the weirdness in the water mansion, and the arranged Qin Heqing is not polite. He directly pointed out and used the Six Ding Shen method to call out the Six Ding Divine Fire that is not afraid of the water, and set it on fire with the momentum of burning the mountain. All the flowers and plants in the courtyard.


Then, empty and illusory, the strange roar of thousands of undead roars rang in the courtyard.

Large plumes of black smoke fluttered from the lit flowers and trees, gathered in the air, and turned into a weird creature with a long corolla, vine wings and sharp claws, like a bird like an eagle and a worm like hanging , Rushing towards Qin Heqing with howl.

As for Qin Heqing, he glanced at it with a faint expression, the hole of the demon refining pot opened out of thin air, and he took it in without giving the opponent the slightest chance to react.

But no new monsters appeared in the back garden, and the flowers, plants, and trees were unsurprisingly burned clean by the six divine fires, and even spread and burned the water mansion.

Naturally, Qin Heqing would not watch the Six Dings of Divine Fire extinguish everything~www.ltnovel.com~ So he used a fire control technique to gather the Six Dings of Divine Fire again, collect them in his palm, and turn them into a fireball flying around him. Following his footsteps, he walked towards the interior of the Water Mansion, which is the big house behind the courtyard.


The door was wide open, and a deserted hall was completely exposed.

The ground is paved with peculiar stones similar to marble, in addition to the existence of forbidden laws, so even after thousands of years, the place is still spotless and there is no dust.

Further in there are tables and chairs for the guests and the host, but there are very few, only six, two are on the main seat, facing the door, four are divided into two batches, along the left and right sides of the main seat Put up.

And above the main seat, that is, on the wall, there is a picture of a portrait of a two-meter long, almost the same height as a real person. A tall man wearing a Chinese wide-sleeved robe similar to Yue'er's clothing The portrait is depicted on the top, his eyes are far away, and he doesn't know what he is looking at or who he is.

"If a man is not a man, he is the legendary King Xiang (Shun)?"

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